Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blog Tour Stop~ Mela Remington

Please give a warm welcome to author Mela Remington who dropped for a spell with us to tell us all about her new book.

To get us started can you tell us a little about what you are working on or have coming out? 
Like You Read About, my current release, is a contemporary romance loosely based on how my husband and I met at work.  It started out as a NaNoWriMo project and turned into something bigger than I ever expected.

I’m currently hard at work on an erotica series called Dominion.  It’s set in and around Portland, Maine.  The books all center around a single woman who in the end finds her (kink based) happily ever after.  The first book, Dominion 1: Jane, is about a widowed woman in her 40’s figuring out her life and what she want now that her kids are grown.  I’m hoping to have this one ready for release in early September.  This will be followed shortly thereafter by Dominion 2: Anya, our heroine came to the US from Russia with the intention of an arranged marriage, when that falls apart she’s left adrift, young, in a new country with no idea what to do next.  I’ve got 4 books sketched out for the series so far, but the world of Dominion is pretty vast, so if the readers like it, I’ll certainly grow the series.

How would you describe yourself using only five words? 
Wow, that’s a tough one… Wife, mother, migraine, book-addict, shy

If we asked your muse to describe you using five words, what do you think they would say? 
My muse has recently returned from a long vacation, she’s tanned, relaxed and feeling generous so she’s likely say… Attentive, receptive, creative, easily distracted

If you were to replenish your cabinets with one junk food, what would it be? 
Just one?  Haribo Gummi Cola’s, seriously, those things are like my crack.  If you want to buy my love, give me these.  Lucky for me my husband knows exactly where to find them.

If you had a reporter follow you around for the day, what would the readers get to see in your daily schedule?

Well they’d first see my day job, protecting the humans, usually eating lunch between phone calls, emails and protocols.  My husband picks me up after work and we head home and on a good day begin the inevitable discussion of dinner, take out/cook/left-overs? On a migraine day you’d see me head to my bed in the dark while I leave the poor man to fend for himself.  I try to get in an hour of writing if the muse is cooperative, the inevitable checking in with social media, and then reading, a LOT.  I’m a voracious reader, and the reporter would likely become quickly bored with me and start watching the Red Sox game with my husband.

Here is a special note from Mela....
I've decided that during the blog tour, and then again at the book signing a portion of what I earn on the books will be donated to a charity that is dear to me and was very helpful to my friend K while she was alive.  The group is called the Young Survival Coalition, and the support young women with breast cancer (generally those diagnosed before the age of 35).  They are an amazing group who do amazing work http://www.youngsurvival.org/.

Like You Read About by Mela Remington
Buy at Amazon

What if your soul mate has been sitting across from you at a conference room table for the last two years?

Cora O'Malley is a shy accountant for a small pharmaceutical company in the Boston area. After years of being single, struggling with her self image and self confidence she finds out that the IT guy she's been crushing on is single and also looking for possibilities.

Cora decides to take life by the email and see if she and Daniel Santagata, the IT man have anything in common, if there really are sparks between them...

Witty email banter, fumbling new relationships, bossy best friends, New England weather... how can anything but mayhem ensue?

Blog Tour Stops:

Giveaway Information:
Mela is giving away one ecopy of "Like You Read About" at each stop of the tour. Make sure to leave a comment along with your email address in case you win we can get a hold of you.

Find the author at...

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