Saturday, April 23, 2016

Discover An Act of Devotion and win some cool prizes

Don't forget to enter the cool giveaway at the end of the post. There are 2 prize bundles to be won. The contest closes on June 27th and the tour is sponsored by Pride Promotions.

Now let's chat with author A.M. Leibowitz...

What started your interest in writing? As a child, I loved to make up stories and act them out with any toys at my disposal, from marbles to Barbies to Hot Wheels. I used to create elaborate scenarios in which my Star Wars action figures lived in the dollhouse with the family. I guess I never outgrew it!

If zombies attacked what kind of supplies would you want? A team of people stronger and smarter than I am.

If you could sit down with any author dead or alive who would it be? I’d like to hang out with Stephen King. Not so much because I’m a huge fan but because he’s always been classy about supporting and respecting other writers. Also because where in the world does he get so many chilling ideas?

Do you keep a notebook near your for when new ideas pop into your head? Nope. I have a note-taking app on my phone.

If you write a series do you reread your previous books before you begin the new one? Definitely! I need to make sure I’m not creating an alternate universe.

Is there anything you wish to say to your readers? Take chances: Read stuff that’s out of your usual. Try a new-to-you author. Read your favorite genre in public and see what conversations you can start.

For readers who haven't tried your books yet, how do you think your editor or loyal readers would describe your books? Relationship-focused but not romantic; driven by theme and character development. (Probably how I would describe them, too.)

I’m always looking for book recommendations. What books have you been reading? Would you recommend them? I recently finished BrewGirl by Eliza David. Every woman who considers herself a feminist should read it. It’s not a traditional romance; it’s about a woman and how she relates to her world and the people she loves. It’s one of the most empowering books I’ve read lately.

How often does your muse distract you from day to day minutiae? It’s usually the other way around! I want to have a heart-to-heart with my muse, and there go mundane tasks I have to take care of.

What do readers have to look forward to in the future from you? I have some sequels planned, and I’d like to take my literary leanings to a different place. Not that I don’t enjoy a good love story, but I’d like to explore other relationships without a romantic element.

Publisher: Supposed Crimes
Cover Artist: Brent Kessler
(M/M companion to the F/F book ‘Memoir in the Making by Adrian J. Smith) 
Release Date: May 1, 2016

Adam Lansing has always relied on his charm to get by. Sure, he’s starting over—new school, new graduate assistant position—but he knows he won’t have any trouble working his magic on anyone he chooses.

Antonio "AJ" Mancuso is deep inside his own head. He's cool, calm, and confident. Despite all the friends around him, he often feels like he straddles two worlds. Is there anyone who could love him for everything that defines him—past and present?

From the first time they meet, Adam is determined to get gorgeous AJ to notice him. But just as the heat is cranking up between them, Adam spots AJ with another man. Adam strikes back through a fling with an ex. When he discovers the truth behind AJ's behavior, he realizes that his magic won't clean up for him this time.

Pages or Words: 215 pages

Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, M/M Romance, New Adult

Inside the one-floor building, there were half a dozen other students. Two of them were going through boxes; they looked like undergraduates on work study. Two were sitting in chairs in the waiting area, probably to see the nurse practitioner in the back offices. One was flipping through brochures in the rack on the wall, and the last one was behind the desk. When Adam saw him, his jaw nearly hit the floor.

The man—because this was absolutely not one of the gangly, barely-adult boys in abundance on campus—was gorgeous. No, not merely gorgeous. God-like in his stunning beauty. He was practically a work of art. His skin was bronze, and he had a mass of thick, almost black hair that lay in heavy waves. Under long lashes, his dark eyes shone, and his lips were full and pink. He wasn’t quite clean-shaven, and the light, purposeful stubble oozed attractive masculinity. Even seeing only his upper body, it was obvious he was muscular and toned in a way Adam barely aspired to be.

Adam wasn’t one to be overly concerned about the packaging when it came to love—or lust, as the case might be. Hot people were hot people, in his opinion. As long as everyone was on the same page with what they wanted, the particulars of hes or shes or theys were only as important to him as they were to his partners. In all the years he’d been practicing the science of mate selection, he was certain he’d never met anyone who had melted his insides as fast as the man at the desk.

While Adam was busy staring, he stood rooted to the spot, having forgotten why he was there in the first place. The low throat-clearing startled him, and he shifted his gaze from Sexy’s torso to his face. The man’s lips twitched, but he didn’t smile.

“May I help you?” he asked.

“Uh…” Adam mentally slapped himself. He was not one to lose his words over anyone, no matter how attractive. Time to take control back. He stepped up to the counter. “Yeah. I need a couple of things.” He lowered his voice and put on what he hoped was his sexiest expression. “I came in to get condoms.”

Once again, amusement flashed on the other man’s face. “No problem. You can leave a donation here.” He shoved a jar forward on the counter.

Adam almost laughed at the pink paper label taped to the front. It read, Condoms—Tip Jar. Still feeling off-kilter, he snipped, “They’re not free?”

“They are. We’re asking for donations because we offer a lot of free stuff here, and it helps offset the cost when people give a little.” He looked Adam up and down. “I’m guessing you’re non-traditional or a graduate student, so maybe you can spare some change.”

Adam sneered, but he reached into his pocket for his wallet. He withdrew a dollar and stuck it in the jar then held out his hand. The other man reached under the counter and came back up with one condom, which he slapped into Adam’s palm.

“You have got to be kidding me. You want me to pay a dollar per condom? I’m going to need more than one,” Adam huffed. “For less than that price, I could buy them at the drug store.”

The man laughed. “I’m messing with you. You’re being a huge dick about making a small donation to the health center, so payback is fair.” He snorted. “Although, look who thinks he’s such a stud. If you need that many, why not buy them at the store?”

“Because I live in student housing, and this is more convenient. If you must know, yes, I have an important date.”

“I’m sure.” The man’s smile was condescending. “Fine.” He reached under the counter again and came up with a handful of condoms. “Enjoy them, with my blessing.”


Adam stuffed them in his pockets, turned around, and stalked out of the health center. No matter how hot that guy was, he was an ass, and Adam didn’t want to stick around for any more of his attitude. He had a date to get ready for, and guaranteed she would be much better company than the self-righteous jerk in the center. Which, of course, was exactly why Adam couldn’t get his handsome face and toned body out of his head.

Tour Dates & Stops:

Meet the author:
A. M. Leibowitz is a queer spouse, parent, feminist, and book-lover falling somewhere on the Geek-Nerd Spectrum. Ze keeps warm through the long, cold western New York winters by writing about life, relationships, hope, and happy-for-now endings. In between noveling and editing, ze blogs coffee-fueled, quirky commentary on faith, culture, writing, books, and hir family.

Where to find the author:

Twitter:  @amyunchained
Amazon author page: (A. M. Leibowitz)

Rafflecopter Prize:

#1 - eBook bundle of An Act of Devotion plus the companion short stories;

#2 - 1 package containing a signed print copy plus a bag of Sorrento Spicchi Italian hard candy and a pack of assorted condom varieties

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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