Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Pride Month Bookstravaganza with Emily Carrington



PRIDEMONTH Bookstravaganza

#LGBTQCommunity #LGBTQReaders #LGBTQAuthors 

Calling all authors and readers!


All through the month of June, on Emily Carrington’s Confessions readers and authors are invited to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride. There’s a theme for each day, which you’ll find at the Google Doc link below. If you’re like me and disabled, or Google Docs just annoys you, I can send you a Word version of the schedule.

Emily Carrington’s Confessions Link


Saturday, June 1: Giveaways: all giveaways of reader magnets, short stories, novels, etc. Open until Monday, June 3.


Sunday, June 2: All LGBTQ ROMANCE: post your books, past and present, that are romance and LGBTQ related.


Monday, June 3: All SMALL-TOWN LGBTQ, including mysteries, romance, horror, etc.


Tuesday, June 4: END OF GIVEAWAY; Celebrating S3Xhot and steamy erotic novels, no excerpts so we don’t get in trouble with the FB police.


Wednesday, June 5: All F/F stories, including mystery, romance, suspense, etc.


Thursday, June 6: All TRANSGENDER & NONBINARY stories, any genre.


Friday, June 7: All LGBTQ Young Adult stories; characters must be under eighteen (18) and book equivalent of PG-13 or lower rating.


Saturday, June 8: NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP: post your links for LGBTQ newsletter sign ups here


Sunday, June 9:  All M/M, M/M/F, and M/M/M ROMANCES




Tuesday, June 11: All FLAVORS of the RAINBOW ROMANCE


Wednesday, June 12: All LGBTQ SWEET ROMANCES


Thursday, June 13: All  lgbtq NON-ROMANCE stories

Friday, June  14: All MULTICULTURAL & INTERRACIAL LGBTQ stories, any genre


Saturday, June 15: GIVEAWAYS OF all LGBTQ KINDS: swag, stories, reader magnets, invite readers to join your ARC team, etc.; ends on Monday, June 17.


Sunday, June 16:  All black or African American LGBTQ ROMANCES


Monday, June 17: All black or African American LGBTQ fantasy/science fiction


Tuesday, June 18: END of Giveaways; All black or African American HISTORICAL, CONTEMPORARY, or FUTURISTIC LGBTQ stories


Wednesday, June 19:  All black and/or African American LGBTQ stories, any genre


Thursday, June 20: LIST all the LGBTQ BOOKS you love; one post per person; authors, NOT your books


Friday, June 21: All LGBTQ stories related to NATURE


Saturday, June 22: All INTERNATIONAL stories (NOT based in the US)


Sunday, June 23: All LGBTQ HOROSCOPE stories, where the Zodiac or Horoscopes play a large part in the story.


Monday, June 24: All LGBTQ KINK stories




Wednesday, June 26: All ACE or A-ROMANTIC stories


Thursday, June 27: All gay (male or FtM) stories


Friday, June 28: All lesbian (female or) MtF) stories


Saturday, June 29: ALL LGBTQ ROMANCE

Sunday, June 30: All LGBTQ GENRES


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