Thursday, June 7, 2012

VBT Stop with K. Reed/Contest

K. Reed's Blog Tour Contest Information: The author will award nine Post-apocalypse survival baskets (which include tea, a fan, a shawl, a bracelet and more -- Plus ONE Grand Prize basket will include an iPod Touch) to randomly drawn commenters during the tour and one to the host with the most comments - US/Canada only.

The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:

Now onto the interview....

Welcome to my Reading Nook, K. Reed. Please make yourself at home and let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink.
Thank you! I’d like a mojito, please…just keep ‘em coming. They’re one of my favorite summer drinks!

Comfortable? Wonderful. Now let’s get started.

For readers who may not know about you or your work, please tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a slave to a corgi and to my imagination. Sometimes at the same time and I find it really difficult to pet my dog and type at the same time. But I’m getting better at that! I like to bake, enjoy old movies, and always believe the guy should pay for the first date.

How long have you been writing? What genre do you write in?
I’ve been writing for about 5 years now and write in the historical romance genre—with a twist! My upcoming books won’t be alternate historical, but for now this series is, a post-apocalyptic Regency romance.

Where do you get your ideas for your stories, characters?
They appear from both the conventional and unconventional places—watching the History Channel or reading a historical book. From walking down a flight of stairs where my mind wanders, or looking at an old painting or etching and let my imagination run wild.

So tell us a little about your latest book. What inspired this masterpiece?
In Dark Inheritance: Fallen Empire I wanted something different in an era very familiar with readers. I couldn’t get more different than a post-apocalyptic Regency!

If you had any super powers, what would they be and why?
Ooh, let me think: The Bewitched power. Think of a story, wiggle my nose, and poof! The story (fully edited from the twisted depths of my brain) would appear on the screen. This also works for dishes, yard work, dusting, laundry, any day job you have, and magically creates a bubble around me for those pesky allergy times.

And just cause I’d be able to, I’d take all the calories out of chocolate cake.

What genre haven’t you tried yet but want to in the future?
A contemporary thriller.

What is one thing readers might be surprised to know about you?
I’m good at crafts, though my Pinterest page doesn’t really reflect that. But I’m writing a cookbook with a friend who’s a retired chef!

If we asked your muse to describe you in three words, what do you think they might say?

What authors can be found in your library of books?
I check out a lot of books from my local library, but the ones I have bought tend to me Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, Georgette Heyer, Eric Larson, Steig Larsson, Sabrina Jeffires, and a large variety of research books.

Have any guilty pleasures you want to share with us?
They’re closely guarded secrets!

Is there anything you’re currently working on that you can give us a taste of?
I’m writing a cookbook! It’s Edwardian in nature, and I’m doing this with a friend of mine who is a retired chef. She’s creating the recipes, I’m doing the writing, and I think it’s going to be a fabulous look at the meals and entertaining of the day.

To tie in with that, though not really, I’m writing a trilogy of Edwardian novellas. This will involve love, murder, revenge, and betrayal, but very little entertaining or cooking.

What is your favorite way to relax after a hard day working and writing?
A meal I don’t have to cook, couch time with the dog, and a sauna.

What is the one era you would love to go visit and why?
The Regency era, but I wouldn’t want to live there! Nope. I like electricity. Then again, I’d like to visit the Victorian era, late 1800s, talk to people there, take notes, a couple pictures, then come home to my creature comforts.

What is one historical figure you would love to chat with and why?
Benjamin Franklin. Because he’d Ben Franklin! I’m a groupie I admit it.

Would you care to mention any upcoming or WIP projects that readers can look forward from you in the future?
Other than the Edwardian cookbook and the Edwardian trilogy, I’m also planning a Victorian Crime trilogy. These stories are one arc over three books with the same couple as they try to solve a serial murderer. Even though this series takes place in the early 1880s, before Jack the Ripper, and the term ‘serial killer’ hadn’t yet come into use.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one? If not, then which one is closest to your heart?
This one has to be my favorite since it’s the only one I currently have published!

What character out of all your books is the closest to your personality?
None, I try to create characters that are unique, though I’m sure little bits slip in and I choose to ignore them.

Anything else you want to mention?

