Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Discover Silver to the Heart and Enter the Tour Wide #Giveaway


Discover the world of Brien Feathers' Silver to the Stars and make sure to enter the tour wide giveaway for a chance to win from the author a $30 Amazon/BN Gift Card. The tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions and you can find all the tour stops HERE.

Chatting with the Brien Feathers

Tell us about your latest book, who is the main character(s) and what can we expect when we pick it up? 

My latest book is ‘Blood for the Snow’, Book 4 of the contemporary dark fantasy series, Light Adua. Book 5 should be following at the end of the month.


‘Silver to the Heart’, Book 1 is out already, of course, and it’s perma-free across all retailers. Set in modern-day New Orleans, except for Ana, a human girl, all of my characters are vampires. Called Elder in the series, the vampires wield magic, and they are a diverse bunch.


For instance, one of my main characters, Drake (Vanya) is a Russian telekinetic, but he’s lived in New Orleans for almost three centuries and could be called Southern. My favorite, Ayasu Sasuke is a telepath and a Japanese warlord. He still lives in Japan but being the commander of the Elder Council, he comes to New Orleans when the dark war begins. Another important character who doesn’t appear till book 2, is Dalila, a healer from Tanzania, she an empath who can manipulate emotions. These are my good guys, and a twenty-seven-year-old girl from Maine is Guardian of the Realm. 

The main antagonist is a mad templar knight who is dead at the beginning of ‘Silver to the Heart’, but in a world with magic, see where that goes… 


Give us an out of context quote from your book to warm our hearts: 

“I’ll hold Feodor and Darius for you. So that you may have a little time with those who love you. But I can’t free your mind, so this is a farewell, my child. And if you can find it in your heart to do so, please consider forgiving an old man for his miserable failings.”


Who are some authors that you look for inspiration? 

I’m a working screenwriter and I also write poetry, so my list is incredibly varied. But for fantasy, I love Naomi Novik (His Majesty’s Dragon), Sue Lynn Tan (Daughter of the Moon Goddess), Frank Herbert (Dune), and many, many more of course, but those three, I hold in the highest regard.


For poetry, I love Silvia Plath and Yusef Komunyakaa, and for screenwriting, my favorites are Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, The Social Network) and Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).


However, do not take my list as a hallmark of my writing. As a 1-star reviewer on Goodreads puts it, my writing is, “… not YA fantasy, it’s urban/paranormal. The writing is immature despite the adult content,” —what she calls ‘immature’, I call humor but potato, potahto… 


Fire down below! What’s the first object you save? 

My imaginary cat. Imaginary because my husband is allergic, but his name (the cat) is Henry the VIII and he’s murderous orange.


Advice for newly sparking writers in three sentences or less: 

Hang in there and hold on for dear life.


Which of your characters would you want to share a campfire with, and why? 

Drake. And once you read my book, you’ll know why (it has to do with fire). Also, he’s a good vampire who doesn’t kill humans… most of the time. 


Tell us about what you are reading at the moment or anticipate reading in the future? Any new books you are looking forward to? 

For fiction, I’m currently reading ‘Dreams of the Dying’ by Nicolas Lietzau, and this summer, I’m looking forward to finishing the Conqueror series by the fabulous Conn Iggulden. For non-fiction, I’m reading ‘Twilight of the Gods: War in the Western Pacific, 1944-1945’, and it’s phenomenal. 


Can you briefly describe your writing process for us? 

First, I outline, then begins the mumbling to myself as the characters start speaking to me. After the first draft, I do multiple page 1 rewrites, and finally, I edit till I’ve lost my mind.  


What is next on your writerly horizon? 

Light of Adua is an ongoing series. I finish the series first, then in my head, I’m fostering a few ideas for a historical fantasy leaning to the dark. I’ll be back here when that happens but, in the meantime, please check the Light of Adua, a contemporary dark fantasy series. ‘Silver to the Heart’, Book 1 perma-free.


Silver to the Heart

by Brien Feathers

GENRE: Dark fantasy, urban fantasy (adult, not YA)

— So begins the apocalypse, with death and a story of love —


An old soul (several centuries old), the lover, fighter, and telekinetic Drake receives an order to safeguard Ana, a mortal with Elder Talent.

