Monday, January 7, 2013

VBT Stop with Dianne Hartsock/Contest

Contest Information:Dianne will be awarding a $10 gift card from All Romance Ebooks to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour. I encourage you to follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:

Welcome to my Reading Nook, Dianne Hartsock.  Please make yourself at home and let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink.

Thanks to much for having me here, Dawn! Did you say cabana boys? *deep sigh* Love me some cabana boys!

Comfortable? Wonderful. Now let’s get started.

What is your writing process? Do you outline, fly by the seat of your pants or a combination of both?  
I think I do a little of both. I usually have the story plotted out in my head, and the stories usually end where I wanted them to. But a lot of the time, in between the start and finish, the characters take me places I’d never imagined going before.

What did you do before you were a writer? Do you write full time?  
I come close to writing almost 40 hours a week, so I say I'm a full time writer. But I also work as a full time floral designer, which makes my days very full. Before this? I've always written stories, but have only been published for the past two years. As far as jobs outside the home, I've been an educational assistant for first and second grade teachers. I've worked retail and factory  work and have also done some waitressing. I guess you can say I'm a jack of all trades but a master of none.

If you were going to cast the characters of your book, what actors would get the part?  
I'm going to have to skip this one! I watch a lot of the classic movies and don't think I could name even one modern actor.

I know you're not supposed to show favoritism but who's been your favorite character to write?  
I have to say I have a soft spot in my heart for my villains. Beautiful and witty and more than a shade arrogant. I enjoyed getting to know Jaimin. Seduced by power and greed, he still had a soft spot in his heart for Philip that eventually led to his downfall. I think I like writing the villains'' part, because I'm a pretty nice person myself that it's sometimes nice to be wicked, even in pretend.

Do you have a favorite TV show you can't miss?  
Not at the moment. My husband and I watch a lot of scifi but haven't seen anything we really like this year. We have several series on DVD and are working our way through FIREFLY at the moment.

If you could date any character from any book, which would it be and why-no it doesn't have to be from your books? 
I've fallen head over heels in love with Tristan from C.J. Cherryh's FORTRESS series. An ancient warrior brought back to life, he's destined to end up alone in the Ice Fortress for all eternity. And I just can't allow that to happen! Every hero deserves his HEA!

Please share with us some juicy details about your latest release.  
Adrian has been chosen to be the Watcher for the young Agenor heir, Philip. As the years pass and Philip grows into adulthood, Adrian finds himself falling helplessly in love with his ward, watching him grow into a beautiful but solitary young man. But evil is stirring in the world, led by a lover from Adrian's past. Though Adrian must defend his ward, he also doesn't want to fight against Jaimin. He's caught between the two with the future uncertain.

What was your inspiration behind this book?  
I've always been fascinated with gargoyles. They're ugly and evil looking, and yet are the guardians of the good. It was a romance waiting to happen! I wanted my guardian to fall in love with his beautiful ward and waited to see what happened. Adrian told his own story.

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?  
I have ODD APOCOLYPSE by Dean Koontz that I'm aching to find time to read. Also, I'm waiting for the new releases from my favorite authors, Robin Cook and Michael Palmer.

Do you listen to music while you write? If so what are your favorites Artists and or albums? 
I like a wide assortment of music, depending on mood and company. My husband and I will listen to world beat together. But when I’m writing or doing social networking on the computer, I don’t like to be bothered changing music. So I listen to the local Indie station through the college or to Indie Radio on Spotify. I love that there’s hardly any ads to distract me and I hear something new every day.

If you could go any place in the world and to any time period, what place time would you choose to visit? 
Hands down, Earth of the future. I know some people think we're doomed to destroy ourselves, but I choose to believe things will only get better. I'd love to see the progress we've made.

What is your favorite super power and why do you want it? 
I would love to fly! Not to change time like superman did, but for the sense of freedom that must come to him when he's soaring through the air.

If you could write a warning label for yourself as a person or an author, what would it say?  
Handle with care. I know you're supposed to have a thick hide as a writer, but I'm still working on that one. Unkind words still hurt.

