Monday, December 2, 2013

Tour Stop/Giveaway~ Summer of Surrender

Thanks much for letting me stop by today 

I thought I’d just take the opportunity to talk a little about what I’m working on now, and what’s coming up next! 

James in ‘Summer of Surrender’ is dark, sexy, brooding and enigmatic – the type of man you just know has got some pain in his past… and I must admit I’m in love with him, he’s my kind of man in more ways than one. But, you’ll find quite a different kind of hero in my next book, and I love him too (okay, I’m greedy!). 

Do you find a good sense of humour is a turn on? It is to me, I love a cheeky, naughty kind of guy who can laugh at himself and the rest of the world if he needs to.  So, my next book (provisional title ‘Being Bad’) has my other favourite type of guy – the bad boy with a good heart. Dark curly hair, a twinkle in his eye, dimple and a motorbike… being bad with Jake can be just so good! 

In ‘Summer of Surrender’, James and Kezia are opposites – but in ‘Being Bad’, Georgie can give as good as she gets when it comes to pushing the boundaries! 

The third book in the Good Enough series is also out this week – and it’s got two gorgeous guys! Look out for ‘Making It Good Enough’. With laid back Charlie (who I just want to cuddle up to), and sexy Dane (mm muscles to die for)… so many men, so little time…

So, that’s a quick run-down on my current book boyfriends, I hope you enjoy meeting them! Thanks again for having me here today, Dawn.

Summer of Surrender by Zara Stonley
Available at Amazon UK / Amazon US

SUMMER OF SURRENDER an erotic romance by Zara Stoneley. Published by HarperImpulse a division of Harper Collins Publisher.

Sex is the only thing they have in common. Total surrender the name of the game.

James had it all. Good education. City job and a wife he would have been willing to die for. Their motto had been work hard, play hard, but she’d pushed the boundaries too far and he’d walked. Became the man he felt he needed to be. Detached. In control.

Free spirit Kezia lives each day at a time; sharing, loving and giving are unconditional. And sex is part of the sharing.

When fate leaves James and Kezia trapped together for the summer, her openness is an invitation he just can’t resist. The attraction is instant, the sex all-consuming. And as their fantasies become reality, James begins to realise that willing surrender is a far different pleasure to forced submission… 

Teaser Excerpt:

‘So…’ He paused. Studied her with eyes that appeared black in the dimming light, looked her over with a lazy smile that brought a rash of goose bumps over her arms. No, it couldn’t be his smile, smiles didn’t do that. It had to be the fact that it was getting cooler. She wrapped her arms across her chest and tried to ignore the prickle of her nipples through the fine silk of her dress. His gaze drifted briefly over her body and she shivered involuntarily. Her hair had to be a mess, her dress had a rip somewhere – she wasn’t quite sure where yet, and she daren’t look. Her body was on full alert as though any moment now she expected him to pounce.
‘You’re cold.’
If it’s the nipples you’ve spotted, that’s nothing to do with the temperature. ‘I’m fine.’ There was a slight tremble in the words and she swallowed, trying to clear her throat, get back to normality and break the spell that he’d woven.
He ignored the words. Looked her over slowly again and seemed to come to an abrupt decision.
‘Seeing as you seem to be on the wrong side of the gate now…’ He paused. Wrong side, right side, depends on who’s saying the words, mate. ‘You might as well come and explain in the house.’ He picked her rucksack up, swung it over one shoulder as though it was feather light (which she knew for a fact it wasn’t as she’d hauled it across half of Europe frequently cursing the fact that it was crammed full with most of her worldly goods) and she made a grab for her guitar, which he seemed to know was off limits. Then he walked off with an effortless stride that ate up the ground silently.
She felt like a dog scampering after him, trying to keep up, across a yard she barely had time to take in, except for the fact that it had to be the cleanest yard she’d ever seen. Down a path between immaculate flowerbeds that led to a slightly faded, but obviously once imposing farmhouse.
He slowed briefly, to push the large oak door open wider, and had marched across the worn flagstones, dropped the rucksack and was pouring coffee before she’d even had chance to get her bearings. Or catch her breath.
‘So?’ He passed her a mug, then placed his own on the table between them and waited. For an explanation. She opened her mouth, then closed it. Thing was, why did she have to explain at all? He obviously lived here, and he obviously, from his reaction, knew Marie. But now she had her hands wrapped round a warm mug and her heart rate had returned to normal she was beginning to feel that hate, well, dislike, again. Who did he think he was? At least at this distance, with a table between them the intensity had dwindled to a gentle simmer.

About the Author

I’ve been writing stories for just about as long as I’ve been reading them – it’s rumoured that I’m related to Elizabeth Gaskell, so maybe it’s in the genes!

I live in a country cottage in the UK with a naughty mouse catching, curtain climbing cat, my wonderful guitar playing, video making, Minecraft mad teenage son and a wine drinking, sun loving, master chef in the making, sexy alpha hero.

I love my family, sexy high heels, sunshine, wine, good food, cats, horses, dogs, music, coffee, writing and reading - but not necessarily in that order! And I like my heroes just how I like my coffee – hot, strong and moreish.

You can find more about me, and all my contact details at Please stop by – I love to meet new people.

Twitter - @zarastoneley (

Tour Schedule

November 25

November 26

November 27

December 2

December 3

December 5

December 6

December 7

December 9

Tour wide giveaway of a $10 Amazon Gift Card and 1 ebook copy from Zara Stonely’s backlist

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting me today! :-)

Discover Eight Second Magic by WM Kirkland today/Giveaway

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