Want to be a Guest Author Here?

Welcome to the Reading Nook Blog. I offer guest author days and if you want to sign up for a date or two, email me at love2read28@ggmail.com with 'Guest Author Day' in subject heading so I know you are not spam.

Guest Authors can choose from the following items for their day(s):

1) Author Interview

2) Character Spotlight/Interview- You NEED to choose either a sweet version or naughty version as I have 2 versions to hand out.

3) Write a blog post on any subject (no politics, religion or other hot button issue please). Not a full promo post as well.

4) Top Five list-can be about what inspires you in a particular book/series, writing life hacks or anything like that.

5) Book promo post only

**All of the above items include teaser excerpts if you want to include them.**


Ian Probert said...

Would love to.

P.I. Barrington said...

I'd just like a review of The Brede Chronicles, Book 1!

Sean Kerr said...

Hi, my name is Sean Kerr and you recently did a blog stop for my book Dead Camp. Extasy books, myself, and about 20 other authors, have got together to create and Anthology book called Over The Rainbow, for the victims of the shooting in Orlando, and all sales of the book is going to the charity. I was wondering if you would be willing to do a piece on the book as we need to garner as much exposure as possible. The book goes on pre-order on 1st July on Extasy books. My email is sean.kerr@ntlworld.com if you would like to contact me. Many thanks xxxx

Tour Stop/Giveaway: The Shadowed Moon

  Welcome author Elli Morgan as we talk about their latest book, The Shadowed Moon. Make sure to enter the tour wide giveaway as the author ...