Ana, an artist beset by haunting visions, falls for the perfect stranger while venturing home to mediate emergent family chaos.

Past-warlord and present commander Sasuke wields his telepathic might to outwit Council traitors in an effort to save the human realm and its Guardian from a new Dark War.

Criminal and light bender Lou, now sought by the Council to answer for his sins, seeks shelter with the Reverend—an Elder fit to bypass rules of magic meant to be unbreakable.

As time’s last grains of sand deplete, an ancient battle may renew, with pieces of the fractured realm imperiling man’s modern world. Though few on Earth are cognizant, dark days now lie ahead. . .


One fate, two paths, six singular perspectives, and plethoric danger. 

Contemporary fantasy at its polychromic finest—pure delight.


NOTE: This book is free.


Excerpt Two:


Arrogant men stood different, carried themselves different, and smirked when they should smile. The redhead clearly enjoyed his own company and Ana dug people who loved themselves—narcissists. Her therapist would say that was a problem, but she wasn’t here, so who cared?


Tilting his head in a question and looking directly at her, the redhead arched an eyebrow; she’d been staring at him. A normal person would have smiled, maybe even waved, but Ana rolled her eyes and turned back to the bar. Because I have no game.


“Here, girl,” said the bartender, and her drink appeared. When Ana exchanged her card for the bourbon, he asked, “Open tab?”


“Nah, I’m about to be out of here.”


“Aight girl.”


“Hey, how old is the kid over there? The redhead on the terrace, six o’clock,” asked Ana. She lived alone and had no dignity, so why not?


The bartender stared behind Ana, squinting. “I carded him already.” Yeah, because Ana looked like she was from the liquor license revoking… agency?


“I’ve seen him in here before. He’s all right,” said the bartender answering the question Ana hadn’t asked. “The blonde is hot, though,” he continued.


“Is he looking at me?” Ana asked.


“Nope, he’s looking at the blonde.” With that, he took her card and turned.


Ana threw a glance over her shoulder—carefully. He was talking to a blonde wearing an off-the-shoulder black dress. The woman’s face was turned away from Ana but the snooty attire said ‘not a college kid’.  Perhaps he liked older women, which was good, because Ana wasn’t eighteen or nineteen… or however old he was. At twenty-seven, she was already trying to rob cradles—she would need more than one therapist soon.



Brien Feathers will be awarding $30 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Brien Feathers is a fantasy author living in the land of permanent frost, horses, and Mongols. She likes reading, writing (of course), riding (horses and husbands), drinking dark beer, and checking things off a to-do list. 

Although she claims to love everyone equally, she really loves her youngest son the most. He has autism superpowers that allow him to speak all types of rare languages including drumbeats, elevator dings, and police sirens. 

Miss Feathers loves grey days, orange cats, and all creatures human or otherwise. And she hopes you will love her world (fantasy) and people (characters) as well.  



Brien Feathers said...

Thank you for having me here at Dawn's Reading Nook. I'll be checking back throughout the day, so if you have any questions, please post them in the comment :) I'll be happy to answer them.

Thanks again,
B. Feathers

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Brien Feathers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rita Wray said...

I liked the excerpt.

Brien Feathers said...

Thank you, Rita, I hope you give it a shot.

Bea LaRocca said...

Thank you for sharing your interview and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading Silver to the Heart, it sounds like a thrilling story

Sherry said...

Sounds like a book I would enjoy a lot.

Brien Feathers said...

Bea, thank you for following the tour.

Brien Feathers said...

That is awesome, Sherry :)

Brien Feathers said...

I don't see it in the thread, but I've received your comment, Stormy. Thank you so much. And you have a terrific day as well!

Brien Feathers said...

Hi, Tracie. I love traveling. I've traveled mostly through Asia, and of the places I've been to Seoul, South Korea is my favorite.

Outside of my continent, I've lived in Dallas, TX for years, and I've visited Berlin, Germany once. I'd like to travel through western Europe and look at castles one day. But sadly, such plans have been halted because I have two young children, and airfare for traveling as a family is more than I can afford at this time.

Thank you for the question. Have a marvelous weekend, Tracie.

Brien Feathers said...

Super weekend for you as well, Tracie.

traciem said...

What is the best piece of writing advice you have ever received?

Brien Feathers said...