Do you have any guilty pleasures?  
A hot chocolate mocha with caramel and lots of whipped cream and a very naughty m/m erotic book to go with it.

Thanks for taking the time to be here today. I wish you many sales and wonderful reviews. 
Thanks again, Dawn. It's been fun!

Philip's Watcher by Dianne Hartsock
Etopia Press
M/M Paranormal

Darkness is spreading in the world with only the powerful Agenor family to oppose it. In the guise of a stone gargoyle atop the castle walls, Adrian has protected Philip, the young heir, since birth, watching him grow from childhood into a strong but lonely man without love.

When the clan chief, Philip’s father, is murdered by those he trusted, Adrian resumes his human form to better protect his beloved Philip. And finds his love returned. As lovers, their passion is all-consuming, but as they fight against treachery from within, will their love be enough to stem the dark tide sweeping the land? And will it be enough to keep Adrian’s heart alive…

Teaser Excerpt:

Adrian waited, his stomach churning with worry while the storm passed overhead and dwindled into the south. When he was certain Philip wouldn’t return, he rose from his crouch and stretched his arms to the sky. His black wings spread out behind him with a soft rustle.

He ran a hand through his thick hair and drew a breath, weary to his bones. Nothing had gone right. Jonathon shouldn’t have died. The fact that Philip and he had warned him of the danger in leaving the stronghold didn’t make the man’s loss any less tragic. True, those who would spread darkness in the world had brought the war to their doorstep by threatening Philip’s life. But Jonathon should have seen through the ruse and remained in the castle where his power was the strongest.

Adrian’s brow furrowed. Should he have gone with Jonathon, spoken with the wise woman? Silva had strengths of her own. As a child, Adrian had been cautioned against her magic, but he had come to respect her abilities. And she had always been kind to him, an orphaned, lonely boy. Would she be able to help him protect his darling Philip from this dangerous, unknown enemy?

Adrian touched the deep scar on his face and remembered the warmth of Philip’s fingertips. He followed the scar down his neck and left pectoral and trembled as he imagined Philip’s hands on him, their bodies entwined, urgent. He smiled sadly. “Fool, such happiness isn’t meant for you.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

After growing up in California and spending the first ten years of marriage in Colorado, I now live in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with my incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours I spend hunched over the keyboard letting my characters play.

I have to say, Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write my slightly twisted tales. There’s something about being cooped up in the house while it pours rain outside, a fire crackles on the hearth inside, and a cup of hot coffee warms my hands which kindles my imagination.

Currently, I work as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for me. When not writing, I can express myself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.



Urb said...

I'm in love with Tristan, too! I love CJ Cherryh. Thanks for the great interview and excerpt. Gargoyles? A unique twist!

brendurbanist at gmail dot com

diannehartsock said...

So glad you made it by, Urb! Cherryh is the best. :)

diannehartsock said...

Thanks for having me as your guest today, Dawn! You're the best. *hugs*

Emily said...

Thanks for the interview! I liked Firefly as well, Nathan Fillion makes me swoon (especially when he's playing Rick Castle on the show Castle). Have you seen the movie Serenity yet?


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting today.

Penumbra said...

Nice interview and excerpt :)


diannehartsock said...

*waves* Hi Emily! We actually own the 'Firefly' series and Serenity and watch casle whenever we get the chance. :)

diannehartsock said...

Hi Penumbra! So glad you made it over. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the mocha and m/m combo, too! (I wish now that I had tried the salted caramel hot chocolate when Bittersweet Cafe was still in San Francisco...sigh! I'll have to catch them in the East Bay someday...)


Anonymous said...

Interesting interview and questions - don't know which superpower that I would choose.

strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

diannehartsock said...

Hugs and kisses to my anonymous commenters!! Glad you made it over. :)

Rush said...

Great Interview! Thanks Dawn and Diane. I have this book in my TBR list and will be making time soon to read it.


Unknown said...

Great nterveiw. I love finding new authors and books to read.

diannehartsock said...

Thanks so much Sandra and Laura for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the story. :)

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