Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Character Spotlight/Interview with author Fiona McGier


Please give a warm welcome to Dr. Marcus Jones from Two For Tuesday by Fiona McGier today as we sit down and see what makes him tick.


Q: So tell us about yourself. What got you in the crosshairs for your author? 

She had a dream that involved me in a scene from the book. She often writes books based on her dreams. Weird, huh?


Q: What was it that drew you to your mate? 

She's gorgeous! A very fine looking woman, with reddish-brown hair, hazel eyes, and lots of creamy ivory skin covered in freckles. We were in college, and I was a scrawny medical graduate student with no money, and no time to spend trying to meet girls. She made my dreams come true! My favorite memory! (He moves around on the chair to "adjust" himself, hoping not to be noticed.)


Q: A little naughty fun, where was the wildest place you seduced your partner(s)? 

On our first date out of her apartment, we had sex behind the deserted bleachers on the football field. I was terrified of being caught and getting into trouble, but she's so confident and I wanted her so badly, that it seemed like a perfectly normal thing to do at the time. I'm sure glad no cops pulled up, campus or otherwise!


Q: Boxers, briefs or Commando on a man? 

Commando when I'm at home--easier access for our naughty desires. Boxer-briefs when I'm at the hospital, or on-call, in case I need to change into scrubs. Don't want to be flashing anyone there. Too embarrassing.


Q: If your partner wants to seduce you, what's one sure fire trick they can do to seduce you? 

All she has to do is give me the look, and I'm hers. I've been hers since the first time we had sex--a very long time ago. Because of that first night, hearing Buddy Guy's blues guitar-playing always gets me horny. Or smelling her scent. She's sexy in clothing, especially bra-less, like she is at home. But I like her naked best of all. (Squirms around on chair again.)


Q: What is the one place on your partner's body that you know will drive them wild-in and out of bed? 

We both love to take long baths together. I especially like it when her back is to me, and I can lick, kiss and bite her neck--all over, but especially leading up to her ears. She gets all twitchy and tells me it tickles, but that's one of the quickest ways to turn her on. (He looks around, glaring at his surroundings.) Don't tell anyone that, OK? She's MINE.


Q: What was one of the most embarrassing things your author did to you in Two For Tuesday? 

Uh, my Melanie was a wild woman when we were in college. I knew she was mine on Tuesdays, but she reserved the right to pick up other men on other nights of the week. One time a guy in my med classes picked her up, just to get at me. Then he talked loudly about it in one of our shared classes the next day. He was pissed that I was getting the top grades in the class, since he called me "ghetto boy." I was embarrassed and pissed off, but there was nothing I could do about it. If I'd have punched him out, like I wanted to, I could have lost my scholarships. So I walked out of the class, humiliated.


Q: Anything else you would like to add? 

Don't get the wrong idea about my woman. We may have started out as just fuck-buddies, but I fell in love with her early on. It just took her time to realize what we meant to each other. I'm a patient man. I always get what I want. And since she's now my wife, I have what I wanted for a very long time. Since I was married and divorced before, I know it's not just that piece of paper that keeps us together. Love binds us together more strongly than anything else could. My life is whole, with her in it. She feels the same way.


Thank you Dr. Marcus Jones for joining us on 'Meet the Character' day here at Dawn’s Reading Nook Blog. You can find all of Fiona McGier's books on her website, where there are reviews and excerpts of all of them.



Two For Tuesday, Contemporary Romance by Fiona McGier

Buy link from EXtasy Books--




When a world-famous cardiologist has his personal life going up in flames, he seeks out the "one who got away."  She's tried to forget him, but he didn't get to be rich and famous by not pursuing his dreams. And she's never been good at saying, "No."

Dr. Marcus Jones is world-famous for inventing a procedure to make cardiac surgery quicker and safer.  He has achieved much in the ten years since he graduated from medical school, including accumulating more wealth than he had ever dreamed of growing up in the projects in Chicago.  But he has not been as successful in his personal life.  His lawyer-wife is divorcing him--but then he was never really in love with her.  He has only felt that way about one woman--the one he dated back in college--the one who "got away".   But he didn't get to be rich and famous by not pursuing his dreams.  When he finds her name on the internet he contacts her, determined to see if he can rekindle what they once had together in college, back when he could only spare one night a week away from his studies, and his world revolved around Tuesdays.


Excerpt--(rated R)--

Set-up--Marcus had one night with Melanie, a week ago. He usually only allows himself time off from homework to go to the bar in town every other Tuesday.


Marcus was deep into his homework a week later... He sighed, trying to concentrate on mitochondrial DNA and the role it played in proving evolutionary theories... He realized that he was hard again, that he was sweating profusely, and that there was someone knocking on his door. Swearing under his breath at his situation, he stalked over to the door and swung it open, expecting to see someone wanting to borrow his calculator. In his current mood, he was ready to be belligerent with the intruder.

"Hi-ya Marcus! I know it's Tuesday night, but not the right one for you, right? Well, I just got a check in the mail from my folks because I told them I needed a couple more books. I downloaded one of them as an ebook and borrowed the other one from a friend. Thus I find myself with a little bit of extra cash. What can I do with this extra money? I asked myself. Then, thinking altruistically of course, I remembered that you're so skinny because the food in the dorms sucks so bad. Yeah, I remember. My acne acts up just thinking about eating here. Yuck! No one wants to live here past freshman year. The fact that you have to just bites the big one. So anyway, I thought of you and your big--you know--appetite."

Melanie smiled at him in a wicked way, licking her lips, letting him know just what she had been thinking about. "So how about you and I take a stroll down to the Pizza Pit and split a pitcher of beer and a pizza? The surest way to know if you're compatible with someone is what kind of shit you like on your pizza, right? I mean, like if you wanted dead fish or anything gross like that, I'd either have to dump your ass immediately, or at least make you bring a toothbrush along, so you could brush before I kiss you again. Which reminds me--" She pasted herself to the front of him, twining one of her legs up and around behind his ass, wrapping her arms around him, and pulled him down for a very long, arousing kiss.

After a few sweaty moments, during which he wondered if his sleeping roommate would notice if he dragged her into his room and nailed her against the wall, just to take the edge off, she pushed him back.

"Phew! Even better than I remembered. Marcus, you da man. I knew you were good enough to drag back to my bed for another round. Let's go eat. Food first--then each other for the rest of the night. Okay?" She smiled as she licked up his neck, rubbing herself against him. "You coming?"

"Honey, you keep rubbing on me like that, and I will be before we even get out of my doorway."


Also please attach up to 2 covers for the blog post, book information including genre, title, series, publisher and up to 3 buy links if possible and book blurb and a 350-500-word excerpt (any heat level is acceptable).

1 comment:

Fiona McGier said...

Thanks for letting me expose your readers to my latest hero, Dr. Marcus. He's right about a dream being the reason I wrote this book. And reviews have been positive, with readers enjoying the independent heroine Melanie, a woman who gets what she wants--just like Marcus does! LOL.

BTW, there are other places this book is available now, in both ebook and paperback.
Universal buy link-- https://books2read.com/u/3n8RAP

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