Uuf, Tracie, that's a difficult question. Well-meaning authors give each awful advice all the time because it's such a subjective process. But as a guide, I follow the "write what you want to read" school of thought. I believe the original quote is by J.D. Salinger. So, I would say that is the best advice for me: be true to yourself despite the market trends.

Here, I googled (lol) and found the original quote:

“You think of the book you’d most like to be reading, and then you sit down and shamelessly write it.”
J.D Salinger

Brien Feathers said...

Thank you, Tracie. You have a great week.

Brien Feathers said...

Tracie is asking what my favorite childhood book was. I'm repeating the question because it's not visible in the thread.

I'm Mongolian, and my first language is Mongolian. When I was a child (late 80s-early 90s) we were still transitioning from communism. For reference, Mongolia is right in between Russia and China on the map.

So, in the early 90s, available literature was limited. We've always had translations of the classics though, and Jules Verne was one of my favorite authors. Alexander Dumas, as well.

Also, I've always loved Russian folklores, and enjoy that type of dark fantasy epic stories.

Thank you for the question, and for continuing to engage, Tracie.

traciem said...

One of my favorites was the The Velvet Rabbit which my mom read to me and my younger siblings nightly before bedtime.

Brien Feathers said...

I just googled, and it says, "Velveteen Rabbit", is that right? It says the stuffed rabbit hopes to become real with the love of his owner. That sounds incredibly layered for a children's book, how wonderful. I remember watching Pinocchio. I also cried when I first saw Steven Spielberg's AI.

Brien Feathers said...

Sound like a wonderful family :)

traciem said...

Do you prefer mountains or beaches?

Brien Feathers said...

Hi Tracie,

I definitely love mountains and forests way better than beaches. I also love fog and lakes, but not a big fan of tropical weather or the ocean. My children and husband love the beach though. We don't have any (beaches) in Mongolia, but the kids love traveling when we get the chance.

You also have a super week!

traciem said...

If you could spend the day with another author, would you choose and what would you ask them?

Brien Feathers said...

Hi Tracie,

It'd be with Sylvia Plath, and as dark as it may be, I'm fascinated with her mindset when she wrote "Ariel". For reference, she's a phenomenal American poet, who took her own life after an incredible burst of productivity. During one of those last days, I'd like to meet her.

traciem said...

Such an insightful answer I really appreciate your thoughtful responses -such a great way to know the lady behind the story!

Brien Feathers said...

Thank you for reading, Tracie. Have a wonderful day :)

traciem said...

What are a few of the things in your life that make you the happiest?

Brien Feathers said...

Oh just the regulars: writing, having money, sleeping well, having a cake, when my son does something cute, rainy days, mist, coffee, my cottage in the summer, having an entire day where I don't have to leave the house, etc.

traciem said...

Favorite cake flavor?

Brien Feathers said...

I don't eat the cake, only the frosting :) So any frosting will do. Although not a cake, my all time favorite is pumpkin pie.

traciem said...

I love pumpkin pie too!

Brien Feathers said...

Ah, you're my people. I knew it.

traciem said...

Yes pie and books - perfect combo!

traciem said...

Here's to a sensational September!

Brien Feathers said...

You as well, Tracie!

traciem said...

Any plans for the weekend? Reading , recharging and BBQ at home for me!

traciem said...

Do you have a favorite meal you enjoy making for your family?

traciem said...

Do you have a favorite memory from childhood?

Dana Banana said...

I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

traciem said...

What is your favorite thing to do for fun ie hobby?

Brien Feathers said...

Hi, Dana! I love the cat! My doing all right and hope you are too.

Hope you are doing all right as well, Tracie. I don't enjoy cooking. My grandfather is my favorite memory. For favorite activities, I enjoy reading, running, yoga, and playing cards while drinking beer.

traciem said...

Do you have any weekend plans?

traciem said...

Do you have a favorite time of day to do your writing?

traciem said...

Here's to a fantastic Friday!

traciem said...

Hope all is well!

traciem said...

Happy October!

traciem said...

Here's to a fabulous Fall!

Tour Stop and Giveaway: The Monster Within by Marguerite Labbe

Title :  The Monster Within Author : Marguerite Labbe Publisher :   NineStar Press Release Date : 10/15/2024 Heat Level : 3 - Some Sex ...