Friday, February 27, 2015

Blog Tour Post and Giveaway for On the Money

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of the post for a chance for $25 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner and a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn host. NBtM Tour sponsered by Goddess Fish. Find the complete tour stops HERE

Now let's talk with author Tariq Saleim....

So tell us about your latest or upcoming release. What is this gem about?

My next release is a political thriller which is set in year 2100AD. It talks about a world that is united, peaceful and prosperous – but only on the outside.

How often does your muse distract you from day to day minutiae?

I write either very early in the morning, that is, before sunrise or very late at night. This way I am able to write without distractions. I have the ability to write when I want and do not have to wait for a special moment or mood. This is very helpful otherwise I am not sure how I would be able to write anything. I have a full day job, two teenage kids, wife, friends, extended family etcetera and they take up most of my time of the day. So far, my writing is limited only to little time that I am able to steal from my busy routine. One day, when I am no longer working full time, and kids have moved on with their respective lives, I will turn into a writing machine. There are so many things I want to write about, but today there is very little time. 

What do readers have to look forward to in the future from you?

My third book is a political thriller, as stated above. I have finished writing the manuscript and it is being edited. I have also started working on my fourth book which is a romantic comedy.

Writer’s block—real or hype?

For me, it is hype. I am able to write whenever I have time. With my busy life style, if I let myself get hit by writer’s block, I will not be able to write anything. There are days when I do not write as well as I wish to, however, I still write. Manuscripts can be improved while editing, but if you have written nothing then you cannot improve anything.

Do you prefer to extensively plot your stories, or do you write them as they come to you

I plot my stories. I do not like to write without plot. As I write, minor adjustments are made, however, overall plot holds.

Do you have a favorite genre? Is it the same genre you prefer to write?

I do not have a favorite genre. I just love to write. My first book, ‘A Chronicle of Amends’ was on spirituality. My second book, ‘On the Money’ talks about success and what it costs to be successful. My third and upcoming book is a political thriller. My fourth book will be a romantic comedy. After my fourth book, I am thinking of writing a novel on banking crimes.

What advantages or challenges does a writer in your genre face in today’s fiction market?

For any book to sell and be commercially successful, writer needs to actively market it. When an author is published by a traditional publishing company, they take care of the marketing bit. However, for an Indie author like me, marketing and promotion is a big challenge. Given my day job and other commitments, I have very limited time and I use this time to write, edit and publish. This comes at the cost of marketing efforts, which I believe is the greatest challenge to any Indie author.

How long did it take you to get your rough draft finished on your latest release?

‘On the Money’ took me a year and a half to finish. It is a big book and discusses several concepts some of which are decently controversial. I am glad that I was able to cover so much in this little a time.

If you could be any paranormal creature what would you be?

I would be someone who is extremely intelligent and understands everything about everything. I do not know of any such character, but if I ever want to be one then this would be my choice. I want to know all there is to know in this world and beyond. Knowledge was and will always be the most important skill set one can acquire.

Is there anything you will never write about?

I will never write erotica and religiously or culturally insensitive material.

Do you have a favorite quote from your book(s)?

My second book starts with this quote – ‘If hard work was enough donkeys would be rich’. I love this quote as it aptly explains where most of us go wrong in pursuit of success – we work too hard. Success needs more; hard work is just one ingredient.

Is there anything you would tell aspiring writers?

Just write and do not worry about commercial success. A lot of artists, writers, musicians etcetera would have gotten nowhere in life had they stopped producing their work because of lack of initial success. If your work is good it will eventually see success. Stay your course and you will eventually get there.

Now how about a taste of On The Money.....

Everything in life comes at the cost of something else. The more you have of something, the more you have to let go of something else, and this applies to money, too. There is no exception to this, and therefore it is important to know the true cost of your achievements. The more money you accumulate, the less you have of something else (often health, time, relationships, dignity, respect, etc.). Most of us are not able to fathom these costs up front, and when we finally understand, it is usually too late.

A banker by profession, Tariq Saleim has been the confidant of many successful individuals across his international career. He is a believer that true happiness comes from knowing what you want in life -and what you are willing to sacrifice to get it. 'On the money' is his first romantic novel that discusses time-tested moneymaking concepts and reflects on the hidden costs of our decisions in the process.


She was intrigued by her visitor, who had not bothered to call and then decided to wait. Slowly she walked toward the hall, and then she saw him. He was seated on the sofa facing the hallway, looking haggard and tired. His suitcase was next to him. He looked up as soon as he heard her footsteps and stood up to welcome her.

She quickly walked to him, and before he could say a word, she slapped him hard on his face.

“This is for not replying to my calls and messages,” she said furiously.

He did not say a word. Instead, he took her face in his hands and kissed her lips. Half-heartedly she tried to free herself from his grip and then pretended she could not. As she kissed him back, he released her face and embraced her in his arms.

“I thought I would deliver my message in person,” he replied lovingly, his lips still on hers.

“What took you so long?” she questioned, breathing heavily, struggling to talk and kiss at the same time.

“I had to be set free before I could,” he replied quickly, also breathing heavily now.

“And you are free now?” she questioned, holding her lips to his.

He pushed her back gently so that he could say his next words in no uncertain terms.

“I have paid for my commitments through my blood and sweat. There are no more commitments today. There is only love, there is only you, and nothing else matters.”

She looked into his eyes affectionately and said, “You are not going to disappear tomorrow?”

“Never again, my love; never again,” he replied with a smile.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tariq Saleim was born in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1972 and currently resides in Singapore. He is a banker by profession and has been associated with the industry for over two decades. He is a law graduate and also holds an MBA in finance. His first book, A Chronicle of Amends, was published in 2013 and received encouraging reviews from critics and fans. His second book, On the Money, discusses time-tested moneymaking concepts and reflects on the hidden costs of our decisions in the process.




Thanks for hosting. Regards, Tariq

Rita Wray said...

I liked the interview.

MomJane said...

I really enjoyed your interview and comments. I think you really love writing as it shows in your comments. The excerpt was wonderful.

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