Thanks for taking the time to be here today. I wish you many sales and wonderful reviews.
Thanks so much for having me, Dawn! I’m open to questions, comments, and anything else your readers wish to throw at me, including chocolate, flowers, and treats for the puppy.

Dark Inheritance: Fallen Empire by K. Reed
All Romance:


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The once glittering ballrooms of Regency England now lay desolate. A plague has ravaged the countryside. The government has fallen. What vestiges of order remained have been consumed by the endless funeral pyres.

Grayson, once the Baron of Harwich, sought only to protect his people. Rescuing a half-dead woman was not among his plans. But something about her pulled at him. Perhaps it was her beauty, still evident beneath the pallor of loss. Perhaps it was the recently fired rifle at her side. Or maybe he was simply tried of death. All he knew was that the plague had taken too much already. He couldn’t let it take her as well.

Lady Juliette Adair had been ready to die with her brother. She didn't expect to be shown mercy in a world that had no room for mercy. When Grayson saved her she questioned his motives but soon found herself intrigued by him, drawn to him.
Societal rules were a thing of the past, dead along with the ton. Juliette had no manner by which to measure her growing closeness to Grayson any longer. But when she discovers he may not be the man she thought she knew more is at stake than just her heart. The secrets she carries could make a king or destroy one

Teaser Excerpt:
In another time, his behavior would have been deemed inappropriate, but Grayson couldn’t bring himself to care. As she slept his eyes were drawn to her, and even her weakened state didn’t detract from her beauty. Or the spark of fire Grayson had seen in her eyes when he’d informed her she was to come with him. Her arguments were logical, but Grayson chose to ignore them. This had nothing to do with logic.

Raising his rough fingers to her face, he gently stroked her cheek. Those vivid blue eyes fluttered open at his touch.

“How long have you been here?” she asked. Her voice was low, but stronger than before thanks to food and drink.

“Just a few moments,” he said. The feel of her soft skin lingered on his fingertips, a touch he had denied himself upon first finding her. “Not long at all.”

Helping her to sit up, Grayson nodded ahead of them. He’d forgotten the niceties of society, the way to speak with a woman, the formalness of it.

“We’re not far from the estate, less than a half hour’s ride. There’s order there that much of England has lost,” he continued, holding her steady as the carriage bumped through several ruts. Before, he never would have touched her so intimately, but now those rules were long gone. “Quite unlike your last residence.”

About the Author:

Romance author with an historical twist.

Too many post-apocalyptic stories, movies, and what-ifs crowded her head, and K Reed decided to do something about it. So she plotted one out, decided an historical post-apocalyptic romance was the way to go, and wrote that one instead.

A lover of all things historical, of strong heroes with equally strong heroines, and of sexy pirates, she’s going to explore the post-apocalyptic world of plague-ridden 1804 and the gritty criminal element of Victorian England.

Luckily she has an understanding family, supportive friends, and a day job that offers her the flexibility she needs to plot, plan, and write. Sure, one day she’d like to travel the country in search of fantastic storylines and great locale pictures, but for now she’ll stick to the east coast and the internet.



Unknown said...

Lovely post!! I would like a mojito too please...a very strong and saucy drink, even if it is kind of boss doesn't need to know!! LOL! So let's pretend that your plague was unleashed now and you are one of the survivors. What are 10 of your must have to live things that you have squirreled away? I;ve enjoyed this tour..Iyts sad to see there is only one more post!

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting K. today.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!! I love Jane Austen too!

Anonymous said...

Nikki, I'm thinking on that. I alter between more than 10 and only a couple. Narrowing this down is hard!

Shauna, Jane Austen may never realize how her books have changed the world, but we do!

Catherine Lee said...

I think one of the best autobiographies ever written is Ben Franklin's. It would be awesome to meet him.

bn100 said...

Very interview. That would be a cool superpower.


Unknown said...

lol...yes it would be hard!!! I totally agree!

Emily said...

Thanks for sharing, can't wait to read this book!! I'm bummed that I only found out about this tour way late in the game. Still, better late than never!


Book Tour Stop/Giveaway: Line of Sight

  Take a look at the new book by Paul G. Wright, Line of Sight, today and make sure to enter the tour wide giveaway below as you could win f...