Monday, May 23, 2016

Book Spotlight & Giveaway~ Fistful of Love

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win a $15 gift card to Amazon and an  e-copy of book . The contest closes on May 30th. The tour is sponsored by Pride Promotions.

Talking with the author, Renee Cronin

What started your interest in writing?
I’ve always wanted to write. As a childhood, I liked writing and in college, I loved to put together stories in my English class. It wasn’t until 2005, that I actually started writing. A good friend of mine had written a few books and then got published. I was inspired at that point to write the characters beating at my brain to get out. 

If zombies attacked what kind of supplies would you want?
A machete (off with their heads!) Food (because I will be holed up somewhere and I must eat) 

If you could sit down with any author dead or alive who would it be?
Nikki Giovanni – I admire her work a lot. 

Do you keep a notebook near your for when new ideas pop into your head?
No, not the smartest idea. Ideas pop in my head all the time and I rely on memory. Not a good plan! 

If you write a series do you reread your previous books before you begin the new one?
I haven’t written a series, but I plan to, so yes I definitely will be re-reading the first one. 

Is there anything you wish to say to your readers?
Thank you for your support and motivation. Thank you for making me want to keep doing what I am doing. 

For readers who haven't tried your books yet, how do you think your editor or loyal readers would describe your books?
That’s a hard one. I think they would describe it as written from the heart. Books that get across that relationships, no matter if they are same sex or heterosexual, deal with the same issues. 

I’m always looking for book recommendations. What books have you been reading? Would you recommend them?
Lately I have been reading a lot of gay (male) romance. I’m a huge fan of Lissa Reed, Kade Boehme, Santino Hassell and many more. I recently read Roan Parrish’s new release “Out of Nowhere.” A definite yes. And if you are looking to laugh, TJ Klune is your man! Two authors that I absolutely love are J.D. Mason and James Patterson. Highly recommended.
How often does your muse distract you from day to day minutiae?
Constantly! Which is why I should have a notepad near by. My muse is usually distracting me when I can’t do anything about. Mostly when I am driving, that’s a PITA!

What do readers have to look forward to in the future from you?
My first novel “Tastes Like Cherry” has a sequel coming. I need to give it a lot more time and attention, but my plan/hope is to have it released by the end of the year. The working title is “Tastes Bittersweet.”
I plan to write a sequel to Fistful of Love and maybe a novella, with Trevor and his boyfriend Marco. They are secondary characters in the book, but I love them dearly.
I have a few WIP’s that are vying for my attention as well. I’ve thought about doing an anthology of some of those stories, but only time will tell what happens with that.

Now let's check out Renee Cronin's Fistful of Love.....

Publisher: Renee Cronin
Cover Artist: Natasha Snow
Release Date: April 4, 2016

At the age of 23, social worker, Jeya Wellington was pretty much on her own. The devastating loss of her parents left her bereft and alone. Her best friend, Roman and his family have been like surrogates, but they could never replace what she lost. She needed a different connection. Shortly after losing her parents, she finds love and comfort in the arms of Rayne Watson, a correctional officer. 

Rayne was exactly what she needed at the time, but now, two years later, Jeya wants out. She never expected love to come with bruises. She didn't anticipate losing friends and living in fear. This was not her idea of true love. With the support of Roman, Jeya finds a way to leave. But Rayne isn’t letting go that easily. They made a commitment to each, and she has the tattoo to prove it - ‘Til Death Do Us Part

Torn between the love she has for Rayne and the instinct to protect herself, is Jeya’s will stronger than her vow?

Pages or Words: 46,323

Categories: Lesbian Fiction, Domestic Violence

It’s over.
Two simple words, intended to signify the end, were instead just the beginning. Jeya took a deep breath, and the pain that pierced her side served as the reminder she needed. She hit the send button. Unexpected relief instantly washed over her. “I did it. Step one. Now for step two.” Jeya placed her phone on the bed and stood up to double-check her suitcase. Going over the checklist in her mind, she felt confident that she had the essentials. A week away from home required more than she’d anticipated, but she had no intention of returning until the rainstorm had passed. Jeya took a second to acknowledge the double entendre of the word. Her girlfriend, Rayne, was definitely a hurricane. Her temper was unpredictable and left damage in its wake similar to that which Hurricane Gloria had. She knew she’d be safer at Roman’s house for the next several days.
 The lyrics to “Dangerously in Love” cursed the air. The perfect ringtone to describe her relationship. She braced herself as she walked to the bed and picked up the phone. Jeya anticipated nothing less than an explosive response from her short-tempered girlfriend.

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Meet the author:
Renee Cronin is a self-professed devour of knowledge, and a voracious reader. She began writing in earnest in 2005, when the characters in her head became so loud she was forced to tell their stories, or risk getting swept away into the abyss of her imagination. Renee has since used writing as a personal outlet to express her feelings, ideas, views, thoughts, and opinions about the world and the issues that impact her on a deep personal and societal level. (And of course writing also quiets the voices in her head of the many characters that are yearning to have their stories told.) Renee’s inspiration to publish is in large part due to the overwhelming display of encouragement, and support from family and friends, who believe she has a gift with words that need to be shared with world. Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, she works in the social work field avidly advocating and supporting the varied needs of the people in her community. Renee is a bibliophile with a transcendent love for words. Her soul yearns for the acoustic stylings from a plethora of musical genres. As she continues on this journey of published author she hopes to keep her readers captivated and pining for more.

Where to find the author:

Twitter: @reneecronin78

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