Thursday, September 22, 2016


We have been re-vamping a book we've written eons ago and given it a more supernatural, evil bent and wanted to share...



From a secluded distance, Eloa spotted Tabris in the spiral core of the Aether. He appeared to be at rest, though their species didn’t require rest. However, so oft they imitated humans. Was it because God created the human race in His likeness? Or was it because God brought them forth as His children, His companions? Eloa knew not those answers. She only realized her soul’s fatigue, and her need to rest within the bosom of Tabris’ love.

She came upon him abruptly, no greetings, no semblance of transition, just the continuation of dialogue as if the last syllable had been uttered a moment before. “There are isolated places on earth where we can hide from all, and be as one. Live out our Earthly days and nights, experiencing all pleasures,” she said softly, alerting him to her presence. “We will know the veracity of love both physical and emotional. We will be happy together. You know this, feel this, do you not?”

He didn’t act startled. Instead, he rose, offered a courtly bow with all the respect and honor he fostered for her. Moving toward the lovely wispy form, he inhaled the angelic fragrance that was uniquely her own. “I know but this is not a trivial decision, sweet Eloa.”

Allowing her form to touch the embodiment of Tabris, a small smile emerged, suggesting she was wearing through his tenacious armor, for he had never used an endearment before. “Make haste, my Love, for the battles are coming more and more swiftly and I wish to be free of it all. Moreso, I wish to be with you. We have given so much, none would begrudge us our time together.”

The two entities drew closer, hands entwining as they stared through eyes into souls, as lips seduced to near touching as if seeking to steal breath despite knowing neither had breath to share.

“I wish it were not this difficult, that I could free myself easily from my convictions and devotion and duty.”

“If it were easy, it would not be special. We are special. What we have is special. Come let us go now, while the urgency to be together has such potency.”

He tightened their handhold, nearly found the reality of a kiss as his mouth almost fastened upon hers. It would have been an answer, but he suddenly wrenched himself away. “You tempt me so, Eloa, but I cannot see clearly with you so close. The decision needs more time”

“You had from time’s birth. Waste no more of it, my good and dear Tabris. Waste no more.”

He said nothing, torn between the need to be with her and the duty that has been the core of his existence.

Her form seemed to darken with sadness. “Find me when you know your mind. I will wait. You are worthy of that wait.”

She abruptly disappeared.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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