Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome Henry and JM Cartwright

**Please note the cover isn't for the character interview below.It's for a different story of this author's.**

As I write this, the thunder rumbles overhead and I see the occasional flash of lightning. Spring storms have arrived, and that seems like a good time to be at the computer, putting words to paper. Actually, it isn't paper any more, is it? ~grins~ It's bytes and code, right? 

I'll have to pay more attention to my accuracy, since I'm writing a story about a very brainy guy, Henry Travis, who meets working man Nick over the hood of a 1960 Mercedes 220S. The attraction is instant on Nick's side but Henry is absorbed in his research and his obsession with his classic car. But when Nick's two crazy cocker spaniels give a exuberant canine welcome to Henry, that kind of breaks the ice. 

Henry and Nick are fun to write about and their story is engaging. Nick thinks Henry is too smart for a blue-collar guy, while Henry is fascinated by Nick. Their lives are so different. Henry spends his free time (not that there's much of that) on technical reading and caring for his huge collection of salt water fish. Nick on the other hand has a somewhat chaotic life wrapped around running his business, caring for the 14yo nephew dumped on him and worrying about his dad. It's interesting watching the lives of these two guys intertwine. 

Brainy will be submitted for publication in the next month and I hope it will be available later this year. In the meantime, I was able to catch up with Henry for a short interview. Relax with a cup of Starbucks and enjoy. 

JM Cartwright
It's a man's world...
My blog: where the romance is real
Editor - Rainbow Romance Writers Newsletter


Meet Henry Travis from Brainy And The Beast

As a robotics researcher at a tech company located north of Chicago, Henry Travis has a very busy schedule. I finally got the chance to interview him after two cancellations. We agreed to meet at the Starbucks in Lake Forest.

JM: Dr. Travis! [I wave him over to my corner of the coffee house.]

HT: I'm sorry I'm late. I don't like to keep people waiting. 

JM: No worries. I've been working on my book about you and Nick Shelton. [I grin up at him.] What can I get you?

[Coming back to the table with his vanilla bean Frappuccino, I have to smile as I hand it to him.] I have to say, I wouldn't have picked this as your type of drink.

HT: Oh? [He closes the cover on his iPad and takes a sip.] Hmm. I suppose you're right. I wouldn't have chosen this before--

JM: Before?

HT: Well, before meeting Nick Shelton, if you must know. Or rather, to be accurate, before meeting Grant Shelton.

JM: Ah, yes. Nick's nephew. How are things in that quarter?

HT: [sighs] I guess I'd used the word... interesting.

JM: You look as if you're not quite sure about that.

HT: Oh, no. It is -- he is an interesting young man. A little vexing, I suppose. I try to remind myself that he is just fourteen. Although, sometimes, I'd swear he's older than that.

JM: Oh? What makes you say that?

HT: Just... on occasion he'll come up with some piece of commentary or some  [he wiggles his fingers in the air, appearing to look for a word] um, obscure fact that makes me realize he's not the average teenager.

JM: Like what? [I'm suddenly fascinated with the idea that this brainiac researcher could find himself stumped.]

HT: Well, there was one conversation he and I had about Pluto... never mind, forget it. [He takes a quick sip of his drink.]

JM: Okay, if you like. [I'm easy. After all, it's taken me a couple of weeks to pin him down for this interview. I'm not going to waste the chance.] So, talk to me about Nick.

HT: Ah, yes. Nicholas.

JM: I didn't think he liked being called by his first name.

HT: [snorts softly] I think he mentioned that once. [Henry's striking blue eyes gleam with humor.]

JM: By the way, I have to say, the color of your eyes is a very striking blue.

HT: [I think I've embarrassed him with the personal comment. He slides a hand across his jaw and avoids my gaze for a moment.] Oh. Well, thank you.

JM: Surely you've heard that before?

HT: Now that you mention it, yes. As a matter of fact, Nicholas said something about it the first day we met. He was mumbling something about, I don't know, a classic car color. I didn't really understand it until later.

JM: Perhaps one of the cars he's restored? He does have quite a few beauties that he's brought back to life. His business seems to be doing well.

HT: He's certainly worked at it a great deal, from what I can tell. He and his father have a very good reputation for classic car restoration in particular and general automotive maintenance as well.

JM: [I have to hide a smile as he suddenly sounds so... so brainy and formal.] Isn't that how you two met?

HT: Yes, it was. I own a 1960 Mercedes and I brought it to Shelton Motors after my previous garage closed down.

JM: And that's where you met Nick for the first time?

HT: Yes. And where I met his two dogs.

JM: I know. Rum and Coke. Aren't they adorable?

HT: I'm not sure that's the word I'd use.

JM:  Ah. Yes, they are a couple of terrors at times. But that's part of what makes your story more fun.

HT: If you say so.

JM: So. Back to Nick. What's he like?

HT: How can I put this? Nicholas is -- he's certainly attractive, with that shock of mahogany hair and his eyes are this amazing shade of hazel. When he's wearing one of his coveralls or even his shop uniform, I have to say, he's... well, let's just say he turns my crank.

JM: [I laugh in delight] You have to have gotten that phrase from Nick.

HT: [nods and grins] Yes, I did.

JM: So, I wouldn't have pictured the two of you as a couple. Nick is a blue-collar working man, runs his auto repair business, has his sister's kid living with him -- and his dad. Just doesn't strike me as your cup of tea, shall we say.

HT: [chuckles softly] I guess I'd have to agree with you, except that there's just something about him. He's got a bit of a chaotic life with his family situation, which is the opposite of mine. He's passionate about his business, though and I respect that. He does exceptional work and I really like that. And...

JM: And?

HT: Well, I had to admit, watching him workout at Taekwondo? It's a thing of beauty.

JM: Hmm. Take another sip, Dr. Travis. I think you need to cool off a bit.

HT: [laughs outright] He does get me heated up. It's been an interesting couple of months thus far.

JM: There's more to come, let me tell you. You'd better prepare yourself.

HT: Thank you for the warning. [He salutes me with his frap.]

You can read Henry and Nick's story in Brainy And The Beast, forthcoming in 2012. 


tracykitnreads said...

There's just something about a man who knows what to do with his hands... ;)

JM Cartwright said...

Indeed. And Nick's pretty good with them...

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