Monday, May 9, 2016

Discover Freeing Pain: Annex by Lor Rose

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Title: Freeing Pain: Annex | Plan this. Plan that.
I am a planner. I plan everything. In my family if there’s a party I’m the one that plans it. I can pull off a surprise birthday with only two days notice with a reservation at a restaurant that doesn’t do reservations.

This has carried over to my writing. Everything I’ve ever written has had some kind of outline. Some had a detailed outline spanning 8 plus pages while others have had obscure notes on a sticky note.

Annex was somewhere in the middle. At times my outline was detailed down to the color of the floor and others it simply said “SEX.” In order for me to write an outline I have to have a general direction to work towards.

Once I had a beginning, somewhat of a middle. I still had no ending. That stupid ending… The ending that even threw me for a loop (and I wrote the freakin thing).

If you’d like to learn more about Freeing Pain: Annex visit my website ( for my next stop on this tour.

Title: Freeing Pain: Annex
Author: Lor Rose
Series Title and Number: Freeing Book One
Publisher: Thirteen Below Press
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer
Release Date: 4/7/16
Heat Level: 4
Pairing: MM
Length: 66 pages/38,580 words
Genre/Tags: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Shifter, Fairy, Fai

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Jude Kash’s life was filled with abused animals and too little sleep. His work at the We Are One Foundation brought him his new devil-dog Teddy Bear and his new obsession: an abused liger named Sampson. Sampson suffered from poor living conditions and threats with a gun. Jude, or Kash to his friends, witnessed it first hand when he snuck onto Whitman’s, Sampson’s owner’s, property. When Kash and others from the We Are One Foundation finally make a plan to rescue poor Sampson things go terribly wrong. When Kash finally regains consciousness he awoke to a very handsome and naked man taking care of him. Kash felt a connection with the man he couldn’t explain. The man introduced himself as Maj and explained everything except for one small detail of his life: he was Sampson, a liger shifter. Kash took the news considerably well except for one problem... that detail wasn’t so small, in fact, it could cost Kash his life.


13 Below Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK | All Romance

Meet the Author

Lor is a snarky, over the top genderfluid polyamorous demipansexual with dark hair and pink highlights. Although, sometimes the color varies. She is almost constantly fighting with her muse, Animus, or referring the fights between Animus and Epicene, her other muse. Lor started reading very questionable M/M fanfiction at a very young age in the closet. Literally. Though that didn’t stop her from getting caught once or twice. This early love of things M/M sparked her writing career. Without a doubt, her Christian high school English teacher Mrs. B didn’t expect Lor to fall into the M/M genre. Mrs. B did know Lor would be a writer someday because when the class had a minimum, Lor had a maximum. It truly was unfair. Besides writing, Lor may also be found with one of her two horses, the Chihuahua or her cat. Any un-caught typos are courtesy of the cat, who shoves Lor’s things out of the way when it’s her time for cuddles or playtime… Which is about every ten minutes.

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Tour Stops

5/9 - Love Bytes Reviews 5/9 - Dawn's Reading Nook 5/10 - Bayou Book Junkie 5/10 - The (Really) Naughty Corner 5/11 - My Fiction Nook 5/11 - Unrandom Randomness 5/12 - BFD Book Blog 5/12 - Alpha Book Club 5/12 - Oh My Shelves 5/13 - Inked Rainbow Reads 5/13 - Divine Magazine 5/13 - Molly Lolly


Rafflecopter Prize: One winner will be selected to win an eBook copy of Freeing Pain: Annex

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