Thursday, August 23, 2012


A Hot-Hot Greetings to all those in reader-land!

With Vixen Bright's and Zachary Zane's BOOK NOOKIE-A LIBRARIAN'S GUIDE TO THE DO-ME DECIMAL SYSTEM  about to be released we'd like to share the fourth of five excerpts from the beginning of each of the
books vignettes.  We hope you enjoyed and want to read more...more...more...!

A:  You know this is shameless self-promotion for our alter-egos, don't you?
Z:  Your point?
A:  Errrr....ummmm...guess I don't have one.  (Big grin)

The Story:

At the library, while the facially scared Kathryn Pines obsesses over books,Keen Edge appears out of nowhere. Looking exactly like the sizzling hunk on a book cover, he invites Kathryn to journey with him into stories, she the heroine, he the hero. Every lusty, luscious, whimsical adventure is overlaid with elements of bondage and submission.

Kathryn surrenders to the passions and adventures of four tales raging from contemporary to fantasy, and soon loses her heart to Keen. Keen, though, isn’t just a character in a book and his invitation to forever might be more ominous than it appears.

Kati wished to have her chaste challenged, to be so submersed in her

man’s paradise that she could not deny his torrid drive. She needed her man

to just want her—completely. She equated Hywel’s passion to a dreadful

paradise filled with dead flowers, powdery skulls, sleeping snakes, and rebroken

dreams. She oft felt ashamed to imagine tawdry thoughts yet, proud

to be as real as any other lust-minded lad or lass. Kati felt so normal. She

also recognized Hywel was so ab—. She stopped her criticism there.

For a breath, she envisioned a man quite different from Hywel. His

dark hair and stern light blue eyes would contrast against Hywel’s fairness.

This mystic imagined titan would burst into her life, dominating her every

thought, nerve ending, and sensation. He would not ask permission to touch,

he’d simply take, for he’d feel her fervor, comprehend the inferno had been

building during her years of strenuous studies. It now needed to be freed. He

would spread her so she might liberally gush all the sexual glory she

possessed. Could she resist? Possibly. Would she? Never.

This epitome of the powerful, handsome, confident male energy

proved she was a woman, her pussy dripping approval. That man could

invade her in any way he craved, her soul, her mouth, her twat. Aye, it had

to be there. Only a man of his ilk could create the need to fuck. Anyone else

would be only stealing a fuck. But this dark haired beast was born to—.

Abruptly, the fantasy no longer felt like just a possibility but an

actuality. She was with this man she never met. Darkish, dangerous and

altogether incredibly sexy, with sculptured muscles and demanding lips, that

taunted, tempted. He looked into her eyes, and she became boneless, languid,

and barely able to stand just from one singular scrutinizing stare. Something

untamed and raw rippled just beneath a façade that appeared calm and

unflappable. Kati squirmed knowing she flowed with a certain thirst, a

drenching wetness. He had to have noticed she was famished from years of

sexual starvation. Be mine. He took a step closer and reality totally withdrew

as an erotic lure arose, a draw she could not resist.

The musk of a real man differed greatly then that of a fae or elf or

goblin and as she inhaled its scent, she felt transported to oblivion’s gate. The

insane spirit of lust embodied her turning her helpless.

She needed to touch him but delayed reaching out, pondering what to

fondle or grope first. His strong jowl, those massive shoulders, a waist of a

warrior, the ass cheeks of a distance runner, or that cock, as obvious as a

peacock in a bevy of swans. As if it had a voice it called, beckoned to be

enjoyed, known, and fancied. Little shame existed in her, as she envisioned it

the grandeur of its intensity. Could she dare touch? She resisted.

This male’s dominate presence deluged her senses, driving all

thoughts asunder as she waited for his next action. His gaze ripped her apart

just as she expected his hardened cock might. Powerful hands cupped her

face, his mouth descended. Shivering not from cold but anxious anticipation,

she watched the tantalizingly approach, the promise of splendor, and then

suddenly he slowly exacted her charms, running a tongue along the inner

curve of her lips, parting them, extorting an invitation. His taste exploded in

a fury of tingles. Did she remember to draw breath? She thought not, for he

had stolen it, sucked it into himself, but she didn’t seem to need air, only

him, only those lips and that tongue and the euphoria of sensation he

provoked. He momentarily withdrew studied her face. She returned the

scrutiny, calmed herself as he brushed her tousled hair from her face, and

then returning to her want, his kiss growing bolder. His mouth covered hers,

sliding over hers, the touch of it velvet upon velvet, supple, delicious. Kati

had never known that such power could be masked by something as gentle as

a kiss. Her knees shimmied but his strength overruled. Her lips parted,

yielding, as she sighed into his mouth. “Aaah.”

She instantly feared she had gone too far, worrying he’d think her a

wench who did this far too often.

Her concern subsided as mouths crushed with fury and haste, his

ample tongue plunged, bearing upon hers. It was nothing less than a thorough

scouring of every crevice, an exploration that vacillated between rough

relentlessness and tender thoughtfulness. A kiss like this could never truly

stop, for its epic nature would unquestionably linger for eternity, but could it

change? Was there even more? Kati believed he absorbed her every thought

and comprehended she craved more. Might this mystic man conjure

additional magic?

The kiss deepened, and his hands wandered, strong, unforgiving

hands stroking her body, molding it, playing with it. Not unruly hands but

those of an artesian forming her flesh as if clay into pieces of emotional

altering art. Finding her tits, he twiddled one nipple as his free hand grabbed

her ass, caressing, kneading. She wanted more.

A harlot would scream for more. That harlot existed in her but

something checked those.

His kiss thoroughly possessed her, drawing out her hunger then

feeding it. She trembled as a sultry wash of emotion seeped through her. His

pressing body encouraged momentum, and they drew closer, feeling the

grind and roll of hungry hips. She thrilled at how his penis thickened against

her thigh, firm and warm and she continued to encourage its rebirth. Her legs

parted, her eyes closed and she lost herself to brewing desire, rising to a

pinnacle that refused to be halted. She rubbed her pussy’s mound on him

with the fortitude of a miller pulverizing wheat into flour. Her actions asked

and he replied with his strong cock poking her cunt. Would she fuck him?

She believed she might, nay, she should.

His mouth moved to her throat, making her gasp, stealing her


migrating thoughts back to the kissing.

It felt perfect. He felt perfect. And she wanted—wanted—.

“Surely you are unwell, you are all flushed. What might I do?”

inquired Jowan anxiously breaking through Kati’s fantasy.

The intrusion ripped apart Kati’s fabrication, leaving a pall of

frustration while flashing her back to the café. The realism startled her, and it

took a moment for her to find her voice. “I am fine, surely I am.” She

wondered if she looked like a wanton woman caught with her bloomers at

her ankles.

Ceri held a sweetmeat to her lips before biting, “You seemed so far

away, lost. Daydreaming? Shame we bore you so.”

“Sorry….” A soft slow smile developed. “Mayhaps a bit of whimsy

and dreams.”

“Share your whimsy,” encouraged Jowan.

“Did you ever find yourself falling? Falling as if from the top of the

world, and believing you would never land. Tumbling so long that up is

down and down is up.”

“You speak as if you are enthralled.”

“You sense my problem.”

“You found another gent? If so—share with us.”

“No other, just a medley of wishes and whims and dreams.”

“She fancies a man.” Ceri scratched the linen. “A naughty man.” She

purred. “An incubus haunts both night and day dreams.” Ceri wove her body

as if caressing her seat’s back. “Kati lusts.”
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi KILLER DOLLS ~ SNAKE DANCE ~

Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane STEEL EMBRACE


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