Thursday, October 10, 2024

Guest Author Day with Laurie M. Baird: Beyond Courage Anthology & #Giveaway


Hi reader! Romance author, Laura M. Baird here, excited to be featured on Dawn’s blog.

Today I’m talking about military romance; specifically, my military romance, Surrender to Forever, in the Beyond Courage limited edition collection. This anthology consists of stories from award winning and bestselling authors, headed by Stephanie Morris.


Military romance holds a special place in my heart since hubby and I are US Army veterans. And while our service was limited, and neither of us faced hardship (as many do), we’re proud of our time and accomplishments.


We met in Savannah, GA at Hunter Army Airfield in the late 80s: my husband, a diesel mechanic, and I, an electronic maintenance personnel. My dream was to fly helicopters, but the recruiter wasn’t about to tell me I’d never make the height and reach requirements then with me being only five feet in height. But, he could get me on a flightline. And he did. Between Savannah and tours in Honduras, I worked on equipment that went into fixed-wing aircraft as well as what we called a repeater site – a lovely wooden cabin on top of a mountain. I loved it!


My service experience was fundamental to the person I am today; learning discipline and commitment and awareness and sacrifice.


Many writers take much of their life’s experiences and weave them into their stories, and I’m no exception. While I don’t base a character solely on me or another person I know, there are definitely traits from many, molded into who I hope will be a relatable character in some aspect.


In my story, Surrender to Forever, my heroine is an independent, badass who follows her dreams no matter the circumstances or demands of others. Sometimes, in spite of others. Janelle sets out to prove women are more than a pretty face. She enjoys competition no matter the venue and always strives to be the best. She loves wearing snarky t-shirts that express her personality. This is, in fact, something I enjoy as well. Sayings like: Apparently I have an attitude; Fueled by coffee and chaos; Feed me tacos and tell me I’m pretty. And those are just a few. She’s rarely in anything other than jeans and tees.


My hero is a good ol’ American boy, raised in the mountains of Idaho. Kurt’s an only child but always wanted siblings. His parents were blue-collar workers he respected. He too can usually be found in jeans and tees (patriotic ones); even in the oppressive heat of Texas where he meets Janelle. He brings the emotion to the relationship, teaching Janelle tenderness and the ability to shift focus without sacrificing the end game.

These two go through a very emotional journey, but like in all romance, they achieve their well-earned satisfying ending (HFN). Well, truth be told, it won’t be the end as they’ll no doubt make a reappearance in future installments of my continuing military romance series.

Being a part of this anthology as well as upcoming collections is an honor to be among spectacular authors. It gives me the opportunity to grow as a writer and hopefully expand my readership. I want readers to engage and relate or simply lose themselves in a story that moves them.


Enjoy an excerpt below and be sure to enter the giveaway. If you’re new to me and my stories, you can visit my website, sign up for my newsletter, and receive volume 1 of my Military Romance Collection for free.

Many thanks for taking the time to be here. And to Dawn for all she does in the author/reader community!




Laura M. Baird grew up on the East Coast and migrated to the West Coast where she’s recently retired from dental hygiene after twenty-four years. She’s now able to devote more time to family (which includes three adorable grands!) as well as writing.


Published since 2017, she’s honored to have become an award winning and best selling author with nearly forty romances. Readers can find her across much of social media, drinking iced coffee and Diet Dr. Pepper all year round. When not writing or reading, she and hubby are dreaming about future adventures which includes RVing around the US and a trip to Scotland.


Excerpt from Surrender to Forever ~ part of the Beyond Courage collection:



“Want assistance?”


Although it sounds sincere, especially since he used want, and not snarky with the use of need, like the first three times I’ve been asked, frustration at that repeated question either makes me want to scream or turn the guy into my pack mule. Instead, I raise my head, ready to tell him to politely fuck off.


Only I’m stunned into silence when I stare into Seaman Stanley’s light blue eyes. Now that he’s front and center in my vision, I have the opportunity to see it’s truly the most appealing face I’ve ever laid eyes on. His entire aura inexplicably makes me warm and gooey inside like a fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookie. You know, because they’re the best cookies in the world.


“Janelle, right?” Mr. Hometown Goodness asks as I continue to remain mute. “I, uh, I don’t want to assume you can’t handle that load, but it looks cumbersome.” His eyes shift to the massive stack of books I’m currently juggling in my arms before staring back at me. I’m then drawn to the crooked smile lifting one corner of his lips, and I can’t help but mimic the move.


Of course, I’ve seen him in classes and know his name is Kurt, er Seaman Stanley. I just hadn’t paid him, or many others for that matter, close attention. Selfish? Probably. Self-centered? Maybe. Studies come first. There will come a time when a study group is needed and hands-on, practical training forces us to work together, but otherwise it’s basically every student for themselves.


We’re barely a few weeks into Hospital Corps “A” School training in San Antonio and the pace is demanding. But I can’t and won’t complain because this is exactly where I want to be. Well, at this very minute, I’d give anything to be able to teleport back to my quarters instead of trying to negotiate campus in the July heat with my arms overflowing with books.


“Seaman Stone?” Kurt says, lifting a brow as his gaze toggles from me to the books then back again.


