Monday, November 16, 2009

Meet the Sisters In Time Heriones, Mariah and Taylor, from Ginger Simpson

Today, through the power of the pen…okay, the computer keyboard, I’ve been able to bring together my two heroines from Sisters in Time. I thought it might be interesting to the readers of this time-travel to hear from each lady personally about her thoughts on waking up in a new and strange era. We’ll start first with Mariah Cassidy, our pioneer wife and mother of two children then go to our modern-day attorney, Taylor Morgan.

Ginger: “Good Morning Mariah. It’s very nice to have you here. A reader can only imagine how strange it was to start off on a trip to town for supplies and awaken in another time and place. Tell us how you felt about it.”

Mariah: *runs her hand down her long gingham skirt and sits a little straighter on her stool. “It’s very nice to be here, although it does bring back some frightening moments. *glances around at all the equipment and leans back to study the cylinder-like mike.*

Ginger: “Tell us a little about what happened the morning you woke up in 20th century Colorado.”

Mariah: “There isn’t much I recall except packing a lunch for the trip and waiting for Frank to bring the wagon around. The children and I had already done most of the chores indoors and were ready to go.” *sighs*

Ginger: “Go on….”

Mariah: “The last thing I remember is stopping next to a boulder so our son could… well you know. A nest of rattlesnakes spooked the team and I reckon I was thrown off the wagon seat and hit my head. Frank did the best he could to manage the horses—”

Ginger: “I’m sure it was a frightening moment for everyone, but tell us how you felt when you opened your eyes for the first time after the accident.”

Mariah: *widens her eyes* “Scared. There I was in some big ol’ bed, in a room filled with strange contraptions—like in here. *gestures to speakers and control panel* “I had a tube in my throat, couldn’t talk, and a man I didn’t recognize at all sat by my bedside constantly and called me Taylor. I swear, you don’t have any idea how exasperating it is not to be able to speak. I had no idea then who Taylor was or why he thought I was her.” *turns and smiles at Taylor, seated next to her*

Taylor: “Well it wasn’t any picnic waking up in your archaic bedroom with your pesky husband bugging me, either.”

Mariah: “Pesky?”

Taylor: “Yes, pesky. The man wouldn’t take my word that I wasn’t his wife. And how you lived back then with no cell phones, hair dryers or nail salons, I have no idea. *Bends her knuckles and examines her manicure*

Mariah: *swivels on her stool* “Your husband was insistent, too. I must have told him a thousand times my name wasn’t Taylor. It wasn’t bad enough that I had to be in a hospital for such a long time, I couldn’t believe the… the tacky clothes he brought and actually expected me to wear them to your house. I have doilies that cover more.

Taylor: “You wouldn’t know style if it was forced on you…and it was. Those things hanging in your… your armoire are a far cry from New York’s fashion center. I couldn’t tell the difference between your daytime and nighttime wardrobe.”

Ginger: “Ladies, ladies, we’re getting off track here. Let’s get back to the interview. Taylor, tell us about your first impression… in a kind way if you don’t mind.

Taylor: “Can you imagine landing in a space in time where words like Taxi, phone, radio, and Lexus don’t make any sense? I felt like I came from Mars and spoke a totally different language. Frank, Miss Priss’ husband, got frustrated with me. How is that my problem?”

Ginger: “It must be alarming to wake up in a place totally strange and then have to be without the usual comforts.”

Mariah: “It’s equally as frightening to wake up in a place full of gadgets you know nothing about. I almost fainted when the basin in Taylor’s kitchen growled at me. And I had no idea that ice boxes had come so far. Frozen meat, sodas, and what about that little device that opened cans all on its own? My goodness. I tell you what though; I’ll never be able to describe the thrill of flying.

Ginger: “That’s right. You flew in a airplane, didn’t you?”

Mariah: “Yes, David arranged for me to have that most wonderful experience.

Taylor: *Her face red, her jaw tense* “What other wonderful experiences else did David arrange for you? Did you sleep with my husband?

Mariah: *Lowers her gaze* “Not of my own will. Remember, he kept insisting I was you. *turns accusing eyes to Taylor* “Well, you slept with my husband!”

Taylor: “It’s not my fault.”

Mariah: “Then whose fault is it?”

Taylor: “I didn’t write the story, Ginger did. I was on my way to work, minding my own business when she dragged me into her plot. It’s her fault.”

Mariah: “Yeah, it is her fault. Frank never would have thought of sleeping with someone else. We were perfectly happy until she dreamed up this combination time-travel historical. *cast a stony gaze at Ginger*

Ginger: *checks her watch*. “Oh dear, we’ve suddenly run out of time. This has been very interesting, but we’ll have to say goodbye for now. All I can say in closing is Sisters in Time is available now. Visit or Thanks for joining us. I’ll be back next time with a book that features only one heroine.

Check out the Book Trailer and more information on Sisters In Time at


Diane Scott Lewis said...

Wonderful interview, and then they turn on you! Amusing to the extreme.

Maggie Dove said...

Love this!


Mary Corrales said...

Fantastic interviewing, Ginger. You handled the sister well. And ended the interview just in time, I think. :)

Victoria Dixon said...

I can tell this was fun to write, despite the headcold, Ginger. It was a joy to read.

DawnsReadingNook said...

Loved this Ginger. Thanks for letting us into your world with Sisters in time. These two sound like such a riiot. :)

Anonymous said...

lol, you must have had fun writing this!

susan said...

Really enjoyed your interview and thanks for sharing. susan L.

Margaret Tanner said...

Hi Ginger,
Great interview, love your technique, I hope you wear body armour, I think those two women might want to tear you to shreds, not to mention their husbands. Loved it.

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