Monday, February 26, 2018

Cover Reveal for Cut Short #CutShortCoverReveal

Cut Short by Julia Wolf
Available March 22nd
Of all the towns and salons he could have walked into, he had to walk into hers...
Rachel Sachs finally has her life together— almost. She owns a salon in the town she's always loved, dances the Running Man like nobody's business, has regular wine nights with her girls, and does really good hair.
After a trail of failed Tinder hook-ups, she's finally ready for something real...
Until she sees Joe Silver— the object of her high school obsession and the breaker of her young heart. That might be a little too real.
Fourteen years ago, Rachel ghosted when Joe made it clear she'd never have him. But now? He's not letting her get away. And soon they're right back to where they started, only instead of the all night instant messaging they did in high school, they're blowing up each other's phones with texts.
Rachel wants nothing more than to savor the slow, delicious burn of falling for Joe Silver again, but can she trust that what they're building is the real she's looking for? Or will history repeat itself and leave her with another broken heart?
Release Blitz with ARC sign up 
Author Links
This cover reveal was hosted by Lexis Infinitum PR
#CutShortCoverReveal #LexisInfinitumPr

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