Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcome Haven Fellows today

A conversation at the EDJ (evil day job...hehe):

Mgr 1:  Our guys never get nominated for employee of the month.
Mgr 2:  It's the nominations we fill out. The Regionals are looking for specific things, none of ours work.
Me:  Well, write something a bit more spiffy, eye catching...something to move them to the top of the stack.
Meanie of the office:  Oh right, because we haven't been doing that.
Me:  Um...noooo, not really. I've read what you submit, not poppy...
Mgr 2:  We need...I don't a writer to type something up for us.
Me:  *trying not to giggle* I could maybe put something together for you.
Meanie of the office:  No, we need someone who knows how to write, a professional or something...
Me:  *heads desk*

First off, yeah—this conversation really took place...and this was kinda my fault, it's not like they know I'm a published that a few people actually say is kinda But if I told them, then they would realize that all those times I had a word doc open I wasn't actually retyping SOPs for my own personal use (oh yeah, they bought that one *eye roll*) but was actually working on *hand to heart* non-work material...the horror of it all...*giggles*

But this conversation did fill my mind with questions. There are people who don't think of me as a 'real' writer, because I don't make my main bread and butter this way. I still have a *gasp* of course I can't be a real author...can I?

What constitutes a real author/writer? Do you have to write as your primary income to be a true writer? Is there a time limit...let's say after three years of being published you can call yourself a professional author? Or is there a magic number of books...four or more and you're a professional, any less and you're just indulging your hobby? Maybe just being published that enough to warrant you that desired title?

Who can answer these questions? Who is the expert? Who judges?

*shrugs* No idea.

But I have a whole different question—why do we have to label it? I believe, and maybe this is just a personal opinion to stroke my own ego (and if it is remember long, firm slightly slow strokes please *winks*)...but I believe that if you put pen to paper...fingertips to keyboard...halibut—even voice to recorder (remember way way way way back when bards didn't even write their stories down, just spoke them to a few gatherers and moved on)...if you do any of those things and hopefully tell an interesting tale...well then, you are a storyteller...hence a writer. Period.

Professional is just a matter of opinion...there are plenty of talented individuals that write flash fiction all the time. They never even think about being published, they aren't interested in it...they just enjoy weaving a story the way they want it done...but they are no less professional than I am...or any others out there.

Bottom line (in my to if you entertain someone with your stories, if you put them in a format where others can enjoy them...then welcome to my world and it is a pleasure to meet you. *big smiles and hugs* my world we hug and grope and you wear very revealing albeit stylish ensembles...did I forget to mention that?

pssst...*stage whispers* expect for the meanie of the office...he gets tacky out of fashion and sized wrong polyester...*giggles*

Also in my'll get the story of six different men who find each other. I'm referring to my Synchronous Seductions series...a trilogy of three books that within the span of a month or so, link these six men together in an interesting kismet sort of way...two childhood of the lover's boss and the other lover's best friend...the best friend's assistant and the boss's on top of the other, so to speak *winks*

*rereads and scrunches forehead* got that right...*giggles* And that is the synchronous part of do I really have to explain the seductions part? *waggles eyebrows and giggles more*

So first there was Harlan's Ryde, in my anthology with the Story Orgy called Word Play. Then the second book was Emery's Ritches that was released in May. And on Friday, the third and final installment is available, Geoff's Teddy.

Though it is great to read these in order...they are most definitely stand alone books that you can enjoy separately...well because sometimes you feel like a crowd...and sometimes you need the one on one intimacy *nods head knowingly*

Here's a little teasing taste of Geoff's Teddy...hope you enjoy...*blows kisses and skips on out*

Geoff's Teddy

Fuzzy is an unsatisfied ladies' man. Geoff's a bear-loving man who satisfies. Problem? Convincing a straight man that satisfaction might be just around the bend.

Overall Fuzzy has a good life. He loves his family & friends, he enjoys his job and he never hurts for a date. The ladies seem to love the furry Fuzzy -- so why does he feel like he's missing out? And why does a surprise dinner with a strange man interest him more than a flirty hot waitress?

Geoff knows who he is and what he's after. He's searching for a big hairy man to wrap around him. But none have been right -- until he's manipulated into dinner with Fuzzy. Tall and broad, Fuzzy claims he lives up to his name. Everything that Geoff wants in a boyfriend. Except Fuzzy is straight.

When an opportunity arises -- Fuzzy is obliged to crash at Geoff's for the night -- Geoff works his derriere off to see what else he can make arise. Because he's determined to capture this Fuzzy wuzzy all for himself.

You can find Havan Fellows @ Havan's Heavenly Haven blog & Facebook
You can find Geoff's Teddy @ Breathless Press


Havan said...

Thanks Dawn, you sweet thing, for having me today and letting me babble...*hugs*

Anonymous said...

Loved it! And so true about being a "real" writer. As long as you put words down, you're a writer!

diannehartsock said...

Havan, do I have to hurt someone for you? Of course you're a real writer. You're awesome! Why else would I own all your books. :) And I'll get Geoff's Teddy tomorrow!!! *happy dance*

Havan said...

*cuddles next to Dianne* Ooooh...don't use your energy for hurting them...I got better things to do with your goodness *waggles eyebrows and giggles*

Thanks Dianne <3 *hugs and kisses*

June M. said...

I definitely think you are an REAL writer! I think that as long as someone enjoys your writing, you entertain in someway, etc that you are a writer. I know that many, many authors have to have EDJ because it takes A LOT for authors to make a decent living at writing. Unfortunately, the thanks and appreciation of readers does not pay all the bills, feed children, clothe them, etc.

Must get Geoff's Teddy, it sounds great! Can't wait to see what kind of hands on demonstration Geoff offers Fuzzy.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

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