Monday, March 3, 2014

Welcome Faberge Nostromo today

Please give a warm welcome to author Faberge Nostromo who drops in today at the Reading Nook Blog.

Is there a genre you’d like to write?  Is there one you’ll probably stay away from?  Why?
I think I’m finding it now. I started on a contemporary romance but As Dreams Are Made On is my first foray into SF - and it feels good! I think I’d also like to dip into paranormal and fantasy, to let my imagination run riot (which it does anyway).

I think I’d have to stay away from historical romance though, I’d be no good at getting it right. I’d probably have my Regency hero texting the heroine while she’s checking her email on her iPad….

Please tell us about your newest release and where the idea came from.
As Dreams Are Made On is my sci-fi lesbian update of Shakespeare's The Tempest. I like to think it's where the Bard might have taken it had he seen Star Trek. It also features a very, very adaptable android who almost comes between my two heroines. I've taken elements of the T1000 from Terminator 2, mixed in a bit of Maria, the robot from Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' and added elements of Robbie the Robot, of course.

It was kicked off by a Facebook group of a few authors floating the idea of a Shakespeare inspired anthology of short stories. The Tempest has long been a favourite of mine from when I saw the 50s SF movie 'Forbidden Planet' and someone explained that it was Shakespeare in space. I've also seen the Royal Shakespeare Company do it with Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise) as Prospero. Frankly, once I typed the word "bo'sun" it practically wrote itself.

What kind of research did you do for this book?
I dived straight into Shakespeare on my kindle and hit Wikipedia and Google for dates, events and themes in Shakespeare and for images to inspire me. I also revisited Forbidden Planet and a lot of Star Trek. That wasn’t hard though as I am a total Trekkie.

If this book was made into a movie, who do you see playing the main characters?
Very interesting question… I think Helena Bonham Carter could bring some wistful whimsy to Miranda, or possibly Winona Ryder. Sandra Bullock would be my Captain Ferdinand though, for sure. Miranda’s father is older and world weary - perhaps Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from Buffy). As for my adaptable android… he might be Russell Brand. I can see him embracing the character completely!

How do you come up with characters names?
Sometimes they leap out at me, if a character is like someone I know - then I just alter it a bit or chooses a very similar name. Sometimes they have to fulfil a plot need. In my first book, His Secret Dancer, I had to have a male transvestite with a name that would do for a boy or girl, so he was Daniel/Danielle. To keep the gender twist theme his female partner had to be Francine/Franci.

In As Dreams Are Made On I’ve largely kept Shakespeare’s characters… except I made the ship Prospero and called Miranda’s father Jacques-Pierre Guillaume :-) Ariel became the android R.E.L. See what I did there?

What do you do in your free time?
I play guitar, ukulele and bass and sing… well, I sort of sing. Any opportunity, I’m up there strumming and singing. People avoid asking me places now because of it. In fact, I could do a number now if you like… *strums a G major*

How much of your own personality bleeds into your characters?
Yes, you know those parts of you that you don’t really like people knowing about? Those parts sometimes seep out. And that can be good or bad. Otherwise I think it’s me projecting myself onto people I know and pretending it’s them really.

Do you have a list of movies like me that you are itching to see or have seen? What about ones coming up? Any that draw your eye to it?
My favourite films are The Vikings, with Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas (just a fabulous romp with the BEST theme music) and the original Adventures Of Robin Hood, with Errol Flynn (the BEST BEST BEST sword fight EVER). Right now I’m in a love/hate thing with how they’ve managed to drag The Hobbit, a lovely short little book for children, into three (count ‘em) epic overblown blockbusters. Dreadful. But I’ll watch every one at least twice.

You are hosting a dinner party. If given the chance to invite characters from other series, who would you invite?
Merlin, from The Once And Future King, to explain how it feels to be living backwards, Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea to tease out what he did before he built the Nautilus and James Bond to help choose the right wines to go with the food, bearing in mind that he did shoot the bad guy in From Russia With Love when he chose red wine to go with the fish.
If you only had twenty dollars in your pocket, what would you buy?
I’d find the nearest pub and have a pint, or three. I’d have a ukulele with me though and I’d busk and make enough for  a packet of pork scratching as well.

