Saturday, July 12, 2014

Book Spotlight~ O Captain! My Captain! by V.L. Locey

O Captain!My Captain! by V.L. Locey
Secret Cravings Publishing
To Love a Wildcat Series Book 3
Erotic Sports Romance
Available at Publisher

Being a single working mother isn`t easy. Just ask Maggie Charles. She`s juggling a job she hates, a rebellious teenage son, and the aftereffects of an abusive first marriage. There isn`t room in her life for a love affair, not that anyone would want to romance someone her age anyway, right? So why, after all these months, when she runs into the strapping Wildcats` captain at a charity event, does the sight of Derrick Andersson leave her so breathless once again? Is that really desire burning in the captain`s green eyes when he looks at her? Is it possible for a couple of been-there-and-done-thats to find love the second time around?

R-rated excerpt: “You don’t got to worry, I’m not going anywhere. This here is our second chance to hoist The Cup. This year, it’s going to happen. I can feel it in my bones. I ain’t missing that unless I’m dead. So yeah, no worries. I’ll be there when we win.”
He sounded so sure, so confident in not only his team, but in himself that it was nigh onto impossible not to feel the same. No wonder he had been chosen as the captain so many years ago. No one on that team was more loyal or more determined then Derrick Andersson. Or so it seemed in my tired eyes. I smiled over at the man. He gave me a smile in return. Then I promptly fell asleep. Out like the proverbial light was I. My son calling, “Goodnight,” as he climbed the stairs roused me from my slumber. My feet were on Derrick’s lap. His hands rested on them. I blinked at him stupidly with gummy eyes.
“I fell asleep,” I said, like he didn’t know that. He nodded then began rubbing my feet. My bones turned to putty. “Who won?”
“Yah, I saw that. Damn rude of a man to keep a woman up all night long,” he said with a wink. My eyes remained on him as he lifted my right foot to kiss the bottom of my arch. Fire raced up from my foot to my core then shot out to my extremities. “Pittsburgh.”
“It’s okay. Keeping a woman up all night, that is,” I replied, and then bit down on my bottom lip. He had run his tongue over the top of my foot. “Good for Pittsburgh. Mmm, God that is arousing,” I whispered as he nipped at my anklebone. His beard hair tickled slightly. My breasts grew heavy, my vaginal muscles tightened. His tongue was hot, moist, tantalizing as it lapped over and between my toes. I began to wiggle in need. Trevor was still fiddling around upstairs. Derrick’s fingers slid up my leg, lifting it higher so he could taste more. His mouth roamed over my calf. He shifted on the sofa, turning his big body to face me. My fingers were now deeply embedded in the somewhat flattened cushions. I saw over the top of my calf that his jade eyes were heavy-lidded. His fingers began to skitter over my thigh. They would dance dangerously close to my crotch, then slither back down to my knee. He never stopped tasting the leg. With a word of sensual encouragement, he straightened my leg. I pointed my toes to the ceiling. His rough fingertips slid into my shorts. I threw my head back as I clamped my mouth tightly shut.

Author Bio and links:

            V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, belly laughs,  romance tales of any genre, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers,  comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a steer named after a famous N.H.L. goalie,  a pig named after a famous President, and a flock of assorted domestic fowl.

            When not writing lusty tales, she can be found enjoying her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.

I love to meet new friends and fans! You can find me at-



V.L. Locey said...

Thank you for hosting me, Dawn!

Kathy Heare Watts said...

OH WOW, great excerpt and congratulations on your newest release!

Kathy Watts

Discover Eight Second Magic by WM Kirkland today/Giveaway

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