Monday, October 21, 2024

Tour Stop & Giveaway: Nephilim's Fate

The Nephilim’s Fate
Eliza Hampstead
(War of the Nephilim Series, #1)
Publication date: August 16th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

In the heart of London, Alissia’s ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she’s a witch, and he’s a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.

If you crave the intensity of Shadowhunters with an added dose of spice, don’t miss out on this spellbinding series!

*Warning: strong language, steamy scenes, and graphic violence inside. Mention/Description of abduction, blood, death, rape, and torture.*

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Talking with Eliza Hampstead

Tell us about your latest book, who are the main character(s) and what can we expect when we pick it up?

The Nephilim’s Fate, is the first in a four-part series, War of the Nephilim. The story revolves around Alissia, a witch, and Nate, a Nephilim, as they are thrown into a world filled with magic, ancient prophecies, and forbidden love. Alissia has a fierce determination to prove that the old text are wrong so she can be with the man of her dreams, and Nate is torn between duty and his growing feelings for her. Together, they must navigate the tensions between their people while facing a greater threat. Expect fast-paced action, steamy romance, and a deep dive into the complex worlds of witches, Nephilim, and magic.


Do you come up with the hook first, or do you create characters first and then dig through until you find a hook?

Funny thing—my stories usually begin with a tension-filled, spicy scene. I build from there by asking questions about the conflict. In "Nephilim's Fate," the initial concept centered around the scene where Alissia and Nate first meet. They are unable to kiss, which led me to question why that was the case. I realized that Nate had to be a Nephilim, so I decided that Alissia would be a witch. But why are Nephilim and witches forbidden to be together? An ancient text prohibits their union. This raised further questions: who wrote this ancient text, and what motivated them to do so? And so on. That concept evolved into the world-building and central conflict between their characters.


Which of your characters would you want to share a campfire with, and why?

Oh, definitely all of them! I’d want to sit with the Nephilim to ask all my burning questions about magic and the ancient world. Andrew (from book two) would be great to geek out with over fantasy and comic books. And Victorija (from book three) – I’d ask her about her incredible past, her secrets, and the depth of what she’s experienced. It would be fascinating to hear their stories firsthand.


Tell us about what you are reading at the moment or anticipate reading in the future? Any favorite authors you enjoy in your spare time?

Right now, I’m deep into research on life in a medieval castle for my upcoming time-travel romance. When I finish, I have a massive TBR list of about 400 books (mostly fantasy romances). I absolutely love V.E. Schwab’s works—her storytelling always pulls me in, and I try to keep up with every book she publishes.


How do you approach character development in your stories? Do you have any specific techniques or methods that you find particularly effective?

I start by imagining where the characters are at the beginning of the story and where I want them to end up. Then, I throw challenges their way to see how they grow. It’s a bit like being a dungeon master in a role-playing game like Dungeons & Dragons—you create obstacles and watch how the characters respond and evolve. The characters in my head have minds of their own sometimes, so I let them take the lead. By the end of the book, they’ve developed enough to handle situations very differently from when they started.


How do you handle feedback and criticism from readers and reviewers?

I’m torn about this. I love getting positive feedback, of course! But when I receive negative reviews, it can really bring me down. However, I try to look at criticism as a way to improve my craft. Constructive feedback, even when it stings, helps me get better with each book. My goal is to continually grow as a writer, so I try to take criticism in stride and use it to make my future works stronger.


Can you discuss any upcoming projects or books that you're currently working on? What can readers expect from your future works?

After finishing the War of the Nephilim series, I’m diving into a time-travel romance that has been simmering in my mind for the last ten years. I’m really excited about this one, and I plan to publish it in early 2025. Readers can expect a blend of history, romance, and the element of time travel, with all the tension and emotional depth I love to write.

Author Bio:

Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she’s not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she’s always planning her next adventure.

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Tour Stop & Giveaway: Nephilim's Fate

The Nephilim’s Fate Eliza Hampstead (War of the Nephilim Series, #1) Publication date: August 16th 2022 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Roma...