Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Talking about a Most Unfortunate Prince by Kelli A. Wilkins

Today I’m sharing an inside look and spotlighting the making of my historical/fantasy romance, A Most Unfortunate Prince. This book is the third story in the Royal Desires trilogy that began with A Most Unusual Princess and A Most Intriguing Temptation. Together, they make up a fun series, but each story stands alone as a separate read. Why? Because when I wrote A Most Unusual Princess, I never knew I was writing a trilogy.

When I wrote A Most Intriguing Temptation, I introduced readers to Prince Allan. He’s basically the male version of his sister, Princess Elara – hedonistic, selfish, and utterly wild at times. I enjoyed creating the character and it was fun to set him free in a pleasure palace completely without limitations. As I was finishing A Most Intriguing Temptation, I realized Allan needed a book of his own, so I wrote A Most Unfortunate Prince. (Several readers also asked me if Allan’s story would be told, and I was happy to oblige!)

But before I wrote a word, I knew that Allan was going to have to face the music for his bad behavior. At the start of the book (yes, right there on page 1) Allan is banished for his actions stemming from A Most Intriguing Temptation. His father kicks him out into the real world alone and broke, and he’s forced to make his own way in life.

I decided to take this carefree, roguish prince and turn his world upside down. I asked myself: How bad can you make things for him? He has nothing: no food, no fancy clothes, certainly no job skills, and no real sense of identity. He had lived a pampered life where everything was handed to him on a silver platter (literally), and now was in for a rude awakening. I really put the screws to poor Allan and at times left him broken, sad, and utterly miserable. 

Over the course of the book, Allan suffers life’s lessons at the hands of his evil employer and falls in love—twice. The story introduces us to Claudette, a sassy seamstress who fancies Allan and helps him adjust to the life of a commoner. Although Claudette appears innocent, she has a secret past and a bit of a naughty side. 

Although A Most Unfortunate Prince has a happy ending, it is a bit darker than the other two books in the series. I wanted to contrast Allan’s former easy-going pampered life with his current harsh and gritty existence. (And it broke my heart to kill off a secondary character that I utterly adored. But I found a way to bring him back—at least for a little while!) Readers may also be surprised to discover a few things about Allan, as well. (Even I was shocked when certain events in the story took place—and I was the one writing it!) 

Allan’s “fall from grace” and the journey of self-discovery that he undergoes are some of the reasons I love this book. It has something for everyone: hot love scenes, tender moments, mystery, adventure, and suspense.
But what about Dalton and Elara (from A Most Unusual Princess and A Most Intriguing Temptation)? They’re in the book too, as minor characters. Elara and Dalton play important roles in the finale of the story, and we get to see how these lovebirds are adapting to their married life. (Again, there’s a secret I don’t want to give away!) I can tell you that this book wraps up the trilogy in a neat package and everyone is left in a good place.

Here’s the book summary and a tame excerpt:

A Most Unfortunate Prince
This time, it’s all about Allan… and he never expected to fall in love!

Banished by the Royal Family, pampered Prince Allan is forced to abandon his life of luxury. The former Royal Shipmaster General is sent to the worst part of the kingdom and manages to find work at the docks. Lost in a commoner’s world, Allan is miserable—until he has an unusual encounter with a saucy shop girl named Claudette.

Allan must earn the respect of the woman he loves while keeping his true identity a secret. In an effort to redeem himself in his father’s eyes, he exposes a dangerous smuggling operation involving the Royal Fleet. But his loyalty to duty comes with a deadly price.

Can he keep Claudette and his royal title? Or will he lose her forever when she discovers his secret?

The Excerpt:

Claudette squealed and Allan drew her to him, crushing her against his chest. They were crammed into the wardrobe so close that Allan’s hot breath tickled her face. He draped her arms around his neck, then settled his hands on her waist. At first, she tried to protest, but then gave in when she realized her knees were shaking. Allan was here for her, holding her up.
“Shh, don’t make a sound, no matter what. I won’t let them hurt you,” he whispered.
She closed her eyes and rested her head on Allan’s shoulder. Thank heavens he was here. A second later, she heard the man rifling through drawers and cupboards, knocking cleaning supplies and her sewing aside. How did these men get in? What did they want?
Allan tightened his grip on her waist. Was he scared? Did men ever get scared?
“Bloody hell, where is it?” the man growled, and hit the side of the wardrobe.
Her heart skipped a beat and she took a breath to scream. As she did, Allan’s mouth closed over hers. She squirmed against him, then gave in as her body responded with a will of its own.
Her skin tingled as she kissed him, her lips eagerly seeking his. How long had it been since she’d kissed someone? She opened her mouth wider and drew Allan’s thick tongue in. He clutched her tighter as she twirled her tongue around his.
All thoughts of the intruders vanished from her mind as Allan yanked her lower body closer to his. His hot tongue teased hers and he slid his hands off her waist and cupped her buttocks…

Read the Royal Desires series from the start:
Book 1: A Most Unusual Princess: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CBX43D8
Book 2: A Most Intriguing Temptation: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D8P8604
Book 3: A Most Unfortunate Prince: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DMBYJ6E

I hope you’ll check out one (or all) of the books in the series. They’re a fun read with a blend of spicy love scenes, humor, and suspense.
If you’ve read the trilogy, let me know what you think. What was your favorite book? Which scenes did you like best? Readers can contact me via the email address on the “News” page of my site or on social media. 

Happy Reading!
Kelli A. Wilkins

Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 95 short stories, 19 romance novels, and 5 non-fiction books. Her romances span many genres and heat levels.
In 2016 Kelli is re-releasing her romances previously published by Amber Quill Press. Visit her website and blog for a full title list, book summaries, and other information as it becomes available.
Her writing book, You Can Write—Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction is a fun and informative non-fiction guide based on her 15 years of experience as a writer. It’s filled with writing exercises and helpful tips all authors can use.
If you like to be scared, check out Kelli’s horror ebooks: Dead Til Dawn and Kropsy’s Curse.
Kelli posts on her Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKelliWilkins and Twitter: www.Twitter.com/KWilkinsauthor. She also writes a weekly blog: http://kelliwilkinsauthor.blogspot.com/.
Visit her website, www.KelliWilkins.com to learn more about all of her writings, read book excerpts, reviews, and more. Readers can sign up for her newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/HVQqb.


Here are a few links to find Kelli & her writings on the web
Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/HVQqb

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