Thursday, October 4, 2018



Rich’s home wasn’t large, more of a cottage with lots of exposed cedar, large windows, and a triple slider lining the back wall which looked onto a deck and a view of the bay. Normally with humid weather, he’d have the air conditioner running, but the humidity was down and the bay breeze brought its scented briskness into the house.

The furnishings were simple, lots of oak, comfortable chairs and floor to ceiling bookcases that held his collection of westerns. There were hardbacks, paperback, videos, DVD’s with a few books and movies on John Wayne and Roy Rogers thrown into the mix. There were also twin curio cabinets tucked into opposite corners, both holding a collection of horses made of wood, stone, marble, clay, porcelain, and various other materials. The gifts were given to him by his parents for he had once asked for a pony, and being unable to house such a pet in the city, they thought this an apt substituted, and Rich never had the heart to tell him he had no passion for them.

They both took showers, changed into clean clothes, he shorts, T-shirt and white socks that absorbs the ointment he liberally lathered on his raw feet. She wore a wrinkled, sunflower yellow sundress she had in the gym bag she had in her car, and it was close to being all she had left. Afterward, Lauren roamed the house, liking the open kitchen with its clean gray granite counters, lack of clutter so unlike her own semi-organized stacks of paraphernalia. She also liked the way it opened right up to the living area. It was basically one room with a bedroom suite off to the left, a pantry, laundry area and second bedroom and bath off to the right. A staircase led to a loft, which housed a pool table, more bookshelves and books and a computer.

Rich watched her take it in with an amused expression. It was so like her to simply explore, and he didn’t say anything just took out a pitcher of iced tea, he had made earlier that day, the tea being from an herbal blend she had given him a few days back. “Don’t like caffeine,” she said. “Have it on hand when I come over.” She had said it with that air of knowing she’d be invited to his home, or perhaps she had anticipated just showing up.

They hadn’t known each other all that long yet it somehow seemed as if it she had been there for so very long, a shadow of wistfulness, a dream that he thought would never take hold. He had once been the epitome of rawness, lust, fury and fear, all reigned in, tight, controlled yet the yearning was there, dogging him, tempting him. The fear was one of the emotions that he no longer wanted or needed, but the lust and fury roared inside, seeking release. Yet neither provided the potential for a relationship. Lust he could get anywhere, and fury couldn’t be part of who he was except in the way of abandon, a place to let go and simply be wild. With Lauren, he knew he could experience both and something more, that rare emotion of connecting, of being in love.

“I like,” she said, pressing open the sliders, and stepping onto the deck.

“You can stay as long as you need,” he said, knowing it would take time to rebuild from the fire.

She didn’t respond, simply held out her arms as if welcoming the air and scents, her eyes closing as she tilted her head back. The skimpy sundress fluttered against her lean, tight body, outlining the fullness of her breasts, of her turgid nipples, the flatness of her stomach, and molding her thighs. The wind took the spikiness from her hair, leaving it simply untamed, just like her. She showed little residual affects from what they had been through, no shock, no tears at the loss of all her treasurers. He suspected the emotions hadn’t taken hold, that for some there was numbness.

Turning back, she smiled at him. “I’m just fine, you know.”

It was as if she had read his mind. He handed her the tea, the ice clinking against frosted glass. “It will probably hit you later. Everyone reacts differently after losing all their memorabilia, everything they cherished.”

She took the glass, sipped the tea, and offered a small salute indicating it was good. As if moving to music, she swayed, shoulders moving, hips rolling. She was often like that, never quite still, as if songs sprung up around her and she needed to move to the melody only she could hear. “I lost nothing.” She placed both hands against her heart. Everything’s in here, every memory, everything precious, the true loss came when I lost my parents, my grandmother. Everything else is just things, accumulations that gather and, yes, prompt sweet remembrances, but love can’t be contained in a picture frame, or a memento. It’s inside us. What’s left of those I love I still have, and what I need, what I want, what matters I can find in those I love, and…” Taking his drink, she put it down on a nearby table, adding her own, and then leaned up against him, her back to his front, wrapping his arms around her. “… and hopefully you will be part of what I need, what I want, what matters.”


