Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcome Joe Evener today

Talking with author Joe Evener....

To get us started can you tell us a little about what you are working on or have coming out? Yes, first, thanks for having me here. I greatly appreciate it. My first novel, “The Heart of Seras: Journey to Seras,” just came out through Rogue Phoenix Press.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I know this sounds boring, but I love Sunbury, Ohio. It is the near perfect place to live. Now, there are many places that I want to visit for long periods of time: Prague, Tokyo, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, anywhere in Spain, and Athens. I really want to travel the world, but Sunbury is home. There is a lot of Sunbury in my fictional town of Sunset.

What is coming up from you in 2014? Anything you want to tease us with? I’m working on book two, subtitled, “The Elders.” It’s Julie’s sophomore and junior years in high school, and gives the back story of the history of Seras. I also have two stand alone books and two more series books in the works. 

If you had a reporter follow you around for the day, what would the readers get to see in your daily schedule? My day is pretty routine. I wake up and get ready for school, then we would spend 8-9 hours with my 5th grade classes (I am a 5thgrade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher), next we would hang out with my track team (I coach a high school girls’ track team), before going home, eating dinner, and finally sitting down and writing in the living room before heading off to bed. There would be slight variations as we (my wife and I) go out to eat with friends, hang out with my sons and/or grandsons, or do some sort of activity (workout, go to a movie, etc.). 

Is music a factor for you while you are writing? Do certain songs put you in the right frame of mind to write certain stories? Music is a major factor. I always start off my writing process listening to “Carry on my Wayward Son” by Kansas, “Separate Ways” by Journey, and “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins. Then if I am writing something romantic or tender I go with anything by Sting. If I’m writing something aggressive such as fighting, arguing or otherwise confrontational I listen to AC/DC and Van Halen. 
Who has been the biggest influence in your writing? There have been many. I grew up reading J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Robert Louis Stevenson. I watched the Star Wars movies (the good ones), “Gladiator” with Russell Crowe, and of course the Lord of the Rings movies. Joss Wheden’s “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” television series’ were very instrumental in my writing, and I always enjoyed the humor in Eric Kripke’s t.v. show, “Supernatural.”  

If a movie or TV production company chose to produce your books into a series of shows or movies, who would your ideal cast be? Good question! I do think about that as like the ultimate dream. I haven’t found the perfect Marcus or Julie, yet. Marcus is a cross between Russell Crowe’s Maximus Decimus Meridius, Viggo Mortenson’s Aragorn and Adrian Paul’s Duncan MacLeod. Julie is part Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Buffy Summers, Charisma Carpenter’s Cordelia Chase, and Valerie Bertinelli’s Barbara Cooper.   

How much of your own personality bleeds into your characters? I purposely add a little bit of me in every character. It makes it so much easier for me to write that way. If I struggle in their motives or behavior, I can go back and say, “What would I do in this situation or what would I want to do in that situation?” because they are me. It also makes it more personal when I have to kill one of them off.

It's summer in my part of the world and that means summer blockbuster movies are coming out. Do you have a list of movies like me that you are itching to see or have seen? What about ones coming up? Any that draw your eye to it? I haven’t seen “Thor 2,” yet. I really want to. Then, “Catching Fire” will be out shortly, which is high on my list. “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” is my must see movie of the year, and I really want to see “Saving Mr. Banks.”

About 'The Heart of Seras: Jorney to Sera's'
Book One in the series
Genre - fantasy 
Publisher – Rogue Phoenix Press

Buy link –

Julie Ayers is a normal fifteen year old living in the quiet town of Sunset, Ohio. Her world is turned upside down by the arrival of the school’s new teacher, Marcus Campbell. 

Marcus Campbell has a secret. He is a warrior from a medieval dimension searching for the mythical "Heart"-a hero given to the people of Seras to rid their world of impending evil. Marcus’s quest is challenged when he realizes that the "Heart" is the vibrant teenage girl. Now, against his better judgment, he must try convincing Julie to go to his world and begin preparation to face whatever evil lies ahead. 

Journey to Seras is the first book in the five part The Heart of Seras fantasy series. It begins the adventures of the two unlikely heroes as they battle the dark forces of Seras.

Teaser Excerpt:

Mr. Campbell stepped out of the shadows beside Julie. His sudden appearance shocked her.

He gently grabbed her by the arm. "Don't."                
"What are you--," Julie began to ask with a look of dawning terror.              
"Listen to me," Mr. Campbell whispered as the form started walking closer. Julie's eyes strayed. He took her by both arms. "Look at me…don't ask questions, don't look back and get out of here," he said gently, but firmly.  
"Who is she?"              
"That's a question." He let go of Julie's arms.

"We're you following me?"

"Stop asking questions and get out of here."                                      
She started to sprint away in fear. "Why did I wear boots?"              
Julie heard Mr. Campbell turn his attention to the woman from the flames. "Why are you here?" he commanded in pure anger. Then he spoke in a distinct foreign language.
It caused her to stop. It was a growl from deep inside of him. Julie could not understand the words he was saying, but she had heard the language before. She ducked behind a bush out of sight from the two.                  
The woman did not answer Mr. Campbell's question. The flames behind her subsided to a flickering glow. She looked angry at his presence.             
Mr. Campbell pulled himself up to his full stature and repeated his question. "Why are you here?" 
His female foe did not answer and did not stop. Julie watched as Mr. Campbell stepped in front of her and reflexively seized her by the throat. "We can do this the civilized way or the hard way."

The woman grabbed his arm and shoulder and tossed him against a wall. He landed on top of wooden crates and garbage cans, smashing the wood to pieces.

"Okay, I guess it's going to be the hard way." He choked out a laugh.          
The woman said something in return. Her sharp distinct voice amplified against the brick walls of the alley. Julie only heard unfamiliar jumbled sounds, but she knew Mr. Campbell was in trouble.     

About the Author

My name is Joe Evener. I am a 5th grade Social Studies and Language Arts Teacher at Big Walnut Intermediate School in Sunbury, Ohio. I live with my wife of thirty years, Bronwen, in Delaware, Ohio. I am the father of two sons, Joey and Jacob, and grandfather of two, Jacob and Jamison.

I have been the head coach of the Big Walnut girls’ track and field team for 19 years. Besides writing and coaching, I enjoy reading, and traveling with family and friends.

I earned my bachelor degree in 2009 from The Ohio State University, and my master’s degree from Mt. Vernon Nazarene University in 2011.  I have been the head coach of the Big Walnut High School Girls' Track and Field team for 19 years. Besides writing and coaching, I enjoy traveling with family and friends. 

I earned my Associate Degree in 2007 and Bachelors Degree in 2009 from The Ohio State University; and my Masters Degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2011.I have been the head coach of the Big Walnut High School Girls' Track and Field team for 19 years. Besides writing and coaching, I enjoy traveling with family and friends. 

I earned my Associate Degree in 2007 and Bachelors Degree in 2009 from The Ohio State University; and my Masters Degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2011.

I have been the head coach of the Big Walnut High School Girls' Track and Field team for 19 years. Besides writing and coaching, I enjoy traveling with family and friends. 

I earned my Associate Degree in 2007 and Bachelors Degree in 2009 from The Ohio State University; and my Masters Degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2011

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