Friday, July 5, 2013

Welcome Author Tabitha Shay today

Please give a warm welcome to author Tabitha Shay as we sit down for a chat. 

To get us started can you tell us a little about what you are working on or have coming out?
I’m currently working on several projects. I’ve started a couple of new series. One is a spinoff from my Jaydyn Chelcee, Montana Men Series titled, Men of the Outback. It’s set in Australia and tells the story of the Aussie Remington cousins. The title of book one is, A Hard Man, and will hopefully be published in early 2014. I also have a new series coming out by Tabitha Shay titled, The Gray Mortuary Series. Book one is titled, A Cut Above the Rest. I hope to have it ready for submission later this year. I’m currently working on Darkest Angel, book two in the Angels of Deadwood Gulch Series and Witch’s Touch, book six in the Winslow Witches of Salem Series. Both these books are scheduled for release later this year.

How would you describe yourself using only five words? Busy, Softhearted, Honest, Steady, and Loyal.

Do you have any guilty pleasures? I love looking at hot men, but what woman doesn’t? *Giggles* Plus chocolate, any kind, any time.

If we asked your muse to describe you using five words, what do you think they would say? Imaginative, Funny, Workaholic, Insomniac, and Patient.

Name one thing readers would be surprised to know about you. That I’d love to move to a different state, somewhere out West, like Wyoming or Colorado.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Las Vegas.

How do you get yourself in the mood to write? A fresh cup of hot coffee at my fingertips, a snack, and total quiet.

If someone hasn't read any of your work, what book would you recommend that they start with and why?
Witch’s Brew. It’s book one in the witch series and hopefully it snares the readers from the got-go.

Where do you find the inspirations for your stories? Mostly from songs. The words to songs or the title will give me an idea. It’s just there. However, it might not happen right away. I had listened to the Eagles, Witchy Woman hundreds of times before the idea for Witch’s Brew popped into my head. Sometimes I get an idea from a dream. It’s where the idea for my Jaydyn Chelcee book, No Holds Barred came from.

Are your characters able to love or do they need to be taught? I think all my characters are able to love. They just have to work through their problems and find that special someone.

Do you have a book that was easiest to write or one that was the hardest? The hardest one for me to write was Too Hot to Handle/Too Close to the Fire. The easiest was Wild. I loved Wild right from the moment of his first introduction and his character just kept growing. He’d been through so much, one couldn’t keep from loving him.

 If you could collaborate with one author who would it be? Linda Howard. I love how she adds humor, murder, mystery, suspense, a wonderful hero/heroine and makes it all work.

Coffee, tea or other drink to get you moving in the morning? Coffee. I have to have my shots of caffeine.

What is coming up from you in 2013? Anything you want to tease us with? Definitely, Witch’s Touch and possibly Darkest Angel. Witch’s Touch will be ready for submission in about a month. Darkest Angel is still mostly a WIP and it’s the story of Grace Martin and Rio Kelman who were introduced in Send Him an Angel, book one.

If you had a reporter follow you around for the day, what would the readers get to see in your daily schedule? Oh goodness, poor reported. *giggles*. Well, he’d see me working at the computer, keeping an eye on my five year old twin grandsons, and taking time with hubby who is quite ill. I spend as much free time with him as I can.
When you begin your stories, do you go with the flow, or go with an outline? I go with the flow. Rarely do I plan ahead. It’s all in my head and then there are the times the characters jump in and take over. I give them free reign.

Is it hard coming up with titles or characters names? I can usually choose a title pretty quick, but character’s name are sometimes quite hard, especially if they’re Romanian or some other country or nationality.

Is there any books coming that you are itching to read (either electronic or print)from your favorite authors? Yes. I love Julie Garwood, Karen Robards, Linda Howard. I’m dying to buy their latest releases…

If you were to replenish your cabinets with one junk food, what would it be? Doritos. I love them. *giggles*

What makes your characters so vulnerable yet strong? Can you describe them to us? What do you do when characters stop talking to you when writing? My heroes have usually been abused in some manner, but not always. I think this makes them vulnerable and appealing. When the characters stop talking to me, I stop writing and take a long break. I can’t move forward until they tell me what they want to happen next.

Is music a factor for you while you are writing? Do certain songs put you in the right frame of mind to write certain stories? Music isn’t a factor while I’m writing, but songs play a big part in giving me new ideas.

What do you feel is the most important thing that a first-time author should know? No matter how much someone might criticize your work, don’t be discouraged or give up. Their words are meant to help you improve. So hang in there and keep right on writing.