“Shh,” she said, “Be sure before you say anything. Just hold me.”

And he did, curling her up against him, burying his face against her neck, experiencing a swell of emotion that seemed alien yet what he craved. He could have lost her tonight. The fire could have consumed them both. It made life sweeter, this moment with her all the more precious. He tasted her neck with tender kisses. Yes, he loved her, he knew this, he wanted to say it, wasn’t sure of the timing, wasn’t sure of anything but that this was right, certain, good. Her message her been pure and blunt as always, but her speech held other components he hadn’t heard before. Pain swelled in its simplicity. She lost and grieved. She understood the difference between what was real and important and what could be let go.

Her hands lifted, fingers threading his hair as she pulled him closer, her body tightening in response to his teasing mouth. His arms had been about her waist, but now his hands slipped up over that slenderness and cupped each breasts, not squeezing, not massaging, just seeming to test the heaviness, enjoy the feel.

She moaned, her body growing limp and languid, wanting more, knowing she’d hold back, but wishing to stay that decision just a bit longer. Still, she wouldn’t indulge, not just yet. Partly because she intended to honor her self-imposed vow, and partly because anticipation held its own tantalization. Savoring the bourgeoning love was important to her. Taking it slow and steady was part of her progression. There had been a time of wild, a time of experience for the sake of experience, and a time of simply running, not wanting to feel, not wanting to ever let anyone too close, for in that closeness she risked loss. Soon she came to realize not risking love, emotion, life, everything that meant something left one cold and frozen. The risk was better, the heat better, the plowing through and finding one’s way, better. However, she now needed the real, no more settling just for the jolt, the lust, the same ole, same ole experience, she wanted forever, and she wanted love, the way she had seen her parents love.

Turning in his bear-like embrace, she lifted her face, touching his, outlining the scar with one fingertip, following that same path with kisses to the pink pucker of his scarit, and then to his unmarred cheek, and then to his mouth, toying with his lips, never losing his gaze, never losing the sway she set in motion to that soundless music, and somehow he began to hear it, only he suspected it was simply the rhythm of their hearts. The kiss grew, their tongues met, performed an erotic waltz, slow, swirling, and then their mouths clamped in a tango of lust, the kiss full and endless.

The world disappeared.

The wind disappeared.

Sound disappeared.

Leaving just the ebb and flow of the other, giving and taking.

Leaving just the kiss.

She was the first to pull free, to not let that kiss take them afar, to that place one could not return. Yet, she did not leave his embrace. Instead, they swayed in the semblance of dance, not real dance but that soul-partnering, where passion and love co-existed.

Rich never felt anything more perfect. He had let go of his fear of fire when she engulfed his fiery penis within her mouth, and again when he carried her to safety from the encroaching flames. He let go of the emptiness of emotionless lust the moment she came into his world. He let go of anger, the combatant of his fear, the instant he understood he loved her. All that was left was to let go of the words, to simply tell her.

Be sure, she had said. He was but he held back, not quite understanding why, perhaps because he wanted her love in return? She acted as if this were a possibility but also acted as if that would only happen if she knew she was loved first. It left uncertainty. Could he live with that uncertainty? He had run into fires without consideration to whether or not he’d ever survive yet he hesitated in this. And he suddenly comprehended that he had never said I love you before without being intoxicated, and even then it was more of a platitude, a luv ya. He needed her to understand the truth, the fullness of his emotion, and the lasting value of those words, they were redeemable, true, and real. He wouldn’t go away. He was here to stay. She was his forever. Was she ready to accept that?

Tell her he told himself. Show her. The ringing phone took the opportunity away. He moved away from her reluctantly, holding her eyes as he flipped open his cell. Listened, and then, “Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Work,” he said, cupping her cheek, falling into her, never wanting to leave her. “You’ll be safe here.”

She smiled. “I know.”

He kissed her again, this time quickly, sensing she wanted to say something more, wanted to tease and joke, but serious had somehow taken the moment, and they left it stay.

Lauren smiled at the door as he walked out, making certain he was gone before she said, “You’re my forever, Rich Longar.” And then amending, “Aren’t you?”

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Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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