Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Guest Author Talia Carmichael

Welcome to Dawn’s Reading Nook, Talia Carmichael. Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? Great…now let’s get down to business.

Ummm…can I have a minute *eyeing the cabana boy* or a few to…enjoy the scenery. *wicked grin*

Can you tell us a little about how you started writing; was it something you have always wanted to do?

I started writing from my love of reading. I love to read and always imagine after I finish a book about what other characters in the book I liked story would be like. In my head I would make up their stories eventually the ideas changed to my own characters and stories. I didn’t write it down these ideas but they keep filling my thoughts. It wasn’t until I was inspired by something that happened that I sat down and wrote what was in my thoughts.

What do you consider to be the key elements of a great story?

Emotions is the most important. A book should touch on your emotions. They should bring you into the journey of the story and make you feel it. As a reader I want to feel everything the character goes through. Be happy with them, fall in love when they do and cry when they do. Of course there needs to be a plot, dynamic characters and a scenery to put them in. But hook me with the emotions and you’ve got me.

Could you tell us a little about how you develop your characters? Who has been your favorite character to write? The most challenging?

For my characters the idea of them come to me . Once I had the idea I kept going over them in my mind and dream about everything in their lives. Then I get into the heads of my characters so I could know them. I like to know my characters as if I’m them before I write the first word. I know every moment they went through in their life. Live in their shoes. Once I have all that then I write. By the time I do the characters are firmly in my mind. 

Can’t answer who is my favorite. LOL. Answering this, is like trying to choose between who is your favorite child or niece/nephew, sibling, parent. Not a question I can answer in all honesty. I think it is best to leave it to the readers.

The most challenging is I become so much a part of them that it is tough when it is a characters that has been through so much. Recently for example for in book # 4 in my Something in Common series I wrote about a characters who has a lot to deal with emotionally but they were hiding it. Once they faced it was a emotional scene and it wreaked me. Once I finished the book and submitted it I had to take some time away before I could even think of writing anything. I was so deep into living that characters life that it was as if I was them and I had to deal with the revelations shared. It wad tough and…well I needed time. 

Please tell us about the projects you are currently working on; what can readers expect to see in the coming months?

Currently I’m self-editing books in a few of my various series. I’m writing the first book in a new series. It’s fun getting to know new characters and building their town.  My longer range plans it to just keep writing.  There is no feeling like creating a story and putting it to paper.

In the coming months I have books in some of my series I started last year. Also this year I will be launching 2 new series set in the same towns as some of my previous series. They will feature a new set of characters and what is happening in their lives. There maybe a cross over between series here or there. Below is what I have confirmed as contracted so far. I’m awaiting a response on a few the submissions I have out to my various publishers.

After the Fall - (The Right Choice #1) – April 9, 2012
Wicked Intentions - (Bonds of Justice #1) – June 18, 2012
Resonate – (Something in Common #3) – June/July 2012
Opposing Rhythms - (Impressions #3) – July 16, 2012
Long Hard Ride - (Prentiss #2) – August 6, 2012
Wicked Alliance - (Bonds of Justice #2) – September 3, 2012

Where can readers find out what's new and how can they contact you?

Theses are places to find me.

Do you have a strict writing schedule? How do you balance your personal and writing time?

I don’t have a strict one but I do have a schedule. Writing is an integral part of my life and having time for me is important too so to accomplish both I have a schedule I work by. This is my lifeline so I can get my books written. The schedule has built in “me time” which is when I take a break from writing. It can range from a day or two to weeks. I do nothing that has to do with my writing or anything to do with it during that time. This helps me keep from burning out.  

When I’m writing I write a certain word count a day and anything over that word count is a “whoo hooo I’ve done more day”. I have an idea of how long it will take me to finish a book - not word count wise since each book word count goes based on story - and I set that time aside in my schedule. Even if I have a whoo hooo over word count day I still meet my word count the next day. Sometimes this means I finish a book earlier than planned. If I do complete the book earlier the days I have left in my schedule for the book becomes “take a break days”. I love those unexpected days so I tend to push myself to work harder to get the book completed. Some days due to other things in my life I don’t always get to make that word count but I don’t stress about it. :) If I need to take what was a writing day and not get to write I just check my schedule and adjust it. I basically shift a break time day and make it a writing day.  So having a schedule works to keep me going.

Which author(s) is your favorite? And who has most influenced you work?

We would be here to infinity if I tried to even list a favorite or who influenced me. I read in so many genre’s and have many, many names for each one of authors whose work I enjoy. So there is no way I can list any.

If you could have any vice without repercussions, what would it be?

Hmmm…I plead the fifth on this question. My mind went to such a dirty place that ummm…it never needs to be said aloud. LOL.

If you could have been the servant to any famous person in history, who would that be and why?

Einstein…Shakespeare… Abraham Lincoln…no…I’ll just say everyone who I’ve heard, read or know about in history….my mind filled with so many people in history that I can’t even pick one. LOL. I could only imagine what knowledge and fun you would gain form being around so many famous people in history.  

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?

Uh huh not answering this. LOL. Answering this, is like trying to choose between who is your favorite child or niece/nephew, sibling, parent. Not a question I can answer in all honesty. I think it is best to leave it to the readers.

Have you ever experience weird cravings while you write? If so, what kind?

Well…I don’t think it is weird per say but when I write about foods in my books I have to have it. Like in one of my books coming out later this year one of my hero is a bread crazy. And I was baking up a storm of bread when I wrote his books. LOL. 

