Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Book Spotlight/Giveaway: The Silvery Path


Check out The Silvery Path by Dennis Scheel today and make sure to enter the tour wide giveaway as the author is giving away  a $15 Amazon or BN Gift Card to one lucky person. This tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions and you can find all the tour stops HERE. Make sure to comment on other posts during the tour for more chances toward winning the contest. 

Talking with author Dennis Scheel about The Silvery Path

Tell us about your latest book, who are the main character’s and what can we expect when we pick it up?

Denida is the MC. He is fighting a battle against time, trying to prevent Henna’s manipulation, while still trying to get through to the Devil before the world is annihilated.

Do you come up with the hook first, or do you create characters first and then dig through until you find a hook?

Mostly the characters. I write it while taking the characters on the journey, not having more than a baseline of the plot laid out when I first begin.

Which of your own characters would you like to have lunch with?

Henna. Villains are always the most fun!

Tell us about what you are reading at the moment or anticipate reading in the future? Any favorite authors you enjoy reading in your spare time?

I am currently reading over a book that another would-be author is working on.

Which of your own books would you like to live in?

Rejecting Destiny, specifically in Henna’s world, when the Universe starting to take shape.

What do you do when you have free time?

When I have free time? Away from writing, you mean? Lol

I love watching movies, playing games, enjoying beautiful nature, or tire my cat out when he needs to be played with, so that I can be ‘allowed’ to write again, without a cat sleeping on the keyboard.

How do you approach character development in your stories? Do you have any specific techniques or methods that you find particularly effective?

I once received some thought-provoking advice: Ask your character if that is something they would do!

What do you believe sets your writing apart from others in your genre, and why should readers choose to read your books?

It came from ideas I had since I was kid, which I finally wrote down.

How I usually describe it is, “take everything you know about the world and the universe, toss it into a bowl, shake it around, see what comes out, and you have my ideas.”

Can you discuss any upcoming projects or books that you're currently working on? What can readers expect from your future works?

I can! My next book will be a new Paranormal/ Science Fiction story about former Martians hiding on Earth to avoid a threat that destroyed their world. Their situation becomes complicated when a girl, who can feel that there’s something off about them shows up, getting far more than she bargained for.



Dennis Scheel

GENRE:  Fantasy, Science Fiction

Available on Amazon

 Will it end in peace or a silvery dose of fate? 

Henna’s manipulation knows no bounds,

Denida is still the object of her prophecy, while Lucifer, God, and Gabriel remain in her sights. 

Having seen her son, Nina is more determined than ever to bring him back from Henna’s world of dead souls. Meanwhile, the Darkness runs rampant across the Underworlds and on Earth as Lucifer’s grief over Heavani’s death overwhelms him. 

Everyone has their own goals and ends, but one thing is inescapable: the bright silvery path that Henna willed. 

Can these characters escape destiny’s hold on them, or will they become pawns in Henna’s quest for revenge?


Excerpt Two:


The Colonel sat in front of a cluster of seven monitors, which displayed live feeds from robots across the Underworlds. Naphtali spoke to the Colonel from World Eight’s feed.


“Things will be different with Dan in charge, won’t it?” Naphtali asked.


The Colonel shrugged. “I sure hope not. Denida left him in charge, so it shouldn’t be that bad. Thankfully, we don’t have any demons running amuck anymore.”


“Yeah, everything’s better, now.” Naphtali smiled widely.


“I wonder…” The Colonel scratched his head. “- if this ‘war’ of Lucifer’s will change that.”


Naphtali’s smile froze. “War?”


“The one against Heaven.”


Naphtali gasped. “Lucifer wants war with Heaven? I thought God and Lucifer would always just have a private power struggle between themselves.”


Why does it matter?


“Beep,” a monitor a few screens away flicked on.


The Colonel tilted his head. Earth? “Just a sec, Naphtali.” He approached the monitor.


“Is anyone there? Demons are attacking us!” a soldier stared in the camera with wide, bloodshot eyes, as a demon tackled him, terminating the feed.


How can demons be on Earth? The Colonel wiped a bead of sweat on the back of his neck.


“John!” Naphtali hollered.


The Colonel blinked out of his daze and hurried back to World Eight’s feed.


Naphtali sat hunched over at the monitor, drenched in blood.


“What happened to you?”


“Demons,” Naphtali murmured. “Inform Denida.”


The Colonel nodded. “Are you okay to get cleaned up and-”


Naphtali spun around to a scuffle. A pair of demons slammed him into the feed, cutting the signal.


“Naphtali!” The Colonel punched the keys and shook the monitor. “Work, dammit!” After a few minutes of his eyes growing wide with concern, he jumped up and ran out, sprinting though the offices, eventually slamming through a door. “Dan!”


“What is it, now?” Dan put laid his pen on his desk and frowned.


“Demons… Naphtali needs our assistance. It’s not just Earth.”


“Naph…” Dan leaned back in his chair with a pensive expression.


“On World Eight, the former demon,” the Colonel reminded Dan.


Dan lit up, but bit his lip with concern. “Why are there demons in the Underworlds? I thought Denida ended that invasion.”


“Lucifer threw Denida out of Hell. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Denida’s deal, anymore.”


a Rafflecopter giveaway


AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

Wring about myself… oh, the horror! 

As a Christmas Child, I believe magic is everywhere, especially during the winter, and I try to weave that magic into my stories. After all, my firm belief in karma and destiny has shaped who I am, so it should guide my stories, as well. 

I was born and raised in Denmark, but faced many challenges during my life, one of which was my inability to write my stories in Danish! I’ve had my stories brewing in my head since I was a child and struggled for years to express them properly. After recovering from a diabetic attack that left me hospitalized, I managed to find my writer’s voice in English, and am thrilled to now have the ability to share my tales with you. 


The Silvery Path:


Threads/ IG @denscheel


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting!

traciem said...

What inspired the main plot of this book?

Sherry said...

Sounds like a good read.

Dennis Scheel said...

Thanks for the hosting.

Dennis Scheel said...

Sherry; as a kid, I had these ideas for stories. This, or the original idea, was one I had as a teenager. The final result turned out a little different, though.

Michael Law said...

This looks like an awesome novel. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.

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