Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Book Tour Stop/GIVEAWAY: The Widow's Christmas Surprise by Jenna Jaxon


Check out the new book by Jenna Jaxon in The Widow's Christmas Surprise and make sure to enter the tour wide giveaway at the end of thepost for a chance to win a $20 Amazon/BN Gift Card from the author. The tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions and you can find all the tour stops HERE.

Interview with Jenna Jaxon:

Tell us about your latest book, who is the main character(s) and what can we expect when we pick it up?

Well, The Widow’s Christmas Surprise isn’t my most recent book. I chose to tour it to boost my Christmas in July promotion this month. The main characters are Maria, Lady Kersey and Hugh Granger, her estate manager after her second husband dies. When you pick this book up, expect not to be overwhelmed with the Christmas theme. The story opens in April. So it takes a while to get to the Christmas, but it’s well worth the wait!


Give us an out of context quote from your book to warm our hearts:

“It has been almost a year since I saw you, Jane. I don’t give a damn who is in this room.” He sank his mouth onto hers and her protests ceased. 


Who are some authors that you look for inspiration?

Jo Beverley, Lisa Kleypas, Mary Balogh, Diana Gabaldon, Stephen King


Fire down below! What’s the first object you save?

My animals


Advice for newly sparking writers in three sentences or less:

The best advice I’ve ever been given: “You can fix crap, you can’t fix nothing. Finish the damn book!”


Which of your characters would you want to share a campfire with, and why?

In this book, Hugh Granger. He’s got practical experience with a variety of things, from estate management to living off the land. He could certainly keep a campfire going!


Tell us about what you are reading at the moment or anticipate reading in the future? Any new books you are looking forward to?

I have just started the newest Outlander book, GoTell the Bees That I Am Gone. I love this series and look forward to several weeks of reading this book. After that one, I may want to go back and re-read some of my favorites, although I have a notion to re-read all the Agatha Christie mysteries. I loved those books and haven’t read them in a while. I own them all.


Can you briefly describe your writing process for us?

First, I come upon an idea that I get enthusiastic about. Once I think I can make it work, I write out a detailed outline (10-12 pages). Then I simply begin to write. I start at Chapter 1 and write straight through (I’m obviously a plotter) to Chapter 30. Each chapter has 3,000 words (more or less) and I break up each chapter either into half, 1,500 words for each half, or thirds, with each third 1,000 words. Once I have the first draft complete, I let it sit for a bit, then read/revise it then send to beta readers. Once they’ve given me input, I make changes I think are warranted, then send off to my editor or agent. 


What is next on your writerly horizon?

Currently I’m writing the first book in a new series for my agent to send to my editor and I’m also heavily revising a book I wrote about 10 years ago. I sent it out to agents but got all rejections. Then my Widow’s Club series got picked up, so I’ve been writing on those books for years. But I like this book and hope to send it out soon.

The Widow's Christmas Surprise by Jenna Jaxon 

GENRE: Historical Romance 

BUY LINK: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B2B8KLB3

NOTE: The book is on sale for $0.99.


The death of her husband has thrown Lady Maria Kersey’s future into doubt—and her heart into the arms of a man she cannot have. But Christmas with the Widows’ Club will bring choices—and surprises--that may change all her holidays to come . . .


Maria just gave birth to her first child, a beautiful daughter—but the event is shrouded in sorrow.  A month earlier, Maria’s husband, Lord Kersey, was killed in a duel under compromising circumstances. Worse, Maria’s failure to provide a male heir has stripped her of any hope of an inheritance. Scorned by the ton, one of her few allies is her late husband’s steward, Hugh Granger. Hugh is everything her husband was not—warm, charming—and penniless. . . .


Hugh has fallen desperately in love with Maria, but has little to offer but comfort. As their attraction becomes impossible to resist, Maria flees to London to spend Christmas with her dearest friends, a group of widows who lost their own husbands in the Battle of Waterloo. Little does she know the holidays will reveal a twist of fate she never expected—proving that the greatest Christmas gift is the magic of true love . . .

Excerpt Two:


“Shall I have the carriage brought around?”


She wrinkled her brow, an eagerness in her face and an excited tension in her slim body. “Oooh, I would love to ride, but my cousin might prefer the carriage. Let me return to the house and ask her.” A gleeful smile spread across her lips and she placed a small hand on his arm. “Thank you so much, Mr. Granger.”


Their eyes met and Hugh had the sensation of falling into dark pools that might be fathoms deep. To have made this lovely woman happy seemed now to be his greatest accomplishment. “You are most welcome, my lady.”


She picked up her skirts and scampered up the steps, outdistancing him in moments.


Mouth dry and heart beating a painful tattoo in his chest, Hugh let her go. As he had said, he knew better than to borrow trouble, but he knew it when it came knocking at his door. Nothing could come of these unexpectedly tender feelings for Lady Kersey. He was a gentleman, to be sure, but his prospects were as uncertain as the lady’s own future, and both dependent on the next Lord Kersey’s goodwill. On which neither of them could count to any degree at all.  Best to treat this budding tendre as nothing more than a fleeting notion that was not to be pursued.


He started for the house, all too aware that what he thought with his head might not make a bit of difference to what had taken up lodging in his heart.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jenna Jaxon is a best-selling author of historical romance, writing in a variety of time periods because she believes that passion is timeless. She has been reading and writing historical romance since she was a teenager. A romantic herself, Jenna has always loved a dark side to the genre, a twist, suspense, a surprise. She tries to incorporate all of these elements into her own stories.


She lives in Virginia with her family and a small menagerie of pets--including two vocal cats, one almost silent cat, two curious bunnies, and a Shar-pei mix named Frenchie.


Blog:  www.jennajaxon.wordpress.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jenna.jaxon

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Jenna_Jaxon

Instagram: passionistimeless

TicTok: @jennajaxon1


Jenna said...

Thank you so much, Dawn, for hosting me and The Widow's Christmas Surprise today!

pippirose said...

Thanks for the great excerpt. The book sounds like a wonderful read. Beautiful cover.

Stormy Vixen said...

Great interview and I enjoyed the excerpt, I am looking forward to reading The Widow's Christmas Surprise! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular day!

Bea LaRocca said...

Thank you for sharing your interview and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading The Widow's Christmas Surprise, it sounds like a wonderful story

Jenna said...

Thank you all, Pippirose, Stormy, and Bea! Thanks for coming around the blogoshere with me!

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