Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Welcome Rick R. Reed today

Welcome to my Reading Nook, Rick R. Reed. Please make yourself at home and let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink.

Comfortable? Wonderful. Now let’s get started.
That cabana boy sure has a big…nose. Yes, now I'm comfortable. Thank you for the mojito.

To get us started can you tell us a little about what you are working on or have coming out?
My latest book is called Raining Men and it came out May 31. It's getting a lot of positive buzz and some rave reviews, so I'm very pleased with the reception. Here's the blurb and the buy links, should you or your readers be so inclined:

The character you loved to hate in Chaser becomes the character you will simply love in Raining Men
It’s been raining men for most of Bobby Nelson’s adult life. Normally, he wouldn’t have it any other way, but lately something’s missing. Now, he wants the deluge to slow to a single special drop. But is it even possible for Bobby to find “the one” after endless years of hooking up?
When Bobby’s father passes away, Bobby finally examines his rocky relationship with the man and how it might have contributed to his inability to find the love he yearns for. Guided by a sexy therapist, a Sex Addicts Anonymous group, a well-endowed Chihuahua named Johnny Wadd, and Bobby’s own cache of memories, Bobby takes a spiritual, sexual, and emotional journey to discover that life’s most satisfactory love connections lie in quality, not quantity. And when he’s ready to love not only himself but someone else, sex and love fit, at last, into one perfect package.
Buy Links for Raining Men

If we asked your muse to describe you using five words, what do you think they would say?
Creative, emotional, impatient, imaginative, hungry

Name one thing readers would be surprised to know about you.
I really do love spinach and liver and always have.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Wherever my husband and our dog is. Right now, that's Seattle, WA, one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Here's a picture I took from my balcony to prove it.

If someone hasn't read any of your work, what book would you recommend that they start with and why?
I like to play around with lots of different things when I write, keeping it fresh not only for myself, but also for my readers. So that's a tough question to answer. If you like romance, I would suggest Chaser, Raining Men, or Caregiver. If you ilke paranormal, I would suggest The Blue Moon Cafe. If you'd like a thriller or something more along the lines of psychological suspense, I'd suggest IM. But all of my books are listed on my website at www.rickrreed.com and I would suggest you take a peek there and see what connects with your particular fancy.

Where do you find the inspirations for your stories?
Everywhere--dreams, snatches of conversation, news stories, memories. Inspiration can come from all sorts of places--if you're open to it.

Are your characters able to love or do they need to be taught?
I don't think anyone needs to be taught. If you don't have that innate ability, there's a word for you--sociopath. My characters know how to love, they just often need a little guidance on how to love and whom. And they might need a little nudge away from their own worst enemy--themselves. You know, just like in real life.

Do you have a book that was easiest to write or one that was the hardest?
They are all a journey for me. Caregiver was hardest probably because it's based on a wonderful friend whom I loved very much, who died of AIDS.

 If you could collaborate with one author who would it be? 
Well, I am hoping it would be the amazing BG Thomas, author of The Boy Who Came in from the Cold. I hope I'm not letting the cat out of the bag too soon, but we are talking about it right now.

Coffee, tea or other drink to get you moving in the morning? 
Both coffee and tea, depending on my mood. But I live in Seattle, home of Starbucks and coffee culture, so coffee probably wins out.

What is coming up from you in 2013? Anything you want to tease us with?
My next book is called Hungry for Love and it's a love story about online personalities, m/m romance, pretending to be someone whom you're not, and getting past all that crap to find the perfect happily-ever-after. Hungry for Love is slated for a September release from Dreamspinner Press.

Anything else you want to add? 

Visit Rick's website at http://www.rickrreed.com or follow his blog at http://rickrreedreality.blogspot.com/. You can also like Rick on Facebook at www.facebook.com/rickrreedbooks or on Twitter at www.twitter.com/rickrreed. Rick always enjoys hearing from readers and answers all e-mails personally. Send him a message at jimmyfels@gmail.com

About the Author

Rick R. Reed is all about exploring the romantic entanglements of gay men in contemporary, realistic settings. While his stories often contain elements of suspense, mystery and the paranormal, his focus ultimately returns to the power of love. He is the author of dozens of published novels, novellas, and short stories. He is a three-time EPIC eBook Award winner (for Caregiver, Orientationand The Blue Moon Cafe). Lambda Literary Review has called him, "a writer that doesn't disappoint." Rick lives in Seattle with his husband and a very spoiled Boston terrier. He is forever "at work on another novel." 

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