Thursday, January 8, 2015

Welcome author AJ Llewellyn

Please welcome author AJ Llewellyn to the Reading Nook. We are talking about his latest release in his Last Warrior series, Makahiki, out at Breathless Press.

Can you please tell us about your latest book?
Hi Dawn, It’s so nice to be back here. I’m a little sad but also glad to visit again, but this is the third and final book in my Last Warrior series, a M/M urban fantasy story set in the Hawaiian Islands. Book three, Makahiki, picks up right where book two, Palehua left off.

It’s New Year’s Eve in Waikiki and my hero, Lio Pakai, has some wonderful things going on as the year is about to commence. He has a wonderful boyfriend, Kord Ashley, and his beloved stepmother, Marcella is about to give birth to a baby boy, which will mean three boys for the Pakai family.

Things are groovy except that somehow, in doing an errand for Marcella and his father, Lio is plunged back in time (it always happens at the worst possible moment) mid-traffic on Kalakaua Avenue. He finds himself in the middle of a Makahiki, which used to be a wonderful, week-long festival in the islands. Hey – I think we need to bring them back!

Anyway, he realizes that a huge battle has erupted in the middle of the festival. Blood and gore everywhere. And somebody wants to kill Lio.

But why does his assailant look just like him?

That’s how the book starts! LOL!

How did you come with the idea for this story?
I came up with it visiting Bishop Museum in Honolulu. They told me a wild tale about this funny little statue I looked at – photo included that I took! – and how he came into their possession. The curator told me the statue refused to be moved during their recent massive renovations. Three different kahuna came and chanted and prayed over the statue and he still wouldn’t be moved. So I wrote a whole series around him!
I love the idea of inanimate objects possessing great powers. I believe spirit is everywhere. Anyway, that’s where it came from. I did a great deal of research. Some of it was quite...spooky.

Who is your ultimate "book boy/girlfriend"? You know, that hottie you read about and drool over. 
Oh, I have too many to list but I am still in love with Atticus Finch, the hero of To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s sad to me – no, utterly tragic – that 54 years after that beautiful book was written, that we are still grappling with the issues of racism in America.

Who is your Celebrity crush? And what would you do if you ever meet them? 
That’s easy! Timothy Dalton! I’ve loved everything I’ve ever seen him in,    
ever since I saw him in Wuthering Heights. I think he’s sexy and smart and was  
a great James Bond! If I ever met him I know I would probably do something 
idiotic like stick a fork in my eye or fall over or

If you could collaborate with another author on a secret project, who would you pick to work with and why? 
I am so lucky because I get to have my wish all the time. My frequent co-author is D.J. Manly and we’re cooking up a bunch of stuff for this year. D.J. is one of the best authors out there – in any genre. I think we have a fantastic relationship. I’ve never had a collaboration like it.

Makahiki: The Last Warrior Book 3,
Paranormal Contemporary MM


On the anniversary of the ancient Makahiki festival, reincarnated Hawaiian warrior, Lio Paiaki, goes back in time to face a deadly enemy: himself.

In the final chapter of the exciting Last Warrior series, Lio Paikai rushes to the hospital with his lover, Kord, for the birth of his baby brother, Lono. They're soon waylaid, however, by traffic on the Pali Highway. 
Not by cars, but foot traffic. He and Kord, who once were warriors for the last king of Oahu, have intercepted an ancient procession of devotees marching down the old Pali for the Makahiki. They're stunned to learn dark kahuna forces plan to provide a blood sacrifice for the New Year festival. 
The sacrifice they have inadvertently crossed paths with is Lio's. He must right past wrongs—or there won't be any future for him or the man he loves.

