Thursday, May 10, 2018


A: Listen to this...

Z: (Looks up over his reading glasses)

A: "Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death." It's by someone unknown but it's so profound.

Z: (Puts his e-reader down, wondering if Ang is in one of her rare serious moods) And why are we obsessed with death today?

A: Is life truly stronger than death?

Z: Well, as the author says, it can't take away our love, and love I believe is the strongest emotion. To quote Vincent Van Gogh. "Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well."

A: (Suddenly blurts) We're murderers....(Gets teary eyed)

Z: (Blinks - now unsure of what mood she possess) Huh?

A: We kill all the time.

Z: And where was I when all this killing was going on?

A: (Does the double eye-roll) Welllll, right here, of course, we usually don't kill off anyone unless the other agrees to it.

Z: (Wonders if he can quietly sneak off and call 911, psychiatric unit, stat!) Surrreee...right...of course.... You just stay calm. Want tea? Chocolate?

A: No.

Z: (Pops up out of his chair, and stares down at her) That's it, what in duck soup are you talking about, or have you finally flipped your wig.

A: Hey! I don't like duck soup, and I certainly don't own a wig. Never owned a wig. (Thinks) Well, there was that one time when hubby and I....

Z: (Slices his hand through the air) Angelica!

A: I digress.

Z: Ya think!

A: Oh! (Looks enlightening) You're not following my train of thought.

Z: Nowwww, we're talking about trains???

A: (Gives him the LOOK, yup that you-gotta-be kiddin'-me look backed by a are-you-nuts) I was talking about how we kill off characters without consideration.

Z: (Thinks: 911...yup...Cocoa Puffs Looney) We consider. We talk it through. We don't just wake up one day and say, that's it, Mong has to go.

A: Hmmmm I don't think we killed off Mong.

Z: Didn't we?

A: Well, I'm not telling, we'll give away the ending to SNAKE DANCE if I do.

Z: Alright then, I know we really analyzed the plot and storyline before slaying Oväder from STEEL EMBRACE.

A: Hmmmm I don't think we killed off Oväder.

Z: Didn't we?

A: Well, I'm not telling, we'll give away the....

Z: Ending....

A: (Nods)

Z: Then, me literary bud in crime, do you really think we should have this conversation right here and now...(Looks out at the readers from the computer screen)

A: (You can do that)

Z: (We're fiction writers we can do anything)

A: (Pouts) My point exactly, we're murderers!

Z: (Signs and blocks readers from viewing their office)

Alas, a moment in the lives of two writers before Zi had his morning coffee and Ang had her morning muffin. After all, according to Ang, a mind simply can't function without sugar and cream. And, in some strange way, that really does make sense.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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