Thursday, August 9, 2018

Welcome Nancy Lee Badger

Please give a warm welcome to Henrí Chevalier from Heaven-sent Warrior by Nancy Lee Badger today as we sit down and see what makes him tick.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not saving the world?
Henrí- I love walking through the countryside. Waking up over a century later, in Raleigh, North Carolina, I was surprised to find walkways, trees, and pleasant company namely a Scottish lass named Kenzie Mackintosh. Mon Dieu! She seems a bit skittish!

What is it about your love interest, Kenzie Mackintosh, that makes you crazy in a good way?
Henrí- She flits here and there as the curator of a beautiful art museum, but fails to realize the danger lurking nearby.

Do you sometimes want to strangle your writer?
Henrí- Oui! The lass dropped me in a museum garden, near a demon-infected reflecting pool, and I was naked! Later, she made me conjure clothing and learn to drive in a world so odd, it took me quite a while to adapt.

Favorite food?
Henrí- Chicken wings! (read the excerpt below.)

Tell me a little bit about your world. What are your greatest challenges in that world?
Henrí- My former life in Paris is nothing more than a dream. I now live here, in your time. Coping with motor vehicles, Faeries, demons and modern art has opened my eyes. I dare not tell you about my first ride in an elevator!

Describe yourself in four words.
Henrí- demon hunting French model

What do you do for a living?
Henrí- In my former life, I was a farmer, a soldier, and a model for the French sculptor, Auguste Rodin. Today, I hunt demons.

What do you fear the most?
Henrí- Kenzie has no idea the danger she is in, so I fear the demon will capture her. I will do my best, but I sense death is on the horizon.

Book Blurb for Heaven-sent Warrior
Henrí Chevalier's last memory, before stumbling naked into a museum’s moonlit garden, was Auguste Rodin and his dusty Paris studio in 1886. To escape his broken heart, Henrí volunteered to sleep inside a statue until needed. Expecting to die, he discovers he must learn to use the unexpected powers Heaven has given him. Without them he will fail his mission against otherworldly creatures, such as demons and faeries. 

Kenzie Mackintosh, a dedicated art museum's curator, spies a naked man hiding among bronze statues. A quick glance ignites desire within her, but she is too tied-up in work to act on it. Unaware of her fae heritage, their relationship heats up as he disrupts her job. While Henrí tries to process modern buildings, cars, and a broken elevator, a demon attacks and forces Henrí and Kenzie to enlist the aid of her powerful fae relatives. When the demon possesses the body of her ex-lover and threatens to kill him, then use her to take over the world, Henrí and Kenzie must learn to trust each other, even if Kenzie’s death might be the only answer to the world’s salvation.

“We need to talk, you and I,” Kenzie added, especially since Henrí seemed to know what she was thinking.
“Agreed.” He gazed right at her, but he rubbed his wrists.
“First of all, are you hurt? The museum is insured, if you plan to sue.”
His eyes widened, then his brow curved into tiny rows of tanned wrinkles as if he thought over the words. “My body aches where my master bound me, but I have no injury to report caused by you or this museum.”
“Bound? Who tied you up? Or, was this a kinky, sexual thing I’d rather not know about?” Irritated, by both his leer and his words, she stepped back.
“Fear not, woman.” He paused after nearly snarling the last word.
“I’m not afraid of you,” she couldn’t help saying with a short laugh. His eyes widened, as if taking her measure.
“I have no need to mix my seed with an otherworldly creature.”
“Right.” What the heck did he mean? “So, tell me why you’re here. Don’t lie. I know every name on the guest list. I have a feeling you’re not on it.”
“I am—”
“And, I know the caterer and he said you stole . . . chicken wings?” She couldn’t help it. She laughed. Picturing this gorgeous person with ice-blue eyes sneaking about the tents because of . . . what? Hunger? Boredom?
“I am pleased my plight fills you with mirth.” His stomach growled, the noise filling her tiny office. Kenzie sucked in a breath and chewed her lower lip. His heavy French accent twisted her insides with heat and desire. In fact, since the moment she plowed through the door and landed in his lap, her body thrummed with desire. No, it started when she’d backed her rear into his groin.
She grabbed a half-empty bottle of water and swallowed.
Bank down that sexy desire, missy.
“You desire me?” he asked.

More About the Author
Nancy Lee Badger grew up in Huntington on New York’s Long Island. After attending Plymouth State in New Hampshire, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education and met and married her college sweetheart. They raised two handsome sons in New Hampshire and when the children had left the nest, and shoveling show became a chore, she retired from her satisfying job as a 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Dispatcher and moved with her husband to North Carolina, where she writes full-time.

Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, and the Triangle Association of Freelancers. She loves to travel and attend Scottish Highland Games and is never far from her laptop. She finds story ideas in the most unusual places. 

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Nancy Lee Badger said...

Thank you for allowing me to share my hunky French hero with y'all!

Mickey said...

Such a clever way to present your new book. I enjoyed the interview of Henri as well as your excerpt. Best wishes from one of your happy readers.

Nancy Lee Badger said...

Thank you for your kind words.

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