Friday, May 27, 2016

Talking with RJ Scott about Boy Banned

I am so thrilled to be able to talk with one of my favorite authors today about their new release, Boy Banned. Plus enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win a great prize pack: $20 Gift card for Amazon or All Romance eBooks, 3 x Texas books, 3 x Bodyguard books.

 So let's get right down to it and start chatting with author RJ Scott.

Thanks for stopping by to talk a little about your writing! Let's jump right in. When did you begin writing and why?

I watched a little know show called Supernatural (!), and wrote a lot of fan fiction before Chris Quinton encouraged me to write a novel. I’ve not looked back since

Do you have a favorite genre? Is it the same genre you prefer to write?

I love romance. I mostly read in  my genre, MM, but I also read a lot of MF sports romance.

Do certain themes and ideas tend to capture your writer’s imagination and fascinate you?

Anger to love, enemies to lovers, the angry kiss… I love those tropes so much. Oh and hockey bad boys, I like them a LOT.

Do you have a favorite author who introduced you to the genre?

No one introduced me to the genre as such. I read a few MM books but then got stuck in writing them more than reading them at first. I think my thanks go to Slash fan fiction for showing me the kind of stories I could write.

What advantages or challenges does a writer in your genre face in today’s fiction market?

There is a huge army of people who ridicule romance, and inside our romance sits MM, and I think that it isn’t given a wide enough appreciation because people come to it with preconceptions. I guess the challenge for us as writers is to spread the word as far as we can so we can break the glass ceiling.

What's on the top of your TBR pile right now?

Any hockey books, that is all I have been reading for the last few weeks, devouring them one a day. I am so sad, aren’t I!!!

Tell me a little about the characters in Boy Banned.

Corey is the rocker, entering the competition because he can only make sense of his world when he is singing. Angel is the pretty boy singer who becomes his rock. I loved writing Corey, although him being on the spectrum (*Autism spectrum*) was a shock as I didn’t mean to start writing him that way. Angel is the product of a very male oriented family and wants to escape. He falls for Corey pretty hard, and is happy when Corey wants to  touch him all the time. They are one of my most favourite couples I have written.

Where’s the story set? How much influence did the setting have on the atmosphere/characters/development of the story?

The story is set just outside London and is set on a TV talent singing show based on a mash up of The Voice and XFactor. I love the concept of these shows and imagine the backstage awfulness. I wanted to show the shallowness of the show against the depth of both Angel and Corey. I hope it works okay.

If you had to write your memoir in five words, what would you write?

She was a good mum.

How often does your muse distract you from day to day minutiae?

ALL THE TIME. I am constantly thinking about writing, characters, worlds, storylines… that is, when I’m not reading!

What do readers have to look forward to in the future from you?

Where do I start. I have a new series called Legacy, which is a spin off from Texas. I have the third Montana book, and finally I get to tie up Heroes, with Deacon’s Law out for Christmas. I have co-authored projects with Chris Quinton (Ice), Clare London, Meredith Russell, and Amber Kell (End Street 6!!!). Yep, it’s going to be an exceptionally busy year!

Love Lane Books Limited –
ISBN Number: 9781785640469
Cover Artist: Meredith Russell

When the only way to win is to hide who you are, how far are you prepared to go?

Reuben “Angel” Jacobs is one step away from giving it all up. Losing a place in the live finals of Sing UK almost kills him. He has no choice but to go home and work for the family business, even though it means giving up his dreams and proving his old bullies right.

Corey Dixon is a rocker at heart. Being on the spectrum means that making sense of other people’s ‘normal’ is hard in itself, let alone in the chaos of a high-powered competition. Singing is his safe space, the only way he can think through the noise in his head. Messing up his audition for the live shows means his journey is over, and it’s the worst day of his life.

The judges throw them a lifeline and create a boy band from the near-miss hopefuls. Angel, Corey, and three others are put together in a room and offered the chance to sing as a group. Agreeing to become part of the new band means Corey has to hide who he is and what Angel has come to mean to him.

Is winning worth the price Corey and Angel have to pay

Unique Excerpt:

The cameras had left, replaced by a team of stylists, various vocal coaches—huddled in the corner in a tight group—and a brief appearance from the judges, who gave their sound bites on the situation. Not one of them claimed it was their idea, falling back on the party line that they saw potential in each of the five.
Angel watched everything with equal parts fear and excitement. The shock had worn off, and he was left feeling the hard work needed to start.
The tech waved a man forward. “This is your vocal coach.” A small man moved closer. He had to be fifty, with his gray hair tamed to perfection and a soft voice. His handshake was firm, but he seemed nervous.
That has to be a wig, was all Angel could think, and he couldn’t stop looking at the man’s hair.
As if the coach sensed the focus, he patted his temple gently, then immediately dropped his hand.
“Roger Moore,” he introduced himself, “And yes, I’ve heard all the jokes.”
Angel blinked at him and then realized what he meant. Well, the small guy didn’t look a lot like Roger Moore or James Bond, but at least he smiled at them all.
Roger checked his clipboard. “You’re with me in the morning,” he said. “Ten o’clock in Practice Room 7. That’s the last room on the left. Don’t be late.”
The stylists—one man, one woman, (neither gave their names)—stood Wildcard in a line, tallest to shortest, which put the six-two DK at one end, Scott next, then Toby, and finally Angel next to Corey. They were both five ten, after the stylists had told Angel to take off his boots with the heels.
“I’m thinking white and black,” stylist one, a short young woman with hair to her waist, said as she fluttered her hands in front of her.
What she was doing, Angel didn’t know. Sketching ideas in the air, probably.
“How about white to black,” stylist two offered. He physically moved them so that Angel and Corey were at opposite ends. “Look, we have the black clothes on the guy with the lip piercing.”
“Corey. My name is Corey.”
Stylist two ignored him. “Shades of gray,” he muttered.
“Really?” stylist one said in an incredulous tone.
“If it works for books.”
“I don’t wear gray,” Corey interjected. “Ever.”
Angel glanced at Corey, was that fear in his eyes? Angel shook his head; Corey wouldn’t be scared by a color change. Likely he was just out of his element.
“I don’t either,” Angel agreed, and smiled as Corey sent him a grateful look.
Both stylists looked from Corey to Angel and back again.
“We’re dressing you,” stylist one insisted, “not the other way around.”

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My goal is to write stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, that hint of a happily ever after.

I've has been writing since age six, when I was made to stay in at lunchtime for an infraction involving cookies and the mixing bowl. You can't tell a six year old not to lick the bowl!

I was told to write a story and two sides of paper about a trapped princess later, a lover of writing was born.

As an avid reader myself, I can be found reading anything from thrillers to sci-fi to horror. However, my first real true love will always be the world of romance. I love my cowboys, bodyguards, firemen and billionaires (to name a few) and love to write dramatic and romantic stories of love and passion between these men. (Yum)

With over 90 titles to my name and counting, I am the author of the award winning book, The Christmas Throwaway, which was All Romance Ebooks best selling title of 2010.

I'm also known for the Texas series charting the lives of Riley and Jack, and the Sanctuary series following the work of the Sanctuary Foundation and the people it protects.

I'm always so thrilled to hear from readers, bloggers and other writers. Please contact via the following links below:

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Full list of all books and works in process

List of all print books

Reviews for RJ’s book


Prizes: $20 Giftcard for Amazon or All Romance eBooks, 3 x Texas books, 3 x Bodyguard books.

1 comment:

mrsmarit said...

I'm really looking forward to this book. The cover is just stunning. I love the Voice so this is right up my alley

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