
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Discover Margie Church's One Night in Minneapolis and Enter the Giveaway

Get ready for a sexy tale from author Margie Church and make sure to enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win a $15 Amazon/BN Gift Card. The tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Now let's sit down with the author and see what is going on with them.

Dawn, it's such a pleasure to be back here. Thank you for squeezing me in! On to the questions!

How did you start writing erotic romances? It evolved from writing fan fiction. At first I was anxious about explicit love scenes but I learned quickly that purple prose is unacceptable for most publishers. I finally gave myself permission to just write what the characters were thinking and feeling. It's not me doing these things; it's them. Most readers think authors are writing about their personal lives and while some might, we have to remember it's fiction. FICTION. And please don't use my books for sex education. That's another thing that just cracks me up.

Plotter or pantster?  Plotter. Some parts of the story write themselves, and I've occasionally sat back and said, "I didn't see that coming." However, I always have the characters defined with their motivations and the story arc defined enough to know where those emotional triggers are going to be met or dashed. I hate huge revisions and if I just wing it, I'm bound to write myself into a corner.

What are three things you have on your writing desk? A Sure Thing by E.H. Ward, an agate from my husband, and an autographed 8x10 photo of sexy James Scott (EJ Dimera from Days of Our Lives).

Tell us a little about your new release. What character in the book really spoke to you? One Night in Minneapolis is part of Tirgearr Publishing's City Nights series. The premise is that characters meet in a city anywhere in the world and spend no more than 24 hours together. And there has to be plenty of very hot sex. LOL So, Vince Andersen has always regretted never having a chance to really get to know Skylar Landis. The book is written mostly in his point of view because of that.  Skylar asks him to plan the weekend and he does. It's his chance to either get over her or crash and burn. You'll have to read the story to learn which it is. And by the way, Skylar is a Marine Major but that doesn't mean she's made of titanium either.

Finish this sentence:
I write because I was born to.

What is your favorite type of character to write about? I like writing dangerous, twisted criminal minds. My last name is Church. No one really believes my mind is that devious…but it is!

What is the sexiest scene you ever wrote? Gosh, I've written so many really hot scenes between two men, between a man and a woman, two women, threesomes, and kinky BDSM situations. Sheesh, that's a tough call. Maybe the most beautiful love scene I ever wrote was in The Poet's Wife between Lily and her ghostly husband, Gabe in their last encounter. There's no graphic sex in this book at all but this scene will bring you to tears. It's that touching. If you loved the movie, Ghost Story, The Poet's Wife is a must-read for you.

What is next on your writerly horizon? A collection of historical short stories that are somewhat biographical. I'm deliberately being evasive here because I don't want people to pressure me to finish. This isn't a romance, and I've never written anything that isn't set in modern times. I'm kind of a research slug that way. I've also thought that Vince and Skylar are a very interesting couple and I might write more with those two. We'll see!

I hope your readers have a question or two for me. One lucky person will win a $15 Amazon gift card for commenting or asking a question during this tour. Thanks again, Dawn, for hosting me. It's just like old times! I'll be back later!

GENRE:   contemporary erotic romance

Marine Major Skylar Landis doesn’t resemble the demure Catholic high school girl Vince Andersen once knew. They’d dated briefly until she patched things up with his nemesis, Ethan Standfeld. After school, she joined the Marines and they’d lost touch.

Their ten year class reunion in Minneapolis brings Skylar face-to-face with Vince, awakening her memories of the past. She asks him to plan a hot, no-strings-attached hook-up to sustain her sexual fantasies while her intelligence unit is deployed to the Middle East. As their adventure unfolds, and he gives her exactly what she needs, Skylar wonders whether she can forget the man who put her desires first and asked for nothing in return.


“When are you being deployed?”

“A week from Thursday. I’ll spend the week with my parents up north, then fly out
of Minneapolis Sunday night. I’ve got to be back on the base a week from Monday.”

Vince knew better than to ask her to sacrifice some of her precious time with her
family in order to explore their relationship. Is that what this is? A relationship? The idea startled him. He hadn’t thought about it that way until that second. They’d spent a lot of time exchanging emails and texts, building anticipation for this weekend, but Marine Major Skylar Landis had made it clear that this weekend was intended to be
a send-off party she’d never forget. And that was all.

He merged into southbound traffic. “It’s got to be tough to say goodbye.”

“Yes, especially when I’m going somewhere so notorious for danger. It’s hard to
make civilians understand the job we do.” She drew a deep breath and smiled. “Anyway, let’s make the most of the time we’ve got together. I’m looking forward to
seeing a few classmates and, of course, spending some more quality time with you.”

The last remark boosted his ego. “Having hot sex in one of the premier
department stores in the metro is up there on the quality scale as far as I can tell.”

“It was definitely a naughty way to start.” She caressed his thigh. “I think it would
have been perfect if that young clerk had had the nerve to ask what you were doing
in the dressing room with me.”

“She didn’t quiz you at the cash register?”

“Not exactly. She just reminded me that dressing rooms are for trying on clothes.
Then she gave me a look like she knew what we’d been up to and showed me the

He flashed a smile at her. “I would have told her the truth.”

Feminine laughter filled the car. “Oh you would, huh? And what would your
brand of the truth have been, Vince?”

“I was helping a ravishing redhead with her stuck zipper.”

Buy link for One Night in Minneapolis:

About the Author and Where to find them

Margie Church writes erotic romance novels with a strong suspense element, in keeping with her moniker: Romance with SASS (Suspense Angst Seductive Sizzle). Never expect the same thing twice in one of her books. She tackles subjects and conflicts that aren't typical in romances. Life is complicated. People are, too. Marrying those concepts makes her work fascinating to read. Margie was 2011 GLBT Author of the Year, and her book, Hard as Teak, was named 2011 GLBT Book of the Year at Loves Romances Café. She is well-known for her BDSM erotic romances as well.
Margie lives in Minnesota, is married, and has two children. Some of her passions are music, poetry, walking on moonlit nights, fishing, and making people laugh.

Keep up with Margie:

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Margie Church said...

Thanks for having me, Dawn. I'll be back later to chat!

FrangiePani said...

Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

Rita Wray said...

I enjoyed the excerpt.

Victoria Alexander said...

I'm looking forward to checking this one out! :)

Margie Church said...

i see a few familiar handles here. Welcome back to you. Victoria, I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks everyone for stopping by.

Bernie Wallace said...

What was your favorite book growing up? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

Ally Swanson said...

Just stopping by to say hi! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Ally Swanson said...

Where is your favorite spot to read?

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