Monday, November 7, 2011

Sneak Peek into Last Man Standing by Kacey Hammell

LAST MAN STANDING by Kacey Hammell
Publisher: Whispers Publishing

Over a decade has passed since Jaslyn "Jazz" Vanburren had her heart broken by her high school sweetheart. After turning thirty, Jazz finds herself remembering the past and tells herself to leave it where it rightfully belongs—behind her. In order to do that, she has to face the man who broke her heart. When he calls her out of the blue, asking to see her, Jazz knows her chance has come to show him what he's been missing.
But Jazz has another problem. Ryder Donovan—her best friend and her boss, the man who'd always been there for her, finally tells her like it is—he’s in love with her. Always has been and always will be.
Will Jazz hold tight to the past and the heartache she's lived with? Or will she embrace the future with the one man who has never let her down? Who will be the Last Man Standing beside her? 

Excerpt © Kacey Hammell
His head dipped, taking her mouth with his, his tongue plundering her mouth before she had a chance to draw her next breath.
Shivers rushed through her body. Jazz’s eyes closed and she gave herself up to him. What she’d been dreaming about for weeks didn’t even come close to the reality of his body against hers and his mouth feeding on hers.
Even her memories didn’t come close to the overpowering and immense feelings coursing through her at this moment.
Her body felt alive. Wrapping her arms around Ryder’s neck, she gave back. Their tongues tangled and battled. Licking and nibbling one another’s mouth, angling their heads from side-to-side, the building could have caught fire and neither would have noticed.
Her hands ran down his back, her fingers digging in, bringing him closer. Pressed solidly against the window, Ryder’s body against her front, Jazz was burning alive. Images of tearing his clothes off, pushing him to the floor, licking and biting each and every inch of him flew through her mind.
Determined to do just that, Jazz was surprised to hear ringing. The only things that should have been ringing in her fantasy were their ears after they’d both found release. But they hadn’t gotten that far yet.
What was that ringing?
“Jazz,” Ryder pulled back, but still dropped tiny kisses on her lips as if he couldn’t let her go. “The damned phone. We have to…damn, you taste so good….”
Ryder’s body left hers and Jazz looked into his eyes. Heat and desire burned, his body tight, he looked ready to pounce at any moment.
The phone still ringing, Jazz walked to her desk on legs that felt like rubber. She didn’t know what to think. Her and Ryder…?
It was everything she’d fantasized about—and feared.
She picked up the phone. “Hello.”
“Jazz, its Max. Is Ryder still with you? He was supposed to pick up the Utilities article from you for tomorrow’s edition. Are you done with it?”
Jazz turned to Ryder, who hadn’t moved a step, but continued to look at her.
“Yes, Max. He has the article. We were just going over some…business. He’ll be right out.”
“Dammit, I forgot about the paper.” Ryder sprung into action, picking up the discarded article off her desk, only to stop and look at her.
“No need to explain, Ryder. It was a momentary lapse, old memories and all that. It’s okay.”
She smiled at him, hoping he believed the words that even she herself didn’t.
“You think that’s what it was? Old feelings and memories?” he asked.
“How else would you explain it?”
Down deep, Jazz wanted him to tell her that it was physical, that he wanted her as much as she did him. But what purpose would it really serve them? They were friends and she couldn’t risk losing that for a few hours of passion.
“For years I’ve kept my mouth shut, Jazz. Friendship always came first with us, right?”
Jazz was confused, unsure of what he was trying to say. He looked like a Viking God standing there before her, his face still flushed from their heated embrace and his stance confrontational. He obviously had something he needed to say. What had he kept quiet about? Her heart nearly bursting from her chest, she wasn’t sure she wanted to have this conversation.
“Yes. Yes, our friendship is one of the most important things in my life. What are you talking about, Ryder?”
“I thought it was foolish to ever jeopardize our friendship by showing you how I really felt about you. Have felt about you since the first day I saw you over a decade ago.”
“Ryder, I know you loved me then, but what—”
“I love you now.”
Jazz closed her mouth mid-sentence, speechless.

Last Man Standing can be purchased at …

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