“Uh, yeah, help would be appreciated, thanks.” 


He nods and starts to relieve me of several books, easily stacking them on an arm so they lay against his chest. And an impressive chest it is, I think to myself as I can’t stop staring. My gaze lands on the identification badge above his right breast pocket. How did I forget he was the student leader in our class? I need to focus, I chastise myself. But it’s definitely a challenge with his imposing form. He’s easily half a foot taller than me and twice as broad. I suddenly imagine his muscular arms wrapping around me, cocooning me in a strong, protective embrace.


“A little light reading, I take it?” 


His question snaps me back to reality as I wonder where the hell that image came from. I don’t need any embraces from any man, especially one who could no doubt charm the panties off every female within a hundred-mile radius. Or more likely the entire state of Texas.


Realizing I hadn’t answered his rhetorical question, I shake my head and chuckle. “Hardly, as you well know. Just thought I'd get a jump on things.”


Now it’s his turn to chuckle which instantly makes my insides even gooier.


Stop. It.


“Looks like you’re getting more than a jump. Looks like you’ve already moved beyond Corps training and headed right into med school.”


“That’s the plan. Eventually.”




I nod. “Um, say, can we move out of this heat? I’m ready to melt. Hadn’t really planned to grab all these, hence thinking I wouldn’t need to bring a bag to put them in.”


“But you couldn’t resist.”


I laugh. “No, I couldn’t. I’m surprised the librarian let me take them all.”


We start walking side by side, heading toward the barracks. “Don’t think there’s a limit on reference materials you can check out.” Kurt, er Seaman Stanley eyes the remaining books in my arms. “Threw in some fiction, I see?” 


Even in the oppressive heat, I feel my cheeks flare with even more warmth and a touch of embarrassment because the bare-chested man cover on the top book leaves no doubt as to what kind of fiction I’ll be reading.


“Nothing wrong with that,” he continues. “Can’t be all study, all the time. I’m into Lee Child’s Reacher novels, myself.”


“Did you watch the movies or the series?”



“Nah, although it’s hard to escape previews or snippets around the web. Wrong casting in the movie, in my opinion.”


“Which seems to be the popular opinion from what I remember reading.”


“Yeah,” he chuckles. “As for the series, that guy is more the Reacher character.”


“But you’re still not tempted to watch,” I state rather than question.


“Nope. I’d rather get lost in the book.”


I smile. “I concur.”


We continue across campus, finding no relief from the unrelenting sun. I feel sweat trickling down my temples, not to mention all the lovely crooks and crannies hidden beneath my fatigues. I glance up at Kurt who seems utterly unaffected by the heat. He looks pristine, as if he’d just showered and dressed, ready for the day.


A few more steps has us approaching my barracks, but as we round the corner, I suddenly find myself plastered against Kurt’s side with my back pressed against a wall. Apologies sound off and I hear shuffling as several pairs of boots recede into the distance.


“You okay?” Kurt’s voice rumbles through me and I lift my head to stare up at him.


“Uh, yeah. Good reflexes there. Even managed to hang onto all the books.” He chuckles while stepping back, allowing me to move. “What the heck happened? And how did you know to react so quickly?”


“Just a few students rushing around.” He shrugs. “I heard their footsteps, wasn’t sure how close they were.”


“Pretty close,” I chuckle. “Thanks, by the way. Glad I didn’t end up on my donkey.”


He laughs. “You’re very welcome. Happy to protect your donkey.”


I snort while looking around then nod my head toward the entrance. “Coast is clear.” I start for the door with him trailing behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I say, “I’ll announce you if you don’t mind carrying those up to my room.”


“Oh, sure. That’s if you don’t mind.”


“Hell no, I’ll take advantage of you.” Realizing how that sounded, I quickly add, “I mean, advantage of your help.” He chuckles softly while I mutter, shit.


“Hey, I knew what you meant.” As we stop at the door, he leans in close and whispers, “Just for the record, you can take advantage of me anytime.” 


We lock eyes and for once, I’m speechless; unable to decide if he’s joking or hitting on me. And unable to decide which I want it to be.


He straightens as his face becomes too serious. “My apologies, that was inappropriate. I’ll just deposit the books inside.” When he starts to turn, I can’t stop myself from blurting out.


“No, wait. I mean, come inside.”


“You’re sure?”




He nods and manages to open the door, allowing me to slip inside first.

“Male on the floor!” I yell, alerting any female residents within earshot.


“Impressive set of lungs, Seaman Stone.”


“Thanks.” I give him a cheesy grin.


Beyond Courage can be ordered through the following link:


Laura’s Links:




Enter for a chance to win a $20- Amazon gift card. (Laura Baird will contact the randomly drawn winner for their Amazon account email and award the GC.)

{If the giveaway could consist of choosing to follow each author within the collection; each follow is an entry. Here are their Amazon links.}


Stephanie Morris:


Sharon Wray:


Lacey Kendrick:


Blye Donovan:


Alessa Kelly:


Tracy Brody:


Alicia Justice:


Ella Braeme:


Laura M. Baird:


Amanda Zook:


Ali Rivers:


Nancy Chastain:


Britt Jones:


Kristy Gibs:

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