Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why I love M/M Stories

I heart MM Books

I have an addiction. There I said it. I can fully reveal I am enthralled with MM Books to the degree where I am now buying them in print instead of just e-book.

I love reading and lately I am finding lots of great books in the MM genre. Lots of new authors to explore plus so many stories to choose from, it’s a wonder I ever get any work done at my day job.

My honey says I have a fetish for this type of book. Who doesn’t like seeing two (or more) hot sexy guys go at it? I know, for me, that is one of life’s littlest pleasures. J Granted I am a straight woman in a loving relationship, there is something about MM books that leaves me wanting more…to read I mean. Get your mind out of the gutter, people. *grins*

I have gradually found so many wonderful GBLT authors to enjoy it’s hard for me keep up with them all. Sue Brown, Josh Lanyon, Lee Brazil, Andrew Grey, and many more are on my e-reader or on my flash drive file for MM books. I can’t pin point when I fell in love with this type of book but I know that, gradually, I have found my reading tastes have leaned further this way than a mix of MF stories that I normally have. I think this is because so many of my favorite authors are having books that appeal to me in some way-be it the genre crossing, emotional storylines or some intriguing characters that steal my heart.

I can’t help this addiction. It’s a compulsion I don’t want to end. There are too many wonderful authors I need to read and explore. Now if only I could find the time to read them all….*sighs*

Dawn Roberto is the owner of the LR Café yahoo loop and enjoys a good book or two on her downtime, what little there is? Dawn enjoys giving support to all authors-GBLT or not-the chance to get their books out to readers and enjoys pimping her favorites to friends. J

You can find her at the following places:
Dawn’s Reading Nook Blog:


S.Lira said...

I love reading them and writing them Dawn. I couldn't agree more! :D

Jeanne Guzman said...

Looks like I need to take a look at these books. LOL. I love reading, as long as there's a story that grabs my attention, I wouldn't care if it was MM, FF, or any other combination. The story is what counts.

Pauline Allan said...

I also love to read and write the MM genre. It has exploded in popularity! There are so many talented writers out there for these types of stories it's hard to fit all the books in to my schedule.

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