Tell us about your favorite characters you love when writing. Are the heroes alpha males? Sweet yet shy geeks? And those heroines (if there are any in your story), are they feisty, independent “Take no prisoners” kind of women? Do they love it when a strong man takes care of them, pampering them? Give us the dirt on them.

I’m a geek so I enjoy the geek. All types of geek. Those who look like one and act like one to the geek that you don’t expect – that hot guy who you see as a pretty face or that tattooed one you think is a bad boy when in reality he is a geek. Love turning the impression someone has on it’s ear.

If you could set up your writing desk anywhere in the world to write, no interruptions for 48 hours, where would you go and why?

Wow…this question just blew my mind with ideas of places. Should I go somewhere with no one around or a busy place. I have no clue where. LOL.

If you could be with any celebrity/author/character for a day, who would it be and what would you be doing?

No one, I’d be myself. I would not want to be anyone else. I enjoy being myself *shrug*

Tell us where to find you on the web.
Theses are places to find me.

Thanks for coming by my Nook blog and hope you come back again soon.

Thanks so much for letting me come by for a visit. It was fun and I’m already looking forward to coming back.


By: Talia Carmichael
Total E Bound
Available Now
ISBN: 978-0-85715-939-7
Genre: Contemporary
Series: The Right Choice - Book 1
Format: E-Book

Blurb: A renovation brings two men together who will find that unexpected meetings can bring about the most tempting of encounters. As the contractor works on getting the project in on time he also has his sights set on building something with the owner.

Leigh Masters is concerned the renovation of Masters Pages - his bookstore – will not be completed in time. He’s losing his cool. A call to find the contractor hired brings unexpected results. The man doing his project has run off. In his place Malcolm - his brother and the owner of the company - comes to see Leigh. The man makes Leigh feel off-kilter. He has his doubts about Malcolm’s assurances that the job will be done on time. As the renovation progresses he finds it hard to resist temptation of the man who is now in charge of renovating his bookstore. Malcolm knows what he’s doing but Leigh wants to shake up his quiet, calm persona to see what he has hidden underneath.

Malcolm Snipes has worked alongside his brothers to build Snipes Construction, their family owned business. He strives to maintain their reputation of providing excellent work, on time projects and being a professional. He’s tired of picking up the messes of one of his irresponsible brothers. Except this time the call he gets from an irate client brings him in the path of a man who is fascinating. This time Malcolm won’t mind taking over the renovation since he can keep an eye on sharp-tongued and sexy Leigh Masters.

This renovation is about to become very interesting as they each wonder what happens after the fall…


Malcolm put his cell phone back in its case, eyes still on Leigh’s back. Although Malcolm had no clue what it was about this man that drew him, he would pursue it. After they’d finished the job. That only gave him an added incentive to get things done on time. Not that he needed it—he didn’t work any other way.

With that in mind, Malcolm finished moving the boxes. As he piled them in the dining area, he could feel Leigh watching him. A small grin curled his lips. Yep—he couldn’t wait to get this job completed and get to know Mr Masters better. His shaft hardened, very much in agreement with the idea. Malcolm placed the last box on the pile and turned to Leigh…and caught him watching him.

“Ready to show me the rest?”

Leigh nodded and got off the stool. Malcolm walked behind him, appreciating the curve of his ass. The constriction in his jeans got tighter. Malcolm stifled a groan. Yep—this project would be a test of his professionalism and control.

* * * *

Four weeks later, Malcolm wiped off his forehead and sat back on his heels. He glanced at the crown moulding he was putting up. It gave the store a classy look. Malcolm rolled his shoulders. He’d let the guys go for the night. They had been working hard, pushing to get stuff done.

“I said, that is not acceptable.” Leigh’s voice sounded from the counter not far from where Malcolm was working.

Malcolm recognised the tone as the one Leigh had used on him that first time. He turned his head and watched Leigh who was sitting behind the counter, on the phone. He was in a button-down, short-sleeved shirt the colour of his eyes. Without seeing the bottom half of his body, Malcolm would bet he was in some kind of slacks and loafers. Since he’d meet Leigh, Malcolm couldn’t remember ever seeing him in jeans, boots or sneakers. Leigh’s pants even had a perfect crease down the front.

“I’m opening in four weeks and you will have the display set-ups I ordered here as you promised. By next week.” Leigh hung up.

Malcolm strode over to him. Leigh glanced up. When he was in front of the counter, Malcolm leaned against it.

“At least you didn’t threaten him with your lawyer.”

“I reserve that for special occasions. Namely wayward contractors. And it worked. You’ve done a lot in the last few weeks. But I still I have my doubts you’ll be finished on time. At least using the lawyer card worked to get the work moving forward. It whipped you into shape. ” Leigh smirked.

“You’ve got a sharp tongue when you’re angry.”

“Then don’t make me angry,” Leigh retorted.

“I could think of a lot of things you could do with your tongue.” Malcolm watched Leigh’s lips as he said it.

They parted and his tongue swiped out, wetting them. Malcolm raised his gaze. Leigh’s blue eyes were intent. Malcolm debated for a moment whether he should do the professional thing and walk away. It was only four more weeks until he could ask Leigh out.

Malcolm wasn’t sure who moved first. He reached for Leigh, and Leigh seemed to launch himself out of his chair and onto his knees on the counter. Malcolm slid his hands over Leigh’s waist and pulled him across the marble surface.

Copyright © Talia Carmichael, 2012.
All Rights Reserved.

Order Link –

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