Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Book Spotlight/Giveaway: Grave Girl by Dan Padavona


Check out this new to me author, Dan Padavona, and his new book, Grave Girl. Don't forget to enter the tour wide giveaway for a chance to win a $25 Amazon/BN Gift Card from the author. Please note this tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions and you can find all the tour stops HERE.

Chatting with author Dan Padavona

Tell us about your latest book, who is the main character(s) and what can we expect when we pick it up? 

Grave Girl is the first book in the Thomas Shepherd mystery series. Shepherd is a small-county sheriff from Upstate NY who overcame Asperger’s syndrome. 


Give us an out of context quote from your book to warm our hearts: 

Life sure was beautiful. 


Who are some authors that you look for inspiration?

 Without question, Dean Koontz and Thomas Harris.


Fire down below! What’s the first object you save? 

Provided my family is safe and the pets are outside, I’m grabbing my the ashes of my long lost buddy, Dunes, a rescue dog from South Carolina. 


Advice for newly sparking writers in three sentences or less: 

Forget “inspiration” and write. Inspiration is a myth, but hard work isn’t.


Which of your characters would you want to share a campfire with, and why? 

LeVar Hopkins. He overcame so much adversity in his life, and he’s always the life of the party. 

 Tell us about what you are reading at the moment or anticipate reading in the future? Any new books you are looking forward to? 

I’m reading a Zig Ziglar self-development book. In terms of fiction, I just started “New Spring” by the late Robert Jordan, the only book in the Wheel of Time fantasy world that I’ve yet to read. 

Can you briefly describe your writing process for us?

I write for three thirty-minute blocks, pushing out as much of the story as I can. Then I spend the rest of the time editing and polishing the prose, adding description, etc. 


What is next on your writerly horizon? 

2023 will be busy for me. I’m releasing six books in the Thomas Shepherd series plus five in the Logan and Scarlett serial killer series. 


Please share your links for readers to check out your books, social medias, etc. as well. 



Grave Girl

by Dan Padavona

GENRE: Mystery/Thriller




Every mind holds a secret. Some are more deadly than others.


Nightshade County Sheriff Thomas Shepherd is a successful model for every law enforcement officer with autism. He leads an idyllic life in his uncle’s old home along Wolf Lake and is planning to marry private investigator Chelsey Byrd.


But when a star athlete’s girlfriend disappears while camping, everyone blames the boyfriend. He’s volatile and dangerous. Did he murder the girl and bury her in the woods?


The sheriff’s gut tells him there’s more to the story than the boyfriend is willing to admit. The more he digs into the case, the more he worries someone is hiding a dark secret.


Is the boy a killer? Or is he the next victim?

Buy Link: Buy Link:


Excerpt Three:


He waited until the woman’s Honda Civic rounded the bend and disappeared down the road. Behind a stand of trees, he remained hidden and formless, an invisible predator.


The day hadn’t gone as planned. McKenzie had torn up his note and slid it into the hallway. He needed that money. Without her username and password, his only choice was to put her up for ransom, and that would increase the risk of getting caught.


A downstairs light shone inside the sheriff’s A-frame, but nobody was home. Nobody except a cat and that damn beast of a dog. More lights illuminated the guest house along the lake. There was movement inside, though the drawn curtains made it difficult to tell who it was. He stepped toward the side window, crouching low so his shadow didn’t pass over the glass and forewarn the tiny house’s occupant. His hand moved to the gun in his pocket.


Without making a sound, he rose and stood beside the window, one eye peering through the opening between the curtain and the sill. Oh, how he hoped it was LeVar Hopkins, now a sheriff’s deputy. A bullet to the head would take LeVar out of this world.


A chair swung around, and the man edged away from the glass, hoping no one had spotted him. He slid along the wall and looked again through the opening. Right in front of him, a teenage girl with a brunette ponytail filled a glass at the sink. Where was LeVar, and why was this girl inside his house?


a Rafflecopter giveaway

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Dan Padavona is the author of The Wolf Lake series, The Logan and Scarlett series, Darkwater Cove, The Scarlett Bell thriller series, and The Thomas Shepherd Mysteries. Many of his novels rank in the top-10 in Amazon’s thriller and mystery categories. He is a husband, a parent, and proud member of the International Thriller Writers Organization.


When he’s not writing, Dan enjoys photography, biking, weightlifting, and storm chasing. Dan has videotaped tornadoes from New York to Oklahoma and Texas and was nearly swept up by a strong twister outside Sweetwater, Texas. A self-proclaimed ice cream and gelato lover, Dan admits to spending too much time in the gym, compensating for his questionable nutritional decisions.




Instagram: @dan_padavona

Twitter: @DanPadavona


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

pippirose said...

The book sounds very intriguing. Great cover!

Stormy Vixen said...

I enjoyed the chat, Dan, I also enjoyed the excerpt and Grave Girls sounds like a thrilling read and I am looking forward to reading it!

Thanks for sharing it with me and have a magical holiday season!

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