Of all your heroes that you’ve written, is there one that you love above all?
Two are vying for that accolade in my head right now. Captain Ferdinand in As Dreams Are Made On is bugging me for a series exploring her back story as is the mysterious alien empath Anchises. But more on that later…

What’s the most interesting way you got around a plot problem?
Don’t tell anyone as I’m still writing it, but in my WiP I had to get one of my alien empaths out of a sticky situation so I had her tune her empathic powers into the guard she had to get past and give him an emotional overload orgasm that rendered him unconscious. Not sure I can use that one too often…

If you owned a bookstore, what book would you make sure was in stock?
Winnie the Pooh and Homer’s Odyssey. Those are two books that are always with me. Everyone should read them and then go back and read them again. And then keep Pooh on hand for inspirational quotes when the going gets tough.

What is next for you? Anything you want to mention?
I'm currently working on a longer sci-fi romance where the captain and first mate of a starship on a dangerous peace mission have their emotions and sexuality challenged by the mysterious alien empaths tasked with bringing about peace on a planet ravaged by a gender war. I’m giving full rein to my SF imagination and trying to explore and explode gender preconceptions on the way.

As Dreams are Made on by Faberge Nostromo
Science fiction F/F
ISBN: 978-1-77101-239-3
Release date: March 7th, 2014
Words: 25023
Heat rating: 4
A stricken starship, a captain lost in space; a beautiful alien girl, marooned and adrift in time; the perfect robotic servant. Can he help them come together and find the space and time for love?
Her starship, Prospero, out of control and hurtling toward an uncharted world, Captain Jane Ferdinand takes to the escape pods. Finding herself alone on an island, the last thing she expects to find is love.
Miranda, marooned since a baby with only her father, Jacques-Pierre, and their ultra-adaptable android servant, R.E.L, spends her time exploring her father's books and dreaming of love. And on a night when a mysterious shooting star flashes across the horizon, she finally makes full use of R.E.L.'s adaptability to explore her emerging desires—desires that, with gentle guidance from Captain Ferdinand, help her discover her awakening sexuality.
But can her dreams and their love survive when R.E.L.'s gender adaptability threatens to come between them and Captain Ferdinand uncovers the secret that her father has kept from Miranda for twenty years?

Faberge Nostromo takes Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' far into the future and onto a world where two women find that love, with the aid of a very capable android, can be such a thing as dreams are made on.

Adult Teaser Excerpt:

"I am a woman, Miranda. Flesh and blood. The same as you."
Miranda breathed in slowly, her gaze flitting from Ferdinand's eyes to her lips.
"Yes. Yes. You are. Captain, kiss me again."
Ferdinand sought Miranda's mouth now, more eagerly, and darted her tongue inside. The kiss was full and deep, both girls probing and tussling with their tongues as Ferdinand ran her fingers through Miranda's long purple tresses. Miranda put a hand on the small of Ferdinand's back, pushing harder, and with her other hand stroked Ferdinand's neck. She used her hands to explore every inch of Ferdinand's back and shoulders, gently sliding over the silver of her uniform, tracing her spine and muscles through the tight material, kneading and caressing in turn.
Their mouths parted, tongues teasing until Ferdinand leaned to one side and danced a series of butterfly kisses on the smooth blue skin of Miranda's neck and throat. Miranda gasped and slid her hand around from Ferdinand's back and inched toward the curve of her breast.
"Captain..." Miranda whispered.
"Jane. It's Jane," Ferdinand replied in between the pattern of kisses she was placing on Miranda's neck. Miranda inched her fingers toward Ferdinand's breast until they gently brushed the smooth lower curve. She stopped.
"Jane, should I..."
"Yes, Miranda," Ferdinand replied. She placed a hand on Miranda's and gently moved it up until Miranda's slim blue fingers covered her breast. "Let your emotions and desires tell you what to do."
Ferdinand's nipple hardened as Miranda gently explored the curve and outline of her breast through the tight silver of her uniform. Ferdinand released her hand and placed her own on Miranda's pert, firm breast, feeling her nipple already hard through the silk. She circled the tight button with her thumb and felt Miranda mirror her movements.
They kissed again, deeply, as each felt the other's soft curves and hard nipples, Miranda's fingers exploring, Ferdinand's confident and insistent. Ferdinand was wet now and wanted those smooth blue fingers to explore inside her. She knew she had to gently lead Miranda there, to teach her, guide her.

About the Author
I grew up in the East End of London before escaping to East Anglia. I’ve been a civil servant, a tea boy, a sound engineer, a librarian and an IT consultant but deep down, I always knew that I was a writer. I now live deep in the heart of Suffolk with my wife, son and too many guitars.

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1 comment:

Faberge Nostromo said...

Thanks for having me, Dawn - such an interesting set of questions!

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