Thursday, June 17, 2021

Book Spotlight & Giveaway: Hell Raising and Other Pastimes


Check out the new book from author Jayce Carter, Hell Raising and Other Pastimes. Don't forget to enter the tour wide giveaway and check out all the stops as well HERE. This tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Chatting with author Jayce Carter

1) What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

Editing. Hands down, my least favorite part of writing is editing. I am someone driven by the novel, by the exciting, and editing bores me. It is going over a story I’ve already reached the end of, a story my brain tells me we’re done with. I do a number of things to help me not be so negative, to keep editing as normal a part of my day as brushing my teeth, but it is the hardest part for me to sit down and actually do.

2) How many books have you written and which is your favorite?

I’ve had had contracted nine novels and eight novellas. My favorite is hard to pick! Owned by the Alphas was my first novel, which means it is special to me. It was when I first learned what it was to be an author, when I got that yes in my email telling me a publisher was willing to take the chance on me. However, my new books, Grave Robbing and Other Hobbies is probably my favorite so far. Being able to focus on one main character through a series has let me delve more into her character, which I’d loved. It also gives me three books of time to develop the relationships, to show them grow and chance!

3) If you were to write a spin-off about a side character, which would you pick?

Lucifer. I actually have some plans to write a spin-off for him! When I wrote Hell Raising and Other Pastimes, I just fell in love with him. What can I say? I love me a bad boy with a tragic past.

I was tempted by Gran as well, because I find her so interesting. She’s such a mystery, and I feel like seeing where she has come from, getting to see deeper into who and what she is would be a lot of fun.

4) What is your schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I am a hard worker when it comes to writing. I wake up early every day, starting my day at 5am. I work on a number of things until the afternoon, and I often try to write around 5k words. However, when I push, I often do closer to 10k words a day, which allows me to finish a novel in just over a week. I like working like this when possible, because I feel like the more time that drags out, the harder it is for me to remain engaged and focused on the work.

Of course, my day is also broken up because I have two kids in distanced learning who need help, a husband who also works from him, and a puppy who all require my attention. So even if I work for eight hours, it is often broken up by distractions.

GENRE: Paranormal Erotic Romance



Lots of people have told me to go to hell—I guess they finally got their wish.


I’ve finally accepted the fact I might not be entirely human, so you’d think life could give me a minute. Instead, I find myself sucked into hell at Lucifer’s demand, and I realize death is even more complicated than my life was.


I’m still searching for how to stop the missing spirits before it’s too late, and with no suspects other than Lucifer, I have to survive hell—where everything wants to kill me—so I can confront the devil himself. Not even my love life can be simple, though. Troy is terrified of his werewolf side hurting me, Kase and Grant are lying to me, and Hunter is keeping his own secrets. I know better than to trust anyone, especially the men who have taken over my life.


Get to Lucifer’s Court, find out the truth about the missing spirits, figure out exactly what I am, and try not to die along the way. Oh, and don’t fall in love with the men who will for sure break my heart and possibly get me killed.


Easy enough, right?


Excerpt Two:


I moved my fingers down over Kase’s wrist to touch his hand, to where I could brush his actual skin.


The moment it happened, however, the room spun again.


When the breath rushed from my lungs, I realized it wasn’t the room spinning this time but me.


I found Kase’s face above me, his lips peeled back to expose his fangs, his eyes glowing red.


All those times I’d though he looked scary before were nothing. I’d never seen this face. The idea he was older than Colter didn’t seem so crazy anymore.


If his face wasn’t enough, the hand I’d just touched was wrapped around my throat.


He could have snapped my neck right then, ended me without a second thought. It was a reminder of just how out-powered I was by these supernaturals. I had started to feel myself, to think I could stand toe-to-toe with them, especially after shoving that shadow from Troy, but in that moment Kase showed me how wrong I was. 

Buy Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jayce Carter lives in Southern California with her husband and two spawns. She originally wanted to take over the world but realized that would require wearing pants. This led her to choosing writing, a completely pants-free occupation. She has a fear of heights yet rock climbs for fun and enjoys making up excuses for not going out and socializing.








Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Sue G. said...

Boy are you a fast writer! Do you write 7 days a week or take your weekends off?

Rita Wray said...

I liked the excerpt, thank you.

Glenda said...

I enjoyed the excerpt! (Only it is too short! ;-) )

pippirose said...

The book sounds very intriguing. Thanks for the great excerpt!

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