Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Personal Review for Complete Faith by Sue Brown

When I first read Morning Report, I was amazed at a story that had me on teeter hooks until the very end. Sue Brown delivers a wild, wicked ride in her follow up in Complete Faith. Batten down the hatches because the residents of Lost Cow Ranch are about to find that life is about to get more interesting.

My rating for Complete Faith: 4.5 Stars and recommended read

Tommy Bradley has a problem. He loves his job at the Lost Cow ranch and his family but after the troubles his bosses had the last year, he is loathed to come out to his family. What he doesn’t anticipate was meeting Noah Taylor, a pastor at a gay friendly church. Noah is out and proud but in order to be with him, Tommy has to do the one thing that he is afraid of-come out of the closet and embrace who he really is. Because without that being done, the relationship between him and Noah will end. Can Tommy find the strength to be the person he is meant to be and find a love worth fighting for? 

I fell in love with the first book, Morning Report and found myself wishing for a long tall drink of water myself to sweep me off my feet, well wearing just chaps of course. But seriously, Complete Faith continues the events that happened in the first book and this time, two secondary characters there take center stage. Noah Taylor, pastor of a new gay friendly church and Tommy Bradley, an in the closet gay young man. All I can say is when these two first came onto the scene in a scene in Morning Report, I was wishing they would have a story of their own. The sparks flew between them and when I heard they were the main couple in the follow up, I cheered. As I read Complete Faith, the magic I saw in Morning Report was evident with snappy dialogue, simmering sexual tension between Tommy and Noah and conflicts that had me holding my breath in anticipation of the outcome. 

Sue Brown is a masterful storyteller who delights in creating vivid characters that have heart in all her stories. With the right amount of vulnerabilities, openness and more, her characters come alive within the pages, letting the readers see inside their hearts and souls, not once but over and over again. The characters knocked me off my feet with their realism and the love they had for one another-friends, family and lovers. Some new secondary characters pop u p that enriched the storyline and I am eager to see if  they pop in a story in the future. I would love to know more about Lance & Marco especially (hint hint). But the ending alone had me gasping in shock. The twists this author tosses in work so well within the story and for once I was on my toes until the very last page. I am really hoping (hear this Ms. Brown *laughs*) this author gives the readers one more Lost Cow Ranch story because there is so much more to say within this series. 

Complete Faith is more than a love story between Noah and Tommy but also one's faith in themselves, in their friends and in their families. Ms. Brown captures that one hundred percent and I found myself, at the end, sitting back and going, 'Oh my' more than once as I mulled over the story.  I love the characters here and I adore how this author lets them shine-warts and all. If you haven't read a Sue Brown story, I urge you run hell bent to the nearest online bookstore or Dreamspinner Press and grab this or any other of her work because you won't want to miss how this author will steal your heart-one book at a time. 

Ms. Brown-your stories move me each and every time I read them and believe me, I read them more than once. The richness of your setting, the complex and vulnerable characters & the sexual tension sprinkled within the story line leaves me breathless each and every time. Kudos for a wonderful follow up to Morning Report. Can I ask for one more story featuring these wonderful characters? 

Find Complete Faith at Dreamspinner Press in E-book & print

See how the whole story begins in Morning Report

A decade on from their first kiss, Luke Murray is more in love with Simon every day. Running the Lost Cow ranch for Luke’s parents, they keep their heads down and get along with the locals, even if Luke is known for being a hothead. Then one day they discover the local store owners refuse to serve them.

They’re bewildered until Luke’s mom tells them the new pastor has targeted the couple in his sermons. Suddenly Luke and Simon find themselves alienated from people they called friends, and their ranch comes under a series of attacks. As the town’s hatred and homophobia turns on them, Luke and Simon will face a critical choice: give in to the town’s demands and disappear, or stand and fight for themselves and their love.

Find it at Dreamspinner Press in E-book and Print

1 comment:

Sue Brown said...

Thank you, Dawn *hugs*

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