Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cover Reveal Day~ The End of Innocence by Alessandra Torre/Giveaway

Cover Reveal End-of-the-Innocence_kindle
Book Title: End of the Innocence Author: Alessandra Torre Genre: Erotic Romance Release Date: March 25, 2014 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


He thought I owned him. He thought he loved me, that I was enough. But this animal, this sex god who could drive me crazy and steal my heart in the same breath, he would never be fully mine. It was impossible. No one ever owns a God.


 When it all comes down to it, there’s only one thing to get a man like Brad for his birthday. A man that has everything, can buy anything, and wants for nothing. Either a) something he has been deprived of, or b) something he could never have too much of. I doubt Brad has been deprived of much of anything his entire life. Love. He hasn’t had enough love. It is something I see at odd times, times when he cradles my face in his hand and a flicker of worry goes through his eyes. He, at those moments, reveals how terrified he is of losing me. I don’t know how to package love, how to giftwrap that emotion and hand it to Brad. I tell him often, as often as I can. But I know that the more in love he falls, the more afraid he is that I will leave. That I will turn into his mother and choose another reality over this one. I have committed to him. That should be enough of a reassurance. Hmm… So b) something he could never have too much of. Sex. Brad has always been in control of our sexual adventures. It is part of the turn-on for me, the willing handover of my body, unknowing of what he has in store for it. But I wanted something more for his birthday, something other than me, naked and willing, waiting for his command. My mind flickered back to deprivement. He has been deprived of something, for eight months now. Another woman. We had ventured into the water, spending one hot night with a blonde, Brad bringing her hours of pleasure without actually fucking her. He had to miss it, had to miss the domination of another woman with his cock, seeing the look in her eyes when he thrust it in, the shock and incredulity as it turned from too much to too perfect. It was time. Since that night, I had waffled and wishy-washied my way back and forth over the line of indecision until my head spun like a drunk coed. But the thought always made me hot, always pushed me over the edge when Brad’s head was between my legs or he was buried deep in me. The pleasure he gave me, the incredible heights and depths he brought me to, were too incredible for me not to share – it seemed unfair for me to keep this wealth of sexual knowledge contained solely for my pleasure. When I was with Brad and the Russian - I had loved every minute of the experience, as limited as it was. But to see him inside a woman, to see his thrusts and her moans, his hands gripping her skin, his mouth on hers – the thought was almost too intense to process. During sex, I would get snapshot images, entering uninvited, into my mind, and my back would involuntarily arch, my orgasm no longer containable, and my world would turn black in a moment of exquisite perfection. How would I react in that actual situation? When he spread her legs, touched her body? When I saw that look on his face, the look of lust and ownership, the same look that sent me over the edge, the look I strove for, fucked for, and did anything and everything to provoke? How would I take it, and what if he needed more of it? Would I really be giving him a birthday present? Or was this just one, big, sex-filled test of our relationship?

  Meet the Author

Alessandra Torre headshot

Alessandra Torre is a new author who focuses on contemporary erotica. Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, was published in July 2012, and was an Erotica #1 Bestseller for two weeks. The sequel to Blindfolded, Masked Innocence, will be released in February 2014. Alessandra lives in the Southern United States and is married, with one young child. She enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and playing with her dogs. Her favorite authors include Lisa Gardner, Gillian Flynn, and Jennifer Crusie. Learn more about Alessandra on her website at, or you can find her on Twitter (@ReadAlessandra) or her Facebook fanpage.

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Book Enthusiast Promotions

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