Monday, February 26, 2018

Blog Tour and Giveaway~ Kiss of the Winter Moon

Kiss of the Winter Moon
(Sakana Series, Bk #1)
by Amanda LeMay

I had a life plan: Get out of San Francisco. Go home. Start my new job.

I wanted to get on with my life. Howl at the moon. Let my wolf side run wild and free.

But when I stopped in Comfort, Texas, to spend a quiet 2-week vacation with family, all of my best-laid plans came to a screeching halt.

I didn’t plan for Dain Louvel. Okay, so maybe I’d secretly hoped to see him, again, but I didn’t expect all those feelings I’d felt for him before to come rushing back and blindside me. I'd moved on. Or so I thought.

The problem is, I didn’t plan on the sakana bond, that rare and precious bond between mates, to connect our minds, bodies, and souls.

I also hadn't planned on fighting for my life.

But, yeah, stuff happens in Comfort, Texas. I really should've planned better.

Available for purchase at


Excerpts for Kiss of the Winter Moon
copyright © 2018 Amanda LeMay

And then, he was there. In the kitchen. Like the most vivid dream I’d ever had.
“How am I supposed to study with this smell invading…”
Deep, husky, and sexy as hell, the sound of his voice sent little electric shocks through my brain and all the corresponding parts of my body that made me a female of the species. I couldn’t do anything but stare while his huge, shirtless chest expanded on a deep breath.
His head turned slowly my way until his cherry-wood eyes locked on mine.
“Jessy…” It came out as a whisper.
There I sat with a milk moustache and a mouth full of meatloaf sandwich.
I couldn’t have spoken even if I hadn’t had a mouthful of food. I looked him up and down, took in every glorious inch of him, and because I couldn’t help myself, I did it again.
Oh. Sweet. Heavens.
His mouth curved into a smile. Deep dimples appeared on his cheeks.
I think I smiled back.
I might have blacked out a little, too.
“Hey.” He cleared his throat like he wanted to say something else and I was so hoping he would because I had lost the ability to speak. “Jess.”
Say “hey”. Say something—say anything—just open your mouth, dammit!
A deep pink blush crept up his neck and covered his gorgeous face. In the next second, he had a plate in his hand and disappeared from the kitchen. The last I saw of him was a thick, long, shiny, black ponytail that seemed to split his wide shoulders in two as it hung down past the waistband of his low-riding, completely ass-hugging, faded jeans.
My dad chuckled. “We didn’t tell him. Thought it would be a nice surprise.”
I opened my mouth to reply. Nothing came out.
I stared at the empty doorway. At the food between my trembling hands. A shuddering breath went through me. The gooseflesh that sprang up made my skin tighten and tingle. I tingled pretty good in a few hidden places, too. Dain’s presence in the room for those few brief seconds made my twitchy, jelly-like, overused muscles tense up while my insides seemed to go all hot and melty.
The sound of my name on his lips echoed through my brain on a crazy endless loop.
And it was perfect.

Copyright © 2018Amanda LeMay

About The Author

New indie author, Amanda LeMay writes paranormal romance full of dark, sexy wolf shifters who share a special bond with their mates: the sakana bond. When Amanda is not writing, (or thinking about writing, or characters, or dialogue, or world building), she is working on any number of crafts, but most likely, lost inside a wonderful world built by one of her favorite authors.

Amanda lives with her husband and two grumpy old cats in Southern California. She plots most of her novels while walking, or driving, or while on long Texas beach vacations sitting outside listening to the waves. Her first novel, Kiss of the Winter Moon, is set to release on February 20, 2018. 

Connect with Amanda at


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