Saturday, August 25, 2012

Guest Author Day with Jan Graham

Welcome to Dawn’s Reading Nook, Jan Graham. Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? Great…now let’s get down to business.

So tell us about yourself. What got you interested in writing? Who are your publisher(s)?

I’ve always loved to write, even when I was at school a friend and I started writing a novel together, not that we finished it. Until recently I only ever wrote for myself, then one day I thought I’d see if I could write something for others to enjoy. I currently have books published through Secret Cravings Publishing and Siren Publishing.

How did you start your writing career?

A few years ago I had some health issues and had to leave work. While I was recovering at home, I took the opportunity to write my first novel and see if I could get it published, which I did. So that’s how it all started and I haven’t stopped writing since then.

Tell us about your favorite character(s) from your books.

The characters in my books are like friends to me, even the villains. I do have a favorite one though, and that’s Steve Jax. He was a secondary character in Finding Angel and by the end of the book I was totally in love with him. It was clear he needed his own book and I’m proud to say he is my gorgeous, dominant hero in Playing Jax. 

What was the first scene or character you started with when you began this book?

The first scene I wrote when I began writing Playing Jax was the fire investigation scene with Steve’s fireman friend Cal Webster.  

Tell us about your current/upcoming release. What inspired it?

I have two current releases. Playing Jax is the second novel in the Wylde Shore Series and like the first book in that Series it is a romantic suspense with BDSM themes in it. A lot of the characters from the first book, Finding Angel make an appearance as well as some interesting new faces. Seducing a Cougar is the fourth novella of the Sydney Cougar Series, it also has a BDSM them, which isn’t the norm for my cougar series, all the others novella’s in the series centered on traditional relationships.    
The inspiration for both stories was to write a book that had interesting and likable characters with a captivating storyline that wasn’t just about the romance.   

Has someone helped or mentored you in your writing career?

I haven’t been mentored by a specific person, but I do belong to authors groups and a few associations that I can go to for answers to questions when they arise. The romance writing community is an excellent resource for writers, with some really supportive authors in it who freely share their knowledge about the romance writing industry.

Who are some of your favorite authors/books?

I really enjoy reading paranormal romance so JR Ward, Lora Leigh, and Christine Feehan are some of my favorite authors.

What was your first sale as an author?

My first book to be placed under contract was The Cougar Club, with Secret Cravings Publishing. However, the first book available for readers to buy was Finding Angel which was released through Siren Publishing.  I got the contracts for both books a few weeks apart and they were both due to come out the same month but Finding Angel released first.

When in the day/night do you write? How long per day?
I tend to write early in the morning until around lunchtime and then from late afternoon until around ten at night. I’m not sure why I have an afternoon break, it’s just the way my mind works I guess. All up I’d probably work eight to ten hours a day when I’m writing intensely. I try to write something everyday even on what I refer to as my days off each week.
If you could visit any time and place, where and when would it be and why?
I’d visit Scotland because I love the look of it in pictures and I really like a good looking man in a kilt. I’d like to visit during different time periods, anywhere from 100 years ago to now. I love all things Celtic so I was probably either Scottish or Irish in a past life. J
If you could be any shape shifter, what form would you take and why?
I’d be a wolf. I love the look of them and from what I know they are family oriented pack animals. I think I’d like that sense of belonging to a large group.
What else would you like readers to know about you or your work?
I like to write well developed characters and stories with a few twists and turns in the plot to keep things interesting. Once of the things readers have said in reviews about my books is they love the characters, even the minor ones and that the stories are so much more than they expected from a romance novel. So I’m glad readers are enjoying my work.
Who's more fun to write: bad boys or perfect gentlemen and why?

I don’t think there is such a thing as a perfect gentleman. Even the perfect ones in my books have a bit of a flaw. Bad boys are fun to write because they can get up to more mischief and they’re often a lot cheekier and make me laugh. I actually enjoy writing both because it adds variety to the work.

If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and what would you do together?

I’m a huge Black Dagger Brotherhood fan, so I’d have to go and hang out with the brothers and be a vampire for a while.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one? If not, then which one is closest to your heart?

