Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Book Spotlight/GIVEAWAY: Blank: Madam Doesn't Like That


Check out the new book by Zhanna Hamilton, Blank: Madam Doesn't Like That and get ready for a wild ride from start to end. Also make sure to enter the tour wide giveaway as well for Zhanna Hamilton will be awarding a $75 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. All tour stops are found HERE and this tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Talking with author Zhanna Hamilton:

Fire off five words to describe your series: 

Dystopia. Love. Resilience. Cyberpunk rebellion.


What are you currently reading? 

I am currently reading “Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D. 

I first came across this book many years ago, but it went right over my young head. Now, I appreciate and understand the author’s wisdom.


Give us an out of context quote from your series to warm our hearts: 

“In my eyes, being against a corrupt government meant you loved the solar system more than those who complied.”


Name one song or artist that gets you fired up: 

Nicki Minaj.


Anything you have the burning desire to say?

 Some of your favorite actors or singers might already be Blank fans. To see celebrity reaction videos about The Blank Series, head over to my Instagram.


Advice for newly sparking writers in three sentences or less: 

Read everything. Good writing is rewriting. Keep going.


Which of your characters would you want to share a campfire with, and why? 

For their superhuman capabilities, I’d want Aura and Zen there. But for charm and humor, we’d need to invite Arlo.


What is next on your writerly horizon? 

“You’re Dead to Me, Cupcake” will be my next release on Wattpad, which is the 5th short story of The Blank Series. Readers can follow me on Wattpad to make sure they never miss a new installment. For the best experience, read this femme fatale science fiction series in chronological order.


GENRE:   Science Fiction

The book will be Free during the tour.

The Blank Series blurb:

A former human turned military spy bot escapes the oppressive Solar Government, leaving behind a secret that turns order into chaos. Now, she’s being hunted.

Blurb for Blank: Madam Doesn't Like That (Short Story 4 of The Blank Series):
An unexpected visit from sex bots turns into a secret mission with deadly consequences.

 Excerpt One:


There, on the grey bricks of a side street building was a graffitied image of blue hair and red lips. The first image bots see when they contract the Code. A look cloned by thousands who swore they were the real Blank.


He went somewhere in his mind, searching for a memory of her. A happy one. They all seemed sad now.


Where are you?


He looked away from the wall--but he couldn’t escape her. The farther they went, the more propaganda popped up. Painted on windows. Wrapped around poles. Scribbled on sidewalks.




Zen met his eyes in the rearview mirror.


“Forget her,” she said. “You’re parallel lines now.”


He wanted to forget. To leave her behind as anonymous wall art.




 About the Author

Zhanna Hamilton is a science fiction writer and the creator of The Blank Series. In May 2019, she released the first installment of the scifi series on Wattpad, “Blank: Begin Again,” which has been named in the top 100 list of femme fatale stories and chosen as an “Undiscovered Stories” Wattpad Pick on the independent storytelling platform--home to 90 million readers worldwide. Readers and future readers can follow Hamilton on Twitter at  


Read “Blank: Begin Again (Short Story 1 of The Blank Series)” on Wattpad:


Read “Blank: Where Do Machines Go When They Die? (Short Story 2 of The Blank Series)” on Wattpad:


Read “Blank: You Heard Me (Short Story 3 of The Blank Series)” on Wattpad:


Read “Blank: Madam Doesn’t Like That (Short Story 4 of The Blank Series)” on Wattpad:


Follow The Blank Series on Wattpad:


Follow Zhanna Hamilton on Wattpad:



Tour Wide Giveaway

Zhanna Hamilton will be awarding a $75 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Zhanna Hamilton said...

Thank you for hosting! :)

Zhanna Hamilton said...

Hi, everyone! Welcome to today's blog tour stop. I will be here all day checking comments. Make sure to enter the giveaway if you haven't yet. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Sherry said...

This book sounds like a great read.

Zhanna Hamilton said...

Thank you, Rita!

Zhanna Hamilton said...

I appreciate that, Sherry!

Zhanna Hamilton said...

I appreciate everyone for stopping by today. See you on the next blog tour stop or on Wattpad!

Rose-Marie said...

I love the author interview. This book sounds soo good! And I now want to read the book Women Who Run with Wolves, too!

Zhanna Hamilton said...

Thank you, Rose-Marie!

Tour Stop and Giveaway: The Monster Within by Marguerite Labbe

Title :  The Monster Within Author : Marguerite Labbe Publisher :   NineStar Press Release Date : 10/15/2024 Heat Level : 3 - Some Sex ...