Thursday, April 5, 2012

Welcome Denyse Bridger Today

So, to celebrate the release of Warrior Mine: Retributions – I got brave and sat down with the warriors themselves for a short interview. They permitted a handful of questions, and answered as graciously as patience would allow, so here we go. Asher Elliot and Angelique Devereaux.

Where do you see yourself in six months?

Asher replies first: He thinks for a minute, then answers honestly. “I never think that far ahead my past has taught me to never make plans for a future to live in the moment.”
Angelique looks over at him, clearly adoring him: “Time is something with little to no meaning when you have walked the world for three thousand years. Six months from now will be like the blink of an eye, and I hope I will still be looking at Asher.”

Question for each warrior: given Asher's clear superiority (for now) with modern weapons, does that give him an edge?

He smiles. “Not at all. Sometimes it's better to do it old school like she does.”
Angelique laughs, and moves closer to him where they’re seated on a couch. “He is teaching me to appreciate modern weaponry.”

What drew you to her/him?

Angelique considers this question, and Asher remains silent. Finally she replies, “His passion. It defines all he does, in small ways and in matters of greater importance. He looked at me, saw a killer, but allowed himself to love me in spite of it. I was drawn to him because he is the most honest male I have ever known. And he is not afraid of what I am.”

Do you prefer to kill together, or work separately?

He frowns. “I prefer to work alone. No male wants his female in the mix. But the times we have been put together the sex was more intense so that is a fifty-fifty.”

Asher - her past is the stuff of legend, how do you feel about it? What do you see when you look at her?

He’s getting irritated now, but responds a bit tersely. “I don't think of her past as legend, I see it as torture. And what I see is beauty and strength.”

Angelique - his past has included a family, how do you feel about that? What do you see when you look at him?

“I regret the pain it has given him to lose what should never have been taken from him. I mourn for his losses because they are part of him.” She looked at him and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “What I see when I look at him is my hope, and the best part of what makes me who I am now.”

What do you love most about each other? Hate most?

He looks at her and smiles, the expression warm. “There are many things about her to love. Hate? I do not hate anything about her.”

“I simply love him, and hate is reserved for those who deserve it. Never for Asher.”

I can tell by the tone the interview has ended, but there you have a glimpse of these two who are typical in their love for each other, but it’s probably the only thing typical about them. I made my escape quickly.


Angelique Devereaux is a dark legend, once a Chosen Warrior of god, she betrayed her oaths to love one who was forbidden. Cast out, cursed and scarred, she continues her battle alone. Until a soul as tortured as her own stumbles across her path. Asher Elliot is lost in his own darkness when he first sees the tall warrior known to legend simply as The Slayer. Tortured by the deaths of his wife and children, this grieving warrior is nonetheless drawn to the timeless, cold being he witnesses at work. Like him, she deals in death and her justice is swift, sometimes messy, but always final. He follows her, watching, growing ever more captivated by her, until finally he must reach out to claim what his reawakened heart wants most…

AVAILABLE from XoXo Publishing™


Jenny Zimmerman said...

Thank you for the awesome Character interview!! I sure enjoyed reading it and I send Love and Huggles

Denysé Bridger said...

Thank you, Jenny!! The Warriors have more tales to tell, and they'll be coming very soon!

Hugs and love to you, as well.
Denyse, Asher, and Angie.... ;)

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