Monday, October 7, 2024

Book Review: Echo Road by Kendra Elliot and Melinda Leigh


ECHO ROAD by Kendra Elliot and Melinda Leigh

Publisher: Montlake Publishing

Release Date: July 2nd, 2024

Genre: Crime Fiction, Contemporary, Suspense, Fiction

Available at Amazon

My Rating: 4 Stars

Two coasts and murder connect them both. For Sherriff Bree Taggert and FBI Agent Mercy Kilpatrick, joining forces to solve a crime that encompasses East and West Coasts and will challenge these two women with everything they got. For if they don’t solve the case, the danger to Mercy, Bree and the woman missing from the West Coast.

 My Review of Echo Road:

Kendra Elliot and Melinda Leigh bring their respective characters (Ms. Elliot’s Bree Taggert and Ms. Leigh’s Mercy Kilpatrick) together in a story that will keep you glued to the very end of the book. I know I couldn’t put this one down as the twists and turns the authors threw in the storyline kept me guessing till the very last chapter. I know I am not the only one when I heard that two of my favorite authors were bringing two of their characters together in a book, I was thrilled and curious to see how they would combine them in a cohesive way. ECHO ROAD delivers all the wonderful ways these two authors singularly deliver in their characters series books and makes it a double fun ride for readers.


Mercy and Bree are staring at a crime that spans East and West Coast, with a ton of twists I sure didn’t see coming. We start out with Bree Taggert’s double murder she is investigating while simultaneously Mercy is trying to figure out the missing daughter case of a sitting Senator. When both cases collide in New York, well things take an interesting turn. Ms. Elliot and Ms. Leigh deliver a pulse pounding ride from start to finish with a devious killer that will stop at nothing to safeguard their secret as ‘The Master’ even as they manipulate the case in ways that make both women try to figure out what the heck is going on.


With nothing to lose and time running out, The Master delivers a climatic ending that will have both women in danger even as they try to solve the case and save the victim. But what gives me happy feels is how Mercy and Bree worked together to help one another solve their respective cases amid adversity and other issues that will test both Bree and Mercy to their core. I always loved these two authors singularly in their respective books but with ECHO ROAD, they deliver a tour de force that makes me want more collaborations between Bree and Mercy in the future.

This is an Objective Review and Not an Endorsement.

Find more about Bree Taggert Series by Kendra Elliot HERE

Find more about the Mercy Kilpatrick Series by Melinda Leigh HERE

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