My favorite book is always the one I’m currently writing. The book that’s closest to my heart is Finding Angel because that was the first novel I completed and set me on the road to making a career in writing.

What character out of all your books is the closest to your personality?

I think Angel from Finding Angel is probably the closest in personality to me. She has a sense of humor, is a little unconventional in her thinking and lifestyle and if she faces adversity in life she deals with it then gets up, dusts herself off and keeps on living.

Anything else you would like to add?

I’d just like to say thanks for having me as a guest, I’ve really enjoyed being here talking about my books and letting readers get to know a little bit about me.

Teaser from Playing Jax by Jan Graham
Playing Jax buy Link: :

Steve Jax buried his heart, along with his soul mate, two years ago. He had his turn in the game of love and it didn’t work out, end of story. His new neighbor might stir certain passions within him, but his dark, kinky desires aren’t the sort of thing a sweet, naïve ex-nun should be exposed to. All he has to do is convince the determined little minx of that?
Rhiannon McCabe has never been in love. She’s hidden under a religious veil since she was eighteen, now everything’s changed. She’s left the church, created a new life, and finally met the only man to ever arouse her sexual nature. Steve might think he doesn’t have the capacity to love her, but she’s determined to convince him otherwise. If love really is a game, then Steve Jax is a prize worth playing for.

Adult excerpt:

“You’re not wearing underpants, sweetheart. Why is that?”
“I was waiting for you to come home. I thought you might like it.” He made a low, growling noise beside her neck as he nuzzled his face into her.
“What does not wearing panties indicate to me, darling? Tell me what you hoped I’d do when I found out.” His fingers slipped between her thighs, and he began to slowly press them into the wetness, circling her clit, exploring the opening he’d liberated just the day before. Rhia arched her body toward him in response and tried to compose the words.
“Sex,” she gasped, as a second finger penetrated her. “I hoped we’d have sex.”
“We’re not going to have sex, Rhia.” She whimpered as he removed his fingers from inside her. “I’m going to show you what happens to naughty girls who walk around without panties on.”
“W-what happens?” She watched as he sucked the juice from her body off his fingers.
“I fuck them senseless.” His lips reclaimed hers, his fingers clamped tight in her hair. His other hand cupped her breast and pinched at the nipple beneath the thin cotton dress she wore. He moved his mouth to her neck, laving his tongue over her flesh, biting her neck, and licking away the sting. She suddenly realized he hadn’t devoured her before, because he was consuming her now.
 “I love this short little summer dress. Do you have more of these?”
“Yes, one more. I have one…why?” She couldn’t think, could barely speak. Why on earth was he asking about her dress?
He didn’t answer her. Instead he kissed her once more, another ravenous kiss that made her moan. She knew he was moving them backward, or forward, she didn’t care. The kiss, combined with his hands roving over her body, disoriented her. The arousal pulsed through her, and moisture spilled between her legs. He could take her anywhere, as long as he kept touching her. Steve lifted her slightly, sliding her onto the dining table. Spreading her legs, he stood in between them. He released her lips, and began to move her away from him, lowering her onto the table.
His eyes, filled with a dazed lust, surely resembled hers. As her back connected with the table, his hands moved to the front of her dress. He ripped it open, buttons flying into the air. She let out a cry of surprise, or was it another moan of delight? How could having her clothes torn be so erotic that her pussy clenched in delight? He sucked one nipple firmly into his mouth, the pull so firm it bordered on pain. He ripped the rest of the dress down the middle until it lay beneath her like a sheet.
He continued to eat at her breasts, devouring one nipple then moving to the next. Stinging little bites across the soft flesh and a quick lick of his tongue accompanied each transition between the hard peaks. The pleasure with a little sting of pain had her crying out and moaning beneath him. His hands moved between her legs, but they weren’t touching her. The thump of something on the table next to her made her look to the side. His wallet lay open, a trail of condoms poking from between the leather. He raised his head, standing at full height over her.
“Look what you do to me, sweetheart.” Steve’s husky voice, deepened with his own arousal. Rhia looked at him, raised herself onto her elbows and watched him sheath his erection. “Are you ready for me, baby?”

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