Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Book Spotlight and Giveaway~ Lake of Destiny

Discover the world of Martina Boone in Lake of Destiny. Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a 425 Amazon/BN gift card. The blurb blitz tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions.

GENRE: Contemporary Romance (sweet)

Helping her aunt organize a Beltane Festival in a picturesque Highland village seems like the perfect escape from Anna’s second broken engagement and the meltdown that wrecked her legal career. But to succeed, she’ll need to wrangle kilt-wearing villagers, dangerous sheep, a disaster of a dog, and the reclusive laird who refuses to open his property to the public for the ancient tradition of “Sighting.”

For centuries, Loch Fàil in Balwhither has been known to locals as a ‘thin’ place, one where the veil between worlds peels back on Beltane morning to reveal the face of a person's one true love. The tradition could draw tourists by the busload, but that’s exactly what Connal MacGregor fears will expose the two secrets he's been desperate to keep hidden.

As Anna struggles to mediate between the needs of the village and Connal’s need to protect his identity and his child, she finds herself falling in love with all of them: Connal and his daughter, the magical glen, the villagers. But day by day, opening herself to love exposes deep scars from Anna’s childhood, and confronting those wounds could finally set her free--or endanger her every chance of happiness.


He’d stopped knocking by the time the glass slid down, but his fist still hovered in the air. Jaw slack, he gaped at her, blue eyes narrowed beneath wiry dark hair, as if she’d shocked him. 

Anna felt just as stunned. With the sunset behind him, he shimmered, all gold and gleaming around the edges like a hopeful memory. The impression vanished the moment she blinked, but still he seemed familiar. So familiar that she knew his identity had to be tucked away in some dusty corner of her brain. Ah, there. The actor. The one her sister Katharine had dreamed of co-starring with someday—before he’d disappeared. 

“You’re Gregor Mark,” she said, barely managing to keep the surprised squeak from her voice. 

“The hell I am,” he bellowed in an accent decidedly more Scottish than Gregor Mark’s cut-glass British accent, “and what do you think you’re doing, driving like an idiot on this road? Or off the road, to be exact. I have my daughter in the car. You could have killed us both.”

Anna winced, both at the tone of his voice and at her own stupidity. “I’m sorry. It was the sheep—”

“The bloody sheep are part of the reason it’s daft to drive that fast through here.”

Daft? Hold on. Anna’s eyes slitted. She’d had enough of people telling her she was doing things wrong of late. Didn’t anyone think she knew when she was in trouble?


“Skillfully blends rich magic and folklore with adventure, sweeping romance, and hidden treasure . . . An impressive start.” — Publisher’s Weekly

“Eight Beaufort is so swoon-worthy that it’s ridiculous. Move over Four, Eight is here to stay!” — RT Book Reviews, RT Editors Best Books of 2014

“Boone’s Southern Gothic certainly delivers a compelling mystery about feuding families and buried secrets, not to mention a steamy romance.” — Booklist

“Darkly romantic and steeped in Southern Gothic charm, you’ll be compelled to get lost in the Heirs of Watson Island series.” — #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout

“The perfect Southern family saga: charming and steamy on the surface, with cold-blooded secrets buried down deep. — Kendare Blake, NYT bestselling author of Three Dark Crowns and Anna Dressed in Blood

“A fresh twist on the Southern Gothic—haunting, atmospheric, and absorbing.” — Claudia Gray, New York Times bestselling author of A Thousand Pieces of You and the Evernight and Spellcaster series

“A stunningly magical debut with a delicious slow burn to be savored. I want to live in this story world!” — Wendy Higgins, NYT bestselling author of the Sweet Evil trilogy

“Beautifully written, with vivid characters, a generations-old feud, and romance that leaps off the page, this Southern ghost story left me lingering over every word, and yet wanting to race to the compelling finish. Martina Boone’s Compulsion is not to be missed.” — Megan Shepherd, NYT bestselling author of The Cage series and The Madman’s Daughter

Buy Links:

Amazon  https://www.amazon.com/Lake-Destiny-Martina-Boone-ebook/dp/B01N4WMDDM/

Barnes & Noble |http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lake-of-destiny-martina-boone/1125707914 

iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/lake-of-destiny/id1203391119?mt=11

Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/lake-of-destiny

On sale for $0.99 at Smashwords with this tour specific coupon!  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/702217 

Coupon Code: FF83K – expires the final date on the tour

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Martina Boone is the award-winning author of the romantic southern gothic Heirs of Watson Island series for young adults, including Compulsion (Oct ’14), Persuasion (Oct ’15), and Illusion (Oct ’16), from Simon & Schuster, Simon Pulse, and heartwarming contemporary romances for adult readers beginning with Lake of Destiny. She’s also the founder of AdventuresInYAPublishing.com, a three-time Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers Site, and YASeriesInsiders.com, a site dedicated to encouraging literacy and reader engagement through a celebration of series literature. She’s on the Board of the Literacy Council of Northern Virginia and runs the CompulsionForReading.com program to distribute books to underfunded schools and libraries.

She lives with her husband, children, shetland sheepdog, and lopsided cat, and she enjoys writing romance set in the kinds of magical places she loves to visit. When she isn’t writing, she’s addicted to travel, horses, skiing, chocolate flavored tea, and anything with Nutella on it.

Website http://www.martinaboone.com/

Blog http://www.adventuresinyapublishing.com/

Tumblr   http://martinaboone.tumblr.com/

Facebook   http://www.facebook.com/martina.boone 

Pinterest  http://www.pinterest.com/martinaboone

Instagram  http://www.instagram.com/martinaaboone

Twitter  http://www.twitter.com/martinaaboone

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kim Pickett said...

Looking forward to this. Thanks!

Victoria Alexander said...

Great post - thanks for sharing the excerpt.

Bernie Wallace said...

What was your favorite book of 2016? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

Martina Boone said...

Thank you so much for hosting! : )

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