Teaser from Makahiki:

Kord locked our bedroom door and shoved a chair under the handle. He took my face in his hands and gave me a gentle kiss before checking that he'd activated the window alarms. He was the most protective man I knew.
When he finally turned and took me in his arms, my soul stopped screaming. I felt as if I'd waited forever to be naked and alone with Kord, but it had only been hours. We'd sneaked in a quickie before chaperoning Louie's date, but it hadn't taken the edge off our passions. We stripped each other quickly, leaving our clothes in pools around our feet.
I could hear the faint drone of the TV and realized how lucky my dad and I were to have fallen into the magic love pot that was the Ashley family. Marcella and Kord were the most astonishing people I'd ever met. Their capacity for love, their warmth, and—oh, Kord blazed a trail across my throat with hot, peppery kisses, pushing me gently down to the floor.
My cock stood up, proud and pleased as heck to see him. He knelt beside me, smiling down at me.
"We could take this to the bed," I whispered.
"I want you right here," he said, as I fondled his huge, thick cock, which jutted toward me. Yep, it knew who loved it.
I lay on my back, letting his fingers and lips roam my body. In the semidark room my parents had designated for me when they first bought the house, I smiled, thinking how far we'd come. When we first agreed to move in and stay in case my parents needed to rush to the hospital, we were embarrassed to make love. We'd even made emergency dashes back to our house down the road for furtive fumbles.
Now we were much more comfortable.
Kord brushed my fingers away when I tried to hold on to his cock. He got to his feet, and I kept my gaze glued to his magnificent erection as he walked over to the corner of our room.
My cock seemed to get harder as he walked back to me. Man, I could never get enough of seeing his gorgeous, hard body. And it was mine. All mine!
I turned my head, trying to see what he was doing, but I already knew. He walked back with the didgeridoo, the long, natural wood trumpet my brother had carved for us as a Christmas gift.
We loved the lush, vibrating sounds it made and knew the didgeridoo had first been crafted by Australian aborigines, but the early, indigenous Hawaiians shared many similarities with other tribal cultures. My lover had had dreams of himself in his warrior lifetime, playing the instrument.
He didn't mention to Louie what he was playing, but he'd demonstrated it to me the first night we were alone with it.
Kord stood beside me. "Ready?" he asked, his voice thick with desire.
"Yeah," I rasped.
I thought I would come before he'd even had the chance to do his thing. He moved back slightly, and I closed my eyes. I heard him moving to the top of my head. Next thing I knew, he was blowing into the long, hollowed tubing, and the unusual vibrations of sound washed over me. I held my breath, wanting to enjoy every second of this sensual experience.
Kord kept blowing into the wood, holding it mere inches from my body as he moved from head to toe. When he reached my cock, the sounds he was making made it leap.
He slid to my feet as my body trembled in anticipation. The waves of pleasure engulfed me. The first time he'd done this to me, I came before he even made it inside me.
"Don't you come!" he insisted, dropping the didgeridoo beside him.
I opened my hazy eyes and found him scrambling to get between my legs. We had no lube handy, but we were both leaking all over the place.
"Wait, wait!" he demanded, but I came the moment I saw his gargantuan cock poised at my asshole. Knowing it was for me and knowing how good it would make me feel sent me over the edge. I came hard, with Kord pressing my knees toward my chest, scooping up my juices to prepare me for him. He stroked feverishly at my hole, and I begged him to fuck me.
My whole body still vibrated from the wild sounds of the instrument. He entered me hard and fast, and I saw stars as he pounded me, muttering my name, his slick fingers at my mouth.
He came deep inside me, and I clung to him.
"Do that again," I said against his lips. I heard his heart beating against my own. Fast, out of control, aflame with lust.
Just how I liked it.
He stayed inside me, kissing me, his tongue lashing against mine. We remained that way, entwined. I loved the feel of him inside me, above me. Laying claim to my body. I wrapped my legs and arms around him, and he moaned.
And the next thing I knew, we were surrounded by mud and furious-faced warriors.

About the Author:
A.J. Llewellyn lives in California, but dreams of living in Hawaii. Frequent trips to all the islands, bags of Kona coffee in the fridge and a healthy collection of Hawaiian records keep this writer refueled.

A.J’s passion for the islands have led to writing a play about the last ruling monarch of Hawaii, Queen Lili’uokalani, plus a non-erotic novel about the overthrow of her kingdom written in diary form from her maid’s point of view.

AJ never lacks inspiration for male/male erotic romances and on the rare occasions this happens, pursue other passions such as collecting books on Hawaiiana, surfing and spending time with friends and animal companions.
A.J. Llewellyn believes that love is a song best sung out loud.

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