Thursday, August 14, 2014

Talking with AlTonya Washington

#LAYERSOFTHEPAST @wnlbooktours
Book Title: Layers of the Past (Age recommended 18 +)
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Al Tonya Washington (July 3, 2014)
ISBN-10: 0991181409
ISBN-13: 978-0991181407
About The Author
0051 Washington
AlTonya Washington has been a published romance novelist for 10 years. In 2013, her Harlequin Kimani novel "His Texas Touch" won the Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Series Romance of 2012. In addition to being an author, AlTonya also works as a college Reference Librarian. Writing as T. Onyx, AlTonya released her latest erotica "Ravenous: Ruler of Perfection II" in 2013. Her newest title with Harlequin Kimani is "Provocative Passion" nominated for an AMB Ovation Award for Outstanding Interracial Romance and the sequel to the January 2013 release "Provocative Territory". In November she will release "A Lover's Debt", the 17th title in the Ramsey Tesano saga.


            I’ve been a published author in the writing game for over ten years. I feel quite blessed whenever I hear someone stressing over deadlines. I started writing almost ten years before I ever received my first book contract. By that time, I’d had about 15 titles of varying length under my bed at home. My answer to remaining sane in the presence of deadlines is to be prepared or more importantly be over-prepared by having an almost obsessive desire to create.

            When I got ‘the call’ I’d been waiting on from the woman who would come to be my first editor, she had read a manuscript that I’d previously submitted to another editor who left the pub house before we could work together. The new editor wasn’t overwhelmed by the manuscript I had previously submitted, but she did enjoy my writing style and asked what else I had. When I told her the extent of my writing collection, she asked me to send in a list of my strongest works with brief synopses. Afterwards, she made a selection for two which resulted in her offering my first contract. Being prepared with a wealth of items to choose from was definitely a blessing. I was already anxious what with being offered a two book deal. My second book was very well received although I don’t know if that would have been the case if I’d been in a situation of having to create it from scratch on the heels of my first award nominated title. 

            When there is no stress of deadlines, an author’s ability to create flows instead of stagnates. I worked for a newspaper advertising department early in my career so I tend to work pretty well under pressure. Having that sort of pressure early in my writing career however wasn’t something I wanted to experience. Now that I make a living in both the traditional and independent markets, my workload has increased. I find that it serves me well to lay out a writing calendar so that I can establish time to work on each aspect of the book from premise, to outline, to rough and final drafts. This kind of scheduling has been a godsend as it not only helps me to keep my projects in order, but it keeps me from feeling stressed that I may overlook a target date.
About The Book
Huron Base has a name synonymous with power and intimidation. He’s made no apologies for doing what’s been necessary to survive a life rooted in poverty and pain. Endeavors drenched in blood and marked with bone have become his trademark in spite of his desire to be more-to be better. When he meets troubleshooter, Kamari Grade that desire receives the spark it’s been waiting on. It’s the spark that motivates Huron to once again strive to rise above his circumstances and at last become the better man he wants to be. Change however, has its consequences...and its dangers. Many of Huron’s associates aren’t so supportive of his new found...desires. They are especially wary of his new found love. Kamari is a recognizable force in her field-one that keeps her too enmeshed in the circles of law enforcement that Huron’s associates strive to avoid. Huron knows that Kam doesn’t care who he was, only who he is- the man she loves. Still, he won’t allow that to blind him to what has to be done-the steps that must be taken to keep the woman he loves from becoming a casualty in a war between new enemies.

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