Thursday, December 19, 2019

Book Spotlight & Giveaway- A Sickness in the Soul

Discover a new author to me in William Savage's A Sickness in the Soul mystery that will surely thrill you. Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win a $50 amazon/bn gift card from the author. Goddess Fish Promotions is the sponsor to this tour and you can find all the tour stops HERE

A Sickness in the Soul: An Ashmole Foxe Georgian Mystery
by William Savage

GENRE:  Historical Mystery


“Many people wear masks. Some to hide their feelings; some to conceal their identity; and some to hide that most hideous plague of mankind: a sickness in the soul.”

Ashmole Foxe, Norwich bookseller, man-about-town and solver of mysteries will encounter all of these in this tangled drama of hatred, obsession and redemption.

This is a story set in the England of the 1760s, a time of rigid class distinctions, where the rich idle their days away in magnificent mansions, while hungry children beg, steal and prostitute themselves on the streets. An era on the cusp of revolution in America and France; a land where outward wealth and display hide simmering political and social tensions; a country which had faced intermittent war for the past fifty years and would need to survive a series of world-wide conflicts in the fifty years ahead.

Faced with no less than three murders, occurring from the aristocracy to the seeming senseless professional assassination of a homeless vagrant, Ashmole Foxe must call on all his skill and intelligence to uncover the sickness which appears to be infecting his city’s very soul.

Can Foxe uncover the truth which lies behind a series of baffling deaths, from an aristocrat attending a ball to a vagrant murdered where he slept in a filthy back-alley?


Excerpt One:

All might have continued on its stable course had not a day arrived when a stranger came to the house. Earlier that morning, Dr Danson informed Archibald Gunton, the butler, to his considerable surprise, that he was expecting a visitor. When he arrived, the butler was told, he must be admitted immediately and without question. He would await the man in his library.

The man came and spent barely twenty minutes with Dr Danson. No one saw or heard him leave. It was not until the butler entered the library about an hour later that he found the reason. His master lay slumped back in his chair, his mouth and eyes wide open. On his face, there was an expression that the butler later described to his mistress as being ‘as if he had looked into hell itself’. At his feet were his wig and a small dagger; the one which he usually kept on his desk. There was blood on the left side of his chest. It was obvious at once that the Reverend Dr Jonathon Danson, scholar of the occult and seeker after hidden knowledge, was dead.

As the news spread in the neighbourhood, two schools of opinion formed. The majority, considering Dr Danson’s circumstances, announced that it was plainly a domestic crime. An elderly rich husband takes a pretty, young wife, who was penniless before he married her. ‘Murder!’ they whispered amongst themselves. ‘Stands to reason, don’t it?’ A sizeable number reached a different conclusion; one based on rumours of the man’s strange interests. ‘Witchcraft!’ they muttered, or ‘devilry!’ Either way, that group were certain the powers of evil had come to claim one of their own.

The Ashmole Foxe Mysteries


The Ashmole Foxe Mysteries

The Fabric of Murder

Dark Threads of Vengeance

This Parody of Death

Bad Blood Will Out

Black as She’s Painted

A Sickness in the Soul

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I started to write fiction as a way of keeping my mind active in retirement. Throughout my life, I have read and enjoyed hundreds of detective stories and mystery novels. One of my other loves is history, so it seemed natural to put the two together. Thus began two series of murder mystery books set in Norfolk, England.

All my books are set between 1760 and around 1800, a period of turmoil in Britain, with constant wars, revolutions in America and France and finally the titanic, 22-year struggle with Napoleon.
The Ashmole Foxe series takes place at the start of this time and is located in Norwich. Mr Foxe is a dandy, a bookseller and, unknown to most around him, the mayor’s immediate choice to deal with anything likely to upset the peace or economic security of the city.
The series featuring Dr Adam Bascom, a young gentleman physician caught up in the beginning of the Napoleonic wars, takes place in a variety of locations near the North Norfolk coast. Adam builds a successful medical practice, but his insatiable curiosity and  knack for unravelling intrigue constantly involve him in mysteries large and small.
I have spent a good deal of my life travelling in Britain and overseas. Now I am more than content to write stories and run a blog devoted to the world of Georgian England, which you can find at You can also follow me on Twitter as @penandpension.

The Dr Adam Bascom Mysteries


The Dr Adam Bascom Mysteries

An Unlamented Death

The Code for Killing

A Shortcut to Murder

A Tincture of Secrets and Lies

Death of a Good Samaritan


Pen and Pension:

Author Page


One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.


William Savage said...

Thanks so much for hosting my blog tour.

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Bernie Wallace said...

Does the story lend itself to a follow up?

Victoria Alexander said...

Sounds like a really interesting book!

William Savage said...

I expect so, Bernie. It’s the sixth in a series anyway.

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays!


marisela zuniga said...

This looks like a good book

Discover Eight Second Magic by WM Kirkland today/Giveaway

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