Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Book Spotlight & Giveaway~ Legend of Song De Light

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kaitlynzq will be awarding a $4 Gift Card to Kaitlynzq’s book boutique to 4 randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. The author will be awarding 2 $15 gift cards to her book boutique, 2 $10 gift cards to her book boutique, and 4 $4 gift cards to her book boutique to randomly drawn commenters (8 winners) via Rafflecopter.Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The stories within Legend of Song de Light
connect, unfold, interweave many character’s stories needs, feelings, desires, dreams

their threads as two crescent moons connected under the firelights
that layer the chords, and form the lyrics

all of you entered my world as dawn’s awakening sky of soft palette my garnet heart melted in iridescence to bloom in sun’s rays glow in night’s depth as the stars echo the rhythm of my heart my insides sigh and expand in delight harmonious blend as our lives circle the melody
The audiobook is recorded in Kaitlynzq’s voice with a blend of music like a heart’s wave into downloadable mp3 files.

An audio book that is interwoven in the Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu series that includes

Ancient Script of Lovecontu audio poem
Legend of Song de Light audio book Legend of Song de Light audio play
Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu audio set

Listen to the synopsis: https://youtu.be/j2XiCz03N0Y

Read an Excerpt

“...Danseur pulls ballerina into him, their eyes speaking the volumes in their hearts as he lifts her above to hold a cherimey for an eight count. He draws her into him again, and upon her signal, tosses her high in the air for a leatur to land softly in his arms. Danseur reimey, as ballerina performs an intricate olor fu de ar, a bea uh li, triple tizpin, turns back to Danseur, and magnifi-gras-se-susay. Danseur catches her right on cue. Joined hand to hand, they geeté, geeté, adream petite into the final truset luh-es-aglo lift, and return encircled with their eyes speaking the volumes in their hearts...”

“...The development process of this collection included the use of a paint brush to add to the photos the undercurrent of feeling within them, and when the four piece panorama is placed side-by-side, a gentle stream is seen that carries this private story...”

About the Author:
My fictional stories are written from the inside view of a character’s interior heart-that beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space feelings, desires, needs, dreams a blend of delicate feather ripples of heart waves needs, feelings, dreams, desires quiet, gentle heart strings tender, continuous soft, vulnerable air mist circles, weaves to caress a sonic sea of heart’s breath

Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into downloadable mp3 files;

audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a heart’s song;

audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath;

and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.

Blog: https://kaitlynzq.com/blog/
vlog: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAc7uEIdMGMrxLFzym5y6g
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18554610.Kaitlynzq
Contact Information

melodicprose@kaitlynzq.com or contact page: https://kaitlynzq.com/contact

Purchase Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn.

Thank you for your beautiful post, and sharing about my story. It is an honor to get to be included here, and I really appreciate the opportunity you’ve created to let readers know about my book.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to let everyone know that I’m available throughout today, and the entire tour for questions, and further conversation.

And that recently, I’ve started creating videos that share more about the characters in Legend of Song de Light. This particular video for Kessington https://youtu.be/KiZEc6929zk shares about a very special sound within a soundwave. I’m looking forward to creating more of these videos.

Tour Stop and Giveaway: The Monster Within by Marguerite Labbe

Title :  The Monster Within Author : Marguerite Labbe Publisher :   NineStar Press Release Date : 10/15/2024 Heat Level : 3 - Some Sex ...