Send Him an Angel Tabitha Shay
Angels of Deadwood Gulch, Book One
Historical Paranormal Erotic Romance
Secret Cravings Publishing

In the Badlands of the Dakota Territory, a war rages between good and evil, between
angels and Satan’s three sons…

Earth Angel —Elizabeth Bonner’s plans for her wedding dissolve when she discovers her fiancé cheating. To escape the pain and humiliation, she flees to the rowdy mining town of Deadwood Gulch where one person stands between her and hell—Gabriel King.

Dark Angel —Gabriel is feared by most, but he meets his match with Elizabeth. 1876, Dakota Territory is no place for a lady whose innocence is tempting as sin. Toss in a couple of trouble-making cherubs, and the Old West will never be the same.

Elizabeth and Gabriel —more than one war is brewing in the Black Hills…

Teaser Excerpt:

He spread the makeshift covers over both of them and drifted into sleep. Elizabeth closed her eyes and joined him in blissful sleep.
She didn’t know how long she slept, but the oddest sensation of being watched tugged her out of the light sleep she’d drifted into. Opening her eyes, she squeaked at the sight of horse’s hoofs surrounding their small bed. About ten sets of horses circled them. “What?” She rose halfway up careful to hold the clothes against her bosom.
Gabe slid his arm around her waist. “What is it?” he mumbled.
Elizabeth dug her nails in his hand, her breath caught in her throat. “Wake up,” she whispered urgently.
“What?” Gabe sat up, his face registering surprise. “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, that’s kind of what I thought. Who are they?”
“Cheyenne. Let’s hope to hell they’re peaceful.”
Elizabeth eyed the younger man in the group. He sat astride his painted pony, straight and proud, his long, black hair hanging around his shoulders. He was handsome, but a bit scary and intimidating. He stared back at her, his expression solemn as a fence post, but she had the awful feeling he was laughing at them. There was something in his dark eyes, a touch of smugness she couldn’t quite define. Then she knew. He’d seen them making love. For whatever reasons, he and his whole little band of natives had observed them being intimate. “Oh, God,” she whispered. “They know what we did.”
Gabe nodded. “I believe you’re right. Damn.”
“Oh, God,” she repeated, and lowered her head, embarrassed.
“Look at this way, sweetheart. None of them likely speak English, so aren’t apt to tell anyone we know what they witnessed.” Gabe grabbed his pants and slipped them on under the cover. “Downright degrading catching a man with his pants down,” he uttered. Cautiously, he rose to his feet, bare-chested and bare-footed. “I’m Gabriel King. This is my wife, Elizabeth.”
The Indian nodded, his lips quirking. “I’m Grey Wolf. I speak English very well, as do all the members of my small band, but we don’t gossip like old women.”
Elizabeth squeaked and hid her face under the covers. “Can’t speak English, huh?”
She heard masculine laughter and peeped over the covers. What the heck did those savages find so funny?
 The one called Grey Wolf nodded at her. “I understand a riverboat exploded. Are you two survivors?”
Elizabeth swallowed back a sharp breath at his perfect English.
Gabe nodded. “We could use a ride to Yankton. That is, if you’d be willing to give us one.”
Grey Wolf nodded. He said something in his native tongue and one of the men slid off his horse. “You can take Little Eagle’s mare. Do not worry about returning it. Keep it. It’s a gift.”
“But…we can’t just take a man’s horse,” Elizabeth protested.
“Maybe one day, I will need a favor from you,” Grey Wolf said.


Tabitha Shay said...

TY, Dawn for having me for your guest today. It was a fun interview...

chris said...

Good morning, What a wonderful interview, it is always great to hear how you are doing, still love ya, chris

Unknown said...

I'm a Tabatha Shay fan, for sure, and I always like learning more about her. We've been "friends" and colleagues for a long time now, and she'll always be near and dear to my heart. Thank you, Dawn, for making her more available to me. :)

Tabitha Shay said...

TY, Chris,
Girl, we rode out a few wild hurricanes...Didn't we? I miss those days and you so much...Well, at least I miss you, not the for dropping by...Hugs...

Tabitha Shay said...

Hey, Miz Ging,
You know I love ya and still consider u my bestest friend. I miss the times we chatted and had our little buzz sessions...Love your books too.....

Kathleen Ann Gallagher's Place to Reflect said...

Hi Tabitha, Loved the interview! I have to grab me a copy of Witch's Brew. All of your stories sound wonderful.

Coffee is the only way to get the ideas flowing.

Huge congrats!

Lindsay said...

Yes, great interview and YES coffee is the only way to start the day

Tabitha Shay said...

TY, Kathleen,
If you love wicked stories with a sense of humor and smokin' hot hero, then you'll like Witch's Brew and the entire series. Thx for dropping by...

Tamara Hoffa said...

You have a great attitude Tabby